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2. Whenisyourbirthday?

3. lf youcouldgo anywherein the wo.rld,wherewouldyougo?

4. who isyourdreamdate? lVlAdlS"
5. lf youwerean animal,whatwouldyou be?
6. what is yourall-timefavoritemovie?
7. If you couldplayanymusicalinstrument, whatwouldit be? :tK i ,
8. It youcouldrlreetany recording whowouldit be?

9. Whatcandyareyou to? ((\\L€-

10.Whowouldyoube:superman, ttti'fl1?#"ti''"'? ti!{r' 'r'{/)
'll. what is yourfavoriteholiday?
12.lf someone gaveyouflowers,y(hatwouldtheylooklike?
15.Whatis yourall-timefavoritegame?
16.lf youhadto watchoneTVshowfor the restof yourlife,whatwouldit be?
hu; r {
17.lf you.-could
athlete,whowouldit be?

18.Whatdo whenYougo to...

starbucks:hri (httoidie JambaJuice:
In-N-Out:1t_-1_-,1_441_:!l ColdStone: re '*hi,c=
Quickly's: y\dtv!i,\ Chipotle: A !^Ji/:t.r -'
19. Youvewona $'1000
r've $'loOO shdppingspree,wheredo yoq90? T1^.L
ThJ. tl ,topl( [tore-
wouldder.riO"vo, ut... ht",t*-",..'
20. Yourfriends l" f,t-t. io,ii. €i\o-
21. What'syourfavoritequote? "t-rlr-I.,1--c
{ irei O34 i
22. What'syourfavoritebook?ir",c tlakirct
24. Whoat SMHSknowsyoubest?
25. Do-youhaveanypets?Whatarethey?Names?
CircleyourFAvEleookiri!\arownies Cake Cupcakes RiceKrispies
27. DoyouworkanywhereT \L'ai .]aD n
28. lf vouwerea Disnev vihowouldvoube? B.J iqht. uil'
29. wiat arevour
-- hobbie5rfr\n"^ug'n1 bit,rn''.;.;""rso..r-
30. Whatis yourfavoriterestaurantin the BayArea? Rirua'v i "
Whatis yourfavoritemoviegenre?__Ll!*$4
32. lf yourBirthday
wishcame!rue,whatwouldhappen?I . --,(, bl
33. Whodo youlookup to? ,!ii doA4-
34. Whatis yourtavoritesme in the&orld? gsyr'- e n
35. Whatis yourbeststress-relieverf8 qw,t n
36. Whats yourfavoritecereal? _\br!sl
37. What'syourfavoritechildhoodtoy? Le4o5
38. What'sthebestschoo, ,tt|1E1vgp1p2 "\'LL.,,

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