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Diaspora giveback fundraiser

Saturday february 1st Free


Grenlib prepares for the official launch on Saturday 1st February 2014. 7pm - 11pm. Support Grenlibs fundraising effort to re-open Grenadas ublic !ibrary.

Featuring $live% in concert pianists &'ddie (ullen and son )uincy (ullen in a fat er * son dueling piano *'+clusive book launc
of , e Governors Story-,.' /0,.12!S'D (!1G2/3.4 1F D/5' .!6D/ (471'

by Merle Collins (An historic celebration of the Commonwealths first

woman Governor) * HE Jacinth Henry-Martin - Ambassador of t!"itts! Actor#$erformer

at t e College 3ark8 0niversity of 5aryland8 0lric 2ecital .all9 /dmission is F2'' and Generous Donations are /ppreciated9 Come celebrate Grenadas 40t !ndependence 9 Come celebrate Grenadas 40t !ndependence "it us Saturday 1st February #014 The Sheila Buckmire Public Library, Grenada, has been closed since June 2011 due to damage sustained during hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Emily (2005).

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