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4 September 2009

Today’s Tabbloid

WEB NEWS $70, and it’ll become available later this fall.

iPhone Solar Charger Will Keep

You Twittering in the Sun All
Day [Mashable]
SEP 04, 2009 04:49A.M.

Usually, I’m not that crazy about iPhone peripherals, but since my main
activity on all the smartphones I own always has to do with the Internet
(and thus, it sucks up the juice from the batteries in a matter of hours),
the idea of an iPhone solar charger sounds really appealing. Tags: iphone, solar charger

The folks over at Inhabitat have found out about the first Apple-
approved solar charger for the iPhone, created by a company called
Novothink. Without going into the device’s design and color choice, the
important thing it can get your iPhone fully charged as long as that big
fiery ball is in the sky.

Check out some more pictures and details after the jump.

The Surge, as this thing is called, also features a USB cable (for those
awkward times when the Sun is absent), and a LED indicator which
shows if your iPhone’s batteries are fully charged. The price for the Surge

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


Judge to Microsoft: OK, You

Can Keep Selling Word For a
Couple More Days [Mashable]
SEP 04, 2009 03:41A.M.

Radiohead Guitarist: MP3 Is

Good Enough [Read Write Web]
SEP 04, 2009 02:00A.M.

When Radiohead keyboardist / guitarist Johnny Greenwood shrugs off

the issue of audio fidelity, indy musicians should take note. Given that
If you’ve been following the story about the ban of Microsoft Word, due
Radiohead is perhaps one of the biggest proponents of alternative music
to a lawsuit from Canadian company i4i Inc regarding Microsoft’s XML
monetization, it’s ironic that Greenwood is discrediting one of the
patents, you know that Microsoft has originally been given 60 days to
industry’s key price
pull Word from the market.
differentiators. Musicians with tracks on iTunes, Amazon and DIY stores
like Bandcamp have often chosen to price MP3s at lower rates while
Microsoft has put in an appeal, but it has also asked the judge to give
higher quality recordings have fetched more per track. In a recent article
them more time, claiming that pulling Word from the stores would cause
with The New Yorker’s Sasha Frere-Jones, Greenwood admits there is
a “massive disruption in their sales.” Now, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
little reason for the MP3 generation to look for a higher quality
the Federal Circuit has granted Microsoft’s motion to stay an injunction
until the appeal process is complete.

In other words, if you were saving money to buy Microsoft Word after
October 10, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to do it. If Microsoft’s appeal
is denied, however, the Word development team will have to do some
Said Greenwood, “We had a few complaints that the MP3s of our last
quick patchwork to be able to continue selling the world’s most popular
record weren’t encoded at a high enough rate. Some even suggested we
word processing software.
should have used FLACs, but if you even know what one of those is, and
have strong opinions on them, you’re already lost to the world of high
Tags: microsoft, word
fidelity and have probably spent far too much money on your speaker-

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

Greenwood’s biggest complaint about MP3s was not quality or sound

compression, but rather abundance. He suggests that MP3s make it far
too easy for fans to hoard music without “giving it their full attention”. In
a recent Pitchfork article Eric Harvey suggests the opposite. Says Harvey,
“The mp3 may have atomized music into millions of little pieces, but
each piece, it seems, found a publicist. The average music fan now has
the built-in capacity to double as promoter and distributor in an ever-
TwtApps For Sale; $500K Gets
expanding arena that’s making and eliminating rules every minute.”
You 11-App Suite [Read Write
Whether you see them as hoarders or promoters, one thing is certain, the
iPod generation is changing how music is consumed. But if they can’t
SEP 04, 2009 01:05A.M.
depend on tiered pricing for audio quality, how can companies monetize
the new music fan? While a Stanford study suggests that the iPod
generation prefers the flat sound of an MP3, it doesn’t mean today’s
listeners aren’t willing to pay for their music. According to an NPD
Group report purchasers of digital music downloads increased by 29%
last year with iTunes controlling a quarter of all music sold. Some of the
ways fans still generate revenue for bands include streaming music
subscriptions, track and album purchases, concerts tickets, merchandise
and paid application downloads.

Several tech bloggers received a notice this morning that Twtapps, a

Photos taken from Dead Air Space
suite of - you guessed it - applications developed around Twitter, was for
sale. Twtapps’ solo founder and developer Felipe Coimbra cited
insufficient resources and a desire to develop new apps as the reason for
the sale.

We asked a few questions about the state of the suite, including how
much money he’s asking for, how the suite was monetized, how many
users he’d seen so far, which apps had gained the most traction, and how
life as a third-party Twitter app developer had been for him. Read his
answers and more below.


As of today, about 83,000 Twitter users have used at least one of the
Twtapps to create polls, look for a job, organize an event, or create a
Twitter-friendly digital business card. Twtpoll, which Coimbra says is the
largest Twitter poll and survey app, has recorded 1.6 million anonymous

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

votes. WEB NEWS

As far as monetization is concerned, Coimbra sounds as though he’s been Bozeman, Montana: Where
so busy with development that he somewhat missed the boat. “There are
still a lot of opportunities that I haven’t had time to explore,” he wrote. Misunderstanding Social Media
“At the moment, we only provide a branded version of the poll, Is a Way of Life [Mashable]
invitation, business card, etc. There’s no fixed amount for this service; SEP 03, 2009 11:15P.M.
we leave it up to the user to decide how much they think the service is
worth to them. Twtapps generates enough to pay for all of the costs
associated with maintaining its sites.”

And how much would the suite cost an interested buyer? Coimbra, who
has been working full-time on the app suite since January, values
Twtapps at $500,000, based on his estimation of how much it would
take for anyone to develop as many apps with as much traction,
particularly his most popular apps, Twtpoll and Twtvite.

Next up, Coimbra plans to work on a real-time analytics tool with Twitter
and Facebook integration. The app will act as a complement to Google
Analytics or other non-real time analytics tools.

As far as his existence in the third-party universe is concerned,

Coimbra’s attitude suggests he neither lives nor dies by Twitter’s success
or failure. “The way I built Twtapps was so that it could be used in any
other social media platform (although it’s mainly based on Twitter), or
even stand alone. So, if there’s any major change, acquisition, or
problems with Twitter, Twtapps can easily be modified to focus on
another social media site or (if we have built enough user based) branch
out indenpendently.”

On his blog, Coimbra wrote. “This experience has been exciting and very I’ve never been to Bozeman, Montana, and without Google Maps, I’d
hard for one person to manage, and I think there’s a lot of opportunities have no idea where it is. However, the city government and its employees
being missed. So I have decided to pass on the projects to other have now been the focus of two rather bizarre social media stories to
companies who might have the resources to bring these projects to the grab headlines, which has put Bozeman on my radar.
next level.”
The first story was earlier this year, when it was discovered that the job
So, what do RWW readers think: Is Twtapps worth half a million? Is application for those hoping to work for the city included the mind-
monetization going to be a problem for potential buyers? Let us know boggling requirement that you detail your social networking usernames
your thoughts in the comments. and passwords.

Discuss Although the city suspended the policy after the ensuing public outrage,
the lessons learned apparently weren’t enough to deter Bozeman’s latest
social media catastrophe: a police officer resigning over inappropriate
Facebook comments.

Specifically, as the TV report from CBS affiliate KBZK embedded below

describes, Officer Cody Anderson wrote on his Facebook profile that he
thought “there should be a law saying police can take people to jail for
being stupid.” According to KBZK, “the profile came into question after a
civil lawsuit was filed against him, the City of Bozeman and others.”

Of course, the City of Bozeman is far from the only organization

struggling to grasp social media, and it has to be looked at as mostly

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

coincidental that these two stories happened there. But it’s yet another
example of what can go wrong when policies are either too restrictive
(citizen backlash) or too non-existent (employee misuse).

Hopefully with these two incidents behind it, Bozeman can figure out a
happy medium and keep itself outside the realm of social media ridicule.

Reviews: Facebook, Google Maps

Tags: facebook, social media

In a recent blog post, the company writes, “Almost 16% of first messages
are over 2000 characters (roughly 400 words), and the average is 743!
We’ve found that the most effective messages are much shorter.”

WEB NEWS After crunching the numbers, it appears that response rates to
heterosexual males are extremely low. The baseline rate of reply to
Twitter-like Dating, Brevity’s messages from men is only 22% and for women it’s over 40%.
Essentially, messages sent by men are only half as likely to get replies
the Best Opener [Read Write than messages from women. It would be interesting to see how this
dynamic shifts for same-sex dating sites. Nevertheless, one thing is
Web] certain across the board - brevity is the key to getting a response.
SEP 03, 2009 10:50P.M. Apparently “being yourself” is less about painting a picture and more
about linking to one. Says OK Cupid, “After about 360 words (1800
characters), you start scaring people off, like the online equivalent of a
face tattoo.”

Given that Twitter offers the ability to link to videos, photos and profiles,
what are the chances that microblogging dating has a future? Let us
know in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Lead - Postcards From Home and Inset - Lord Khan


Don’t pour your soul out into an email, don’t send an online mix tape
and whatever you do, don’t write any poems longer than a limerick or a
haiku. According to popular dating site OK Cupid, only 32% of dating
site messages receive a response. Of the successful efforts, the majority
of first contact messages are brief. The ideal message length from men to
women is between 200-300 characters and from women to men it’s a
mere 50 characters. This doesn’t bode well for chatty romantics, but
power Twitter users may find themselves in their element.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

Microsoft Folder-based Sites:: Education Labs also announced

plans to roll out a website creator in mid-October. With this tool,
teachers will be able to convert Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents
into html files. From here the files can be shared with students as web
pages and all the files are hosted at no cost through Microsoft. The group
is currently testing different admin rights in order to allow for student

Microsoft Launches Tools For Flash Cards: This product allows you to create and browse flash card
decks and create favorites with your Windows Live ID. Teachers create

Teachers [Read Write Web] decks by adding images, text and sound to their cards. From here
students flip through the decks in Silverlight 3. One interesting part of
SEP 03, 2009 10:42P.M. this project is that as students answer questions, the software
remembers incorrect answers and prompts those problem cards more
frequently. This project is due before 2010.

For more information on these projects, visit or

check out the 30 minute demo video at the bottom of the Math
Generator page.

Microsoft’s Education Labs launched a new project this afternoon and
it’s better on trees and the environment. The group just announced a
new Math Worksheet Generator where teachers can generate math
problems and email them in paperless Word format to their students. In
addition to Math Worksheet Generator, the group also announced plans
for two additional projects to be released in the Fall.


Math Worksheet Generator: Built on top of Microsoft’s math

engine, this product is for teachers who want their students to get more
problem solving practice. Instead of having to search for new worksheets
or photocopy old ones, teachers can enter a sample problem and the
generator determines the structure of the expression. From here the tool
produces similar problems and generates a matching answer sheet.
Teachers can use this tool for their entire class or tailor worksheets to
individual work plans.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

WEB NEWS Crunch Network: CrunchGear drool over the sexiest new gadgets and
Creately Releases Its Simple
TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San
Diagramming And Design Tool Francisco

To The Masses [TechCrunch]

SEP 03, 2009 09:30P.M.

Creately, an online diagramming and design application launched by

Cinergix and showcased at TechCrunch50’s Demopit in 2008, is
unveiling its online tool to the greater public (the startup has been in
private beta). Creately lets anyone create create and collaborate on flow
charts, wireframes, network diagrams, sitemaps and more within its site.

The key to Creately’s application is that manages to harness the abilities

and tools that traditional design and graphics software offer, but
packages this functionality in an easy to use application that allows for
collaboration between users.

The design features are varied but relatively easy to use and intuitive. For
example, Contextual Toolbars appear when you click on any object on
the drawing canvas and depending on the object and its size will offer all
the commonly used operations within the toolbar. Collaboration is
another crucial part to the design process, says co-founder Charanjit
Singh, so the startup built in commenting, sharing, publishing,
embedding and the ability to publish directly to Twitter. Plus, many of its
offerings are free to use.

With this public launch, Creately is also unveiling its pricing model and
monetization strategy. Creately will offer a free plan that lets users
makes and unlimited amount of public diagrams that can are published
on Creately and visible to anyone. Free customers are restricted to a
maximum of 5 collaborators and all diagrams will be published with the
Creately logo. Diagrams can also be embedded and shared. The paid
version will offer an unlimited amount of privately-hosted diagrams that
will not have the Creately logo. But it’s unclear how much Creately’s paid
version will cost and we’ve contacted the company for further

Microsoft offers a design program, Visio, that’s has similar functionality

to Creately but is more complicated to use and is not web-based.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


Amazon Offering One Free MP3

of Your Choice [Dealhacker]
SEP 03, 2009 08:45P.M.

Online dating: most of you probably have a spruced-up profile on some

random dating site, even if you won’t admit it to others. You’ve probably
sent a message to someone or maybe even received a few messages
yourself. However, most of the time, there is no response.

Amazon MP3’s Twitter account just surpassed 1 million followers, and to

Actually, there is a response to online dating messages only about 32% of
celebrate they’re offering 1 free MP3 download of your choosing
the time, according to the very popular (and free) dating website
(provided you can buy it for the $1.29 in credit they’re handing out,
OkCupid. The company revealed this stat and far more on its OkTrends
which I think should buy pretty much any song in the Amazon MP3
store). Just head to the promotion page, enter the FIRSTMIL code, and
go buy yourself a song. The offer is only valid for a limited time (Sept. 3
In their post, they analyzed the millions of messages that go through
to Sept. 6). Your Choice: Get One of Millions of Songs [Amazon via
OkCupid and were able to discern some very interesting trends. So if you
want to get the upper hand when it comes to online dating, or are just
curious about the statistics, keep reading.

Should You Write a Short or a Long Message?

You start clicking through profiles. Then suddenly, you stop … because
WEB NEWS you can’t take your eyes away. Pretty eyes, a great smile, and this
person’s a social media nerd to boot (just go with me on this…). So you
HOW TO: Get More Responses click “send message” and are immediately stumped about what you
should write. Should you write a long, eloquent message that details why
in Online Dating [Mashable] you two would be a match, or fire off a quick message that will spark a
SEP 03, 2009 08:32P.M. deeper conversation?

This is essentially the question that OkCupid explores with their

statistics. First, some interesting stats from their website:

- 16% of all first messages are over 2000 characters, or about

400 words.
- First messages sent by guys are only half as likely to get a
reply as ones sent from women.
- The average first message is 743 characters long.

However, that doesn’t answer the question of whether a longer message

increases your chance of a reply. So they made a very cool graph that
shows how often women reply to a man’s message and how often
the man responds back:

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

Now exactly what you should write … well, that’s a subject for another
blog post, although you should use “pretty” over “beautiful,” use proper
English, and say “zombie” in your messages. Yes, I am serious, though I
can’t figure out in what context that would work in the first place.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, TriggerPhoto

Reviews: iStockphoto

Tags: dating, okcupid, online dating

Summary: Longer messages will increase your chances of getting a

response, from about 22% to nearly 35%. So you should write longer
messages, right? Wrong, says OkCupid. Their rationale is that, while
that long messages will get more responses, you’re not going to be able to
send as many.

They estimate that if you can only send three messages of 3000
characters in an hour, resulting in 0.71 conversations (a response and
then a response from the original sender) per hour. However, if your
messages were 200 characters each, you could send 10 messages and get
about 1.71 conversations per hour, more than doubling your chances of
finding the one. Of course, if you’re focused on just one girl, and only
one, write a very lengthy message.

For girls contacting guys, it’s actually a bit different of a graph: WEB NEWS

My First Day as an Android

Owner [Read Write Web]
SEP 03, 2009 08:13P.M.

I’ve been a happy iPhone user for about a year but I just bought an
Android phone yesterday and I like it a lot. I decided to buy an HTC
The shorter the message, the better. Period. You can write about MyTouch on T-Mobile in order to use the Operating System. Here are my
11.4 messages per hour if they’re 50 characters. This will give you 3.43 thoughts on it after my first 24 hours.
conversations per hour. So yes, in both instances, you want to write
shorter messages for the best chance of success. Many of us have high hopes for Android. It’s not as polished, as popular,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

maybe not even as good as the iPhone so far - but if I had to choose whole lot of apps in the Android store none the less. Android hasn’t
between them right now...I might pick Android. Below are some solved the problem of discovering the best new apps any better than
thoughts about the hardware, the learning curve, the App Market and Apple has. It’s hard to know after one day how the Android Market
Augmented Reality apps in particular. I’ve also included one paragraph compares to the iPhone App Store. It may be a matter of supporting
about the cost. Bottom line: Android is pretty cool and I’m really excited Android on principle but prefering the experience of the iPhone app
to have a phone that’s more open than the iPhone. ecosystem.

Sponsor The Android Market is about to undergo a radical transformation,

though. Check out this video below that was just posted to the official
Android Blog.
The Hardware
Augmented Reality
Many people say that they don’t want to buy an Android phone until the
HTC Hero comes out in six weeks because the handsets are so bad. I I bought this phone in large part to use the new class of technologies
bought a MyTouch, the most recently released Android handset, and am called Augmented Reality (AR). These are tools that display a set of data
happy enough with it so far. I think I even like the small size better than on top of your otherwise naked view of the world around you. So far the
the big brick of an iPhone I’ve also got in my pocket. AR apps I tried out were a little disapointing.

The Learning Curve These are early days of AR but the dream of pointing my phone at a row
of businesses on the street and seeing information about them displayed
The iPhone is very easy to learn to use. The Nokia N95 that I tested some on top of my camera view of those buildings - that’s still just a dream.
time ago was frustrating enough for me that I decided I hated it within
hours. Android appears to be somewhere in between, speaking as an So far I’ve tried out two AR apps on Android, Layar and Wikitude. I’ll be
iPhone user. It takes a little time to get used to the controls and features; writing in-depth reviews of both over the next few days but I will say this
but that’s ok - it’s a computer, after all. for now. Both clearly have a lot of potential, both have a lot of obstacles
to being useful and neither is a good excuse for pointing my phone in the
Multi-app Processing direction of women in the coffee shop where I’m testing the apps out. If
I’m not careful I’m going to get punched sometime soon.
One of the best things about Android is its ability to do more than one
thing at a time. Listening to while checking my email? That’s I think these AR apps and I are going to need to meet half-way; I need to
cool. More interesting than literal simultaneous use of multiple apps at learn how to use them effectively and they need to improve. More on that
once though is the system’s ability to watch for new email, new tweets, later.
completed downloads or other activity in the background and notify you
while you’re using other apps. Cost

Live dashboard widgets and the pulldown list of notifications fall into I chose to buy this phone with a 1 year contract, making the sticker price
this same category. Those make a big difference in creating a very for the handset $299. By only committing to 1 year though, I may save
different user experience than what you get with an iPhone. I’ve got a myself almost $700 by not paying for data and voice through a second
URL bar/google search box/google voice search box, an analog clock year. I split that $299 into three payments, too, since I just paid my
display and a widget showing me the next item coming up on my Google quarterly taxes and because T-Mobile made it easy to do. I selected
Calendar - all on the front page of my phone. That makes the phone unlimited data and the minimum voice plan (300 minutes per month)
useful even with minimal interactions. Little things like that can make a because I mostly want this phone to use and test apps. After tax and a
very big difference. small monthly insurance payment I’m paying $65 per month for the
The App Market
I canceled my $60/month Verizon EVDO service, intend on tethering my
The Android App Market isn’t as big as the iPhone app store and you other phone, and thus am out just the price of the handset plus an extra
won’t find many apps like Pandora, Facebook or Tweetie there. The $5 every month. More than worth it to me.
Android App Market is easy enough to use, though, and is wide open.
There’s no lengthy, arbitrary and anti-competitive approval process like For now I’m having enough fun getting to know Android that I
there is in iTunes. That’s really important. don’t even want to pick up my iPhone to use it. The first day using
any software is very different from what it’s like day-in and day-out after
Right now there are too few Android users compared to iPhone users for extended use, but first impressions are important to make note of. My
many developers to build apps for Android. (Though at least one report first impressions of this Android phone are good and so far I’m glad I
says that the number of Android developers is growing fast.)There are a bought it.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

Discuss JavaScript test results can be compared to horsepower, and can be

tweaked by engine developers—still, a holistic solution isn’t in our hands
at the moment. Anyone feel like coding up a fake Gmail that captures test


Browser Speed Tests: Chrome

4.0 and Opera 10 Take On All
Challengers [Performance Finally, we take a Windows Task Manager measurement of how much
memory is being used at startup and after those eight tabs are loaded.
Tests] [LIfehacker[Performance The eight tabs are the same as in the last set of tests—basically, each
browser’s home page, and then the Google home page, Lifehacker,
Tests]] Gizmodo, and YouTube thrown in for good browser-dragging measure.

SEP 03, 2009 07:30P.M.

On with the results!

Test 1: Boot-up and page loading—Winner: Google Chrome!

Normally Chrome rules the roost on start-up times, both warm and cold.
(Incidentally, the development channel version I loaded on XP turned
my mouse into an hourglass for a few seconds on every new load, both
cold and warm. That could indicate some issue with the system, but I
was running Chrome on a plain vanilla, just-installed copy of XP Service
Pack 3.) Chrome 4 is, however, a lot faster on my Windows 7 RC system,
but that’s not what this test was about. So, here’s the results for the three
latest browsers:
Opera 10 final is out, Chrome just turned one year old, and Firefox 3.5
has settled into stability. It’s time once again to break out the timers and
speed test today’s web browsers.

Like all our previous speed tests, this one is unscientific, but thorough.
We install the most current versions of each browser being tested—in
this case, Opera 10, Chrome’s development channel 4.0 version, and the
final Firefox 3.5 with security fixes—in a system with a 2.0 GHz Intel
Centrino Duo processor and 2GB of RAM, running Windows XP.

We use Rob Keir’s tiny timer app to time each browser in the common
ways that leave users waiting: a “cold start” right after boot, a “warm
start” after already having run once, and waiting on eight tabs to load up.
We run each test three times and average the results, tossing out any
obvious irregularities.

For comparison’s sake, here’s a combined ranking of all the browsers

We also run each browser through Mozilla’s Dromaeo JavaScript testing
from our last test and this round. As shown here, Chrome’s stable
suite, which itself is an aggregator of Apple’s SunSpider suite, Google’s
version is the overall champion:
V8 tests, and a few unique items. These tests run each browser’s
JavaScript interpreter and engine through a series of situational
exercises. Mozilla’s Firefox Director Mike Beltzner told us that

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

purposes, at least. Here’s the three current contenders:

When the browser’s open, though, Chrome’s 4.0 version handily beats
even its stable predecessor, so perhaps that’s a willing trade-off. You’ll
only load your browser a few times each day, but tab loading is And the full leader board:
something of a by-the-minute affair for many of us. Here’s the eight-page
loading for this round:

Test 3: Memory Use—Winner: Firefox!

And the aggregate results from the last two rounds: Google Chrome’s 4.0 version is definitely grabbing more system
resources and revving its engine at startup to deliver performance.
Between Chrome 2.0 and 4.0, there’s a notable increase in memory use
in multi-tab situations, and a smaller gain at startup. Firefox continues
to be impressively efficient on first load. Here’s how the newest trio

Test 2: JavaScript—Winner: Google Chrome!

Not much new to report here, except that Chrome 4.0 shows gains in
JavaScript speed over its stable release. Opera 10 and Firefox 3.5
perform the same as their last beta releases—reassuring for our testing
And the combined results of all the modern Windows browsers:

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

According to the understated Android blog post, developers will be able

to include screenshots, promotional icons, and descriptions for their
applications. The UI for the store, which we caught a glimpse of in some
leaked photos earlier this week, is also much more polished and user
friendly. In other words, the store will now more closely resemble the
iPhone’s App Store, which is not a bad thing.

Another important change is a bigger emphasis on paid applications,

with a ‘Paid’ button prominently appearing at the top of the screen
whenever you begin browsing though a category (paid apps are available
using the current version of Android Market, but they’re much harder to
find). Other additions to the store will include new sub-categories for
themes, comics, health, and sports.

Firefox and Opera show themselves to have fairly consistent and usable The news is timely. Three days ago we wrote about the lackluster sales
betas, while Chrome reveals that its bleeding-edge development trunk figures that were coming out of the Android Market, which pale in
really is different from what the safe-as-cotton users are getting. comparision to those coming from the App Store — top developers for
the iPhone are making thousands a day, while a top Android developer
Anything catch your eye in this multitude of minutiae? Have your own isn’t even breaking $100.
suggestions on what you’d like to see tested for the next round? Tell your
referees in the comments.

Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications,

Delivered Daily.

TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San

WEB NEWS Francisco

First Video Footage Of The New

Android Market [TechCrunch]
SEP 03, 2009 07:24P.M.

Good news for Android developers: Google has just posted a video of the
upcoming refresh for its Android Market, the online store that allows
users to download new software to their Android phones. And the
changes are very promising.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

We know you’ve all been asking yourselves: “how can I celebrate the
launch of Windows 7?” Luckily Microsoft has an answer for you — party!
— but there’s a catch: only few are chosen.

In order to be an official Launch Party host, you’ll have to apply, be

reviewed, and hope to be approved. Please do not party if you are not
approved by Microsoft.

In all seriousness, you are set up with some nice schwag if you become
an official host, including a special Signature Edition copy of Windows 7

You’ll also get a “Windows 7 Party Pack” that includes Host Help Videos,
Host Notes, and other materials to make your Launch Party fun. What
those materials would be, we can’t say — Windows 7-flavored candy? A
Ballmer piñata? A packet of whatever substances those insanely happy
people in the header photo are on? One can only hope.

You’ll have to be prepared to hold your bash sometime between October

22 and 29 if you want to be eligible. Let us know in the comments if
you’ve applied or are thinking of doing so. Or will we see a spate of
renegade, unapproved Windows 7 parties sweeping the internets that
WEB NEWS week? Don’t forget to invite us!

Microsoft Will Sponsor Your Tags: Ballmer pinatas, microsoft, parties, Windows 7

Windows 7 Kegger … If You’re

Cool Enough [Mashable… If
You’re Cool Enough]
SEP 03, 2009 07:19P.M.


Remains of the Day: Snow

Leopard 10.6.1, BitTorrent, and
Checks [For What It’s Worth]
[LIfehacker[For What It’s
SEP 03, 2009 07:00P.M.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


Back to School: 15 Essential

Web Tools for Students
SEP 03, 2009 06:52P.M.

Apple’s already testing out a 10.6.1 update to Snow Leopard, we think

checks are almost completely passé, and popular BitTorrent tracker
isoHunt launches a new BitTorrent site with a social edge.

• isoHunt Launches ‘Social’ BitTorrent Site

• Popular public BitTorrent tracker isoHunt launches a new torrent
site with an emphasis on socializing. [TorrentFreak]

• Flash Player update and Snow Leopard

• Oops! Apple shipped Snow Leopard with a version of Flash with
known security vulnerabilities—so upgrade that Flash player
ASAP. [Adobe]

• The hassles of using a check

• I’ve hated writing checks since I was a child, and now that we’ve
got those handy debit cards, there’s really no point, is there?
[Consumer Reports]

• Snow Leopard: Get your Logitech mouse & keyboard working again
For much of the world, it’s that special time of the year when students
• If you’re having trouble with your fancy Logitech mouse or
head back to school. The good news for students is that even though that
keyboard since upgrading to Snow Leopard, this workaround
means waking up early and doing homework, there are a number of web-
might help. [TUAW]
based and social tools to help you get through the school year. From
staying organized to improving study habits to making sure you
• Apple already testing Mac OS X 10.6.1 Update
reference your research sources properly, the web can help you be a
• Rumor has it Apple’s already plugging holes and incompatibilities
better student.
introduced in Snow Leopard, testing 10.6.1 with developers as of
Monday. [AppleInsider]
We’ve assembled a list of 15 of the best applications available for
students. What other applications are helping you at school this year?
Let us know in the comments!

Stay Organized

The first thing you need to do in order to have a successful school year, is
develop a plan to stay organized. If you’re constantly missing due dates
or losing track of your notes, you’ll find yourself in a deep hole rather
quickly. The following web applications can help you get organized and
stay organized.

1. Evernote – Evernote is one of the best note taking

applications available, allowing you to sync notes between the
web, your phone, and any computer. With Evernote you can

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

save text, audio, and images (like screenshots, entire favorite web sites and computer applications during
webpages, or photos taken with your camera phone), and scheduled study time. That way you won’t be tempted by
everything — even the images — is searchable, so you’ll never Twitter or World of Warcraft when you’ve set aside some
lose track of your notes. One of the ways Evernote really time specifically to write a paper.
excels is in the number of different methods you can use to
add notes to the application, which include via the web, 6. Diigo – When you’re reading books for class, you
mobile apps, email, or even Twitter. probably use a highlighter and sticky notes to mark off the
passages that are of particular note to what you’re studying.
2. Notely – Notely is a complete, end-to-end solution for But what do you do on the web? Diigo is a web-based
taking notes and staying organized. With a course and highlighter and sticky note system that lets you annotate your
assignment calendar, note-taking tools, and to-do list, Notely web research. You can also share your work with classmates.
can keep you on top of your schoolwork and assure that you
never miss a due date. 7. Delicious – Delicious is the quintessential bookmarking
application on the Internet. If all you want to do is collect all
3. GradeMate – GradeMate is a free online organizer made the web resources you’re using for a class, project, or paper
with students in mind. With it you can create to-do lists, under a single tag, Delicious is one of the best and easiest to
manage due dates, keep track of grades, and even collaborate use tools you can utilize.
with fellow students.
8. Mindmeister – There is a slight learning curve involved,
4. Backpack – Initially designed for business users, but once you get use to them, one of the best ways to organize
Backpack is also a great way for students to keep research your thoughts and research is through mind maps. And one
organized. Backpack is sort of like a single page wiki that lets of the best online mind mapping tools is Mindmeister, which
you keep files, images, notes, and to-do lists in a single place lets you both easily create mind maps, and also collaborate on
and share them with fellow students (which is great for them with your classmates. They offer special discounted
collaborative projects). academic pricing for students.

Study Better Work and Collaborate

Web-based and social tools can also help you to actually get your work
done and collaborate with others in your class on group projects. From
word processing to presentations, the apps in this category will help you
When you sit down to study, you want to arm yourself with the best web
turn in complete and polished work.
tools available to make sure you get the most of your study time. By
utilizing the tools listed in this section, you can get more done, and do it
9. Google Docs – Google Docs is one of the best online
more quickly, so that you can have more time for fun and still be
word processing and spreadsheets applications available, and
prepared for that upcoming test or paper.
it offers great collaboration features that allow you to work
together on group assignments. In fact, we use it often here at
5. StudyRails – StudyRails is perfect for those who have
Mashable to keep track of who is working on what and
trouble blocking out distractions when it comes time to study.
collaborate on posts and projects. The two main advantages
The site lets users schedule study time and alerts them (by
of using Google Docs over more feature-rich applications like
text message) when it is time to drop everything and hit the
Microsoft Word (which is also a great application that I use
books. But where StudyRails really becomes important for
on a daily basis) is that Google’s offering is free and, more
chronic procrastinators is that it can be set to block out your

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

importantly, you can access your files from anywhere. Also 14. EasyBib – EasyBib is one of the most popular online
check out Adobe’s Buzzword. bibliographic tools, letting you automatically create citations
in APA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA styles. Over 218 million
10. EtherPad – EtherPad takes collaborating on written citations have been generated using the site since 2001. Also
documents to a completely new level by allowing a group of check out Ottobib.
people to edit a document at the same time and actually see
what everyone else is writing as they write it. When used by 15. Zotero – If you need to cite your work in a more obscure
multiple people meeting in person or combined with a VoIP style, then check out Zotero. This Firefox extension
app like Skype, EtherPad can be an amazing collaboration automatically collects your research sources and then lets you
tool for group studying or hashing out who is doing what on a create citations in any of one of over a thousand different
group project. styles. Zotero also lets you take notes on your sources and is
available in over 30 different languages.
11. Sliderocket – It would be hard to get through your
school career without having to give a presentation, and one See Also: Back to School: Top 10 iPhone Apps for Students
way to make your presentation more memorable is with a
great set of slides. SlideRocket is an awesome online Image courtesy of Flickr user wheany
presentation building tool that lets you create beautiful,
multimedia rich presentations, that are accessible from Reviews: Delicious, Diigo, EtherPad, Evernote, Flickr, Google, Google
anywhere. Also check out Empressr. Docs, Mashable, Skype, Twitter

12. WikiDot – If you’re working in a group project, you’ll Tags: back to school, Backpack, citeme, delicious, diigo, easybib,
want to keep everyone on the same page, and one of the best etherpad, evernote, google docs, grademate, MindMeister, Notely,
ways to organize your thoughts as a group is by using a wiki. school, SlideRocket, students, studyrails, web apps, wikidot, zotero
WikiDot is a great, simple, wiki hosting solution that students
can utilize to create an unlimited number of wiki pages to
organize their projects and group research.

Cite Right


If You’re Going to Run One

Windows Notification App This
Year, Make It... [What You Said]
[LIfehacker[What You Said]]
SEP 03, 2009 06:30P.M.
Now that you’ve got your work in order, you’ll want to make sure you
have everything properly cited, because like clichés, accusations of
plagiarism are something you should avoid like the plague. The tools
below will help you to keep track of your sources and cite them properly
when the time comes.

13. CiteMe – This Facebook application from the Online

Computer Library Center lets you search the world’s largest
library catalog by title, author, subject, or ISBN and get
properly formatted citations in APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA,
or Turabian style.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

On Tuesday we asked you to share your preferred Windows universal

notification app. The contenders: Growl for Windows and Snarl. The
results: While the vast majority of you don’t see the need of running a In celebration of Amazon MP3’s Twitter account passing the one million
notification app to begin with, 17% of you preferred Growl for Windows, follower mark, the popular online storefront is giving you a free song.
while just 10% preferred Snarl.
Remember back in the stone ages of 5 months ago when one million
I can’t help but think that those 56% who don’t see the need for either followers still seemed like a lot? Now according to Twitterholic, 104
would see things differently if they saw how useful a universal accounts have surpassed that milestone, with another pack just below
notification tool like Growl (the Mac version) can be when it’s widely breathing down their necks.
adopted. That doesn’t mean they’re wrong, of course, but this Windows
user would love to have something as well supported as Growl (for Mac) Technically, the value of the promotion is $1.29, and you submit a code
on the Windows platform. to Amazon to get a credit applied to your account. If you buy a cheaper
track, you’ll be able to use the leftover credit and apply it to your next
purchase. Conversely if you pick up more than the allotted $1.29 credit
amount, your credit card will be charged for the excess amount.

To redeem the offer, you’ll have to have (or create) an Amazon account
and have a billing address in the United States. Head over here to claim
your free MP3. The offer is valid between now and Sunday, September 6
Amazon Hits 1 Million Twitter at 11:59 PST.

Followers And Gives You a Free If only each one of them had thought to give us all a gift when they made
it big. Thanks for keeping it classy, Amazon.
MP3 [Mashable]
So let us know: what song are you going to pick up for your free track?
SEP 03, 2009 06:26P.M.

Tags: amazon, mp3, music, twitter

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

application for Windows only.

Browser Chooser [via Life Rocks 2.0]


Conducting Data-Rich Surveys

Just Got Easier With Forms In
Google Docs [TechCrunch]
SEP 03, 2009 05:46P.M.


Browser Chooser Asks You

Which Browser to Open New
Links In [Downloads]
SEP 03, 2009 06:00P.M.

Last year, Google rolled out forms that link into Google Doc’s
spreadsheets, providing elementary database-style form support for its
online office suite. Forms basically let you add data to a spreadsheet
without having to enter it directly into the spreadsheet itself, or even
having to log in because you can add the data through a survey.

Today, Google is upgrading its Forms tool in Google Docs, adding a

number of new features. Forms is basically a way to conduct a survey,
Windows only: The browser wars are in full swing, and many of us are with responses added automatically to a spreadsheet. Users now have a
running multiple browsers on our computers for various tasks. Browser more compact, grid-like form in which to collect data. They can now
Chooser makes it easier for you to direct new links into your preferred quickly gather responses for a group of similar questions by simply
browser each time. labeling a few columns and creating as many rows as they like.

After you download Browser Chooser, just run it (no need to install—it’s Summary charts also have clearer formatting of statistics and now
a portable application), hit the Options button, and point it toward the support right-to-left text input, helping out those users whose written
browsers you use regularly. Then hit the Miscellaneous tab and set languages go from right-to-left. Developers can also integrate forms with
Browser Chooser as your default browser. It’s not a browser, of their own applications and pre-populate a form with data.
course—this is just a workaround so that Browser Chooser will launch
whenever any other application tries launching a link. When it does, you Since its launch, Google forms has been an easy and accessible way to
click on the browser you want to open said link in, and Browser Chooser collect large amounts of data. Of course, the obvious use for forms is for
takes care of the rest. surveys where you are collecting a massive amount of data and then need
to make sense of it. You can either embed surveys into a blog post or site
Honestly, if you don’t use more than one browser except on very rare or you can share a link to the survey. Any responses are collected in a
occasions, Browser Chooser is probably more tedious than it’s worth; spreadsheet.
personally, I kind of like the idea. Browser Chooser is a free, open-source

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

These new features make forms a little bit more user-friendly and
attractive. Forms aren’t the most popular Google app out there, but I’m
sure to try them out the next time I post a survey on TechCrunch, instead
of using SurveyMonkey or another survey application.

Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology
companies, people, and investors Video: PayPal’s
TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San “Priceless”-esque Commercial
SEP 03, 2009 05:45P.M.

Back in July, we were at the event where PayPal announced its new
flexible payments API. There, they showed off this pretty neat video of
their vision of a PayPal Payments-enabled future. So this video is a few
weeks old, but it’s making the rounds on Twitter again today, and it’s
pretty cool, so we figured we’d post it.

Basically, this is PayPal’s vision for the future of payments. It reminds

quite a bit of Mastercard’s “Priceless” commercials, but with a cool tech

I want to be able to do everything this video is promising. Will that

happen by the time the platform opens up on November 3rd? Nope. Will
it happen anytime soon? Nope. But hopefully visions like this will inspire
people to do cool things.

Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications,

Delivered Daily.

TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


CampusBuddy Gets A Facelift

And More Social Skills In Time
For The New School Year
SEP 03, 2009 05:43P.M.

For millions of students across the country summer is coming to a close,

and CampusBuddy, a Facebook application and web portal that focuses
on school courses and grades, is looking to capitalize on the Back-To-
School rush. Today the site is launching a totally revamped homepage
and Facebook application, a new text book search engine, and a number
of new social features that it hopes will better connect students with their
classmates. CampusBuddy is also adopting a freemium model today,
with hopes of converting its rapidly growing base of users into paying

We last covered CampusBuddy last fall, when the site launched to offer
reports on grades handed out by professors at hundreds of universities
across the country, which students can use to help figure out which
classes they want to take. Since then, the site has been making some
strong progress: in addition to the grade reports it’s also focusing on
helping prospective students connect with colleges as they leave high
school, and it’s also focusing more on helping students connect with
eachother. It was also chosen as a Facebook Verified App, which CEO
Michael Moradian says has been helpful in reaching new students — the
company’s Facebook application has jumped from around 30,000 active
users during the last school year to over 60,000 active users today.

Back in the old days of Facebook, when the site still revolved around
college students, it offered a feature called “Courses” that allowed
students to publicly display which courses they were taking. The app
could be quite useful, but it was also limited, with plenty of room for
improvement. Rather than continue to build out its own app, Facebook
dropped its native Courses and left it up to developers to build their own

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

CampusBuddy is one of the leading apps vying to take over this role, and
today’s update may help in that race. The site’s Facebook application will
now offer a Wall for every course at every University in its system,
essentially giving students a central place to hold their course-specific
discussions, which could prove very useful. But in order to participate or
even see these conversations students will have had to install the
CampusBuddy app, and the app’s 60,000 users is still only a drop in the
bucket compared to the number of students on Facebook.

That said, if CampusBuddy can become the de facto college app on the
site, its user-base could snowball. Moradian is optimistic about this
possibility, and says that CampusBuddy is the most popular application
on Facebook to let students search through a database of courses at their
school, explaining that while there are some other popular apps that
allow users to enter the courses they’re taking, they’re all user submitted
which can result in duplicate entries. The CampusBuddy app itself is
quite robust, featuring areas for general discussions, schedules, and
more — I would have much rather used something like this than the old
Facebook Courses app during my school days. Now it just needs a wider
student community to embrace it.

Also worth noting: CampusBuddy is now switching to a freemium model.

Up until now the startup has offered its database of grades free of charge
— now it will begin charging a small fee for users to access the grades
and related analysis as part of its ‘Academic Edge’ package. Access costs
$4.99 for three months or $8.99 for a year (it grows cheaper if you buy
multiple years at a time). Students likely won’t be too pleased with the
change, but competitors like MyEdu (formerly PickaProf) have had
freemium models for some time now, so this isn’t particularly surprising.

Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications,

Delivered Daily.

TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


Gauge Your Fitness Level Using RSS isn’t Dead (Just Ask
the Marine Corps Test Executives) [Read Write Web]
SEP 03, 2009 05:20P.M.
SEP 03, 2009 05:30P.M.

It’s become fashionable among a certain set to declare that RSS is no

longer the foremost pipeline for news and information on the Web. Steve
Gillmor and innumerable others have said they’ve abandoned their RSS
readers in favor of Twitter. Twitter hiring Feedburner’s CEO seemed to
compound this trend towards dismissing RSS as old hat (though
headlines shouldn’t always be taken literally).

The usual suspects, such Dave Winer and our own RSS geek, quickly
So you’ve decided to get into shape. Before you put on your running
jumped to the defense of really simple syndication. But where was the
shoes or hit the gym, it may be worth knowing just how out of shape you
data to back them up? And what do businesses think about RSS? The
are—you know for motivation. The Marine Corps Fitness test can help.
McKinsey Global Survey on Web 2.0 in business came out yesterday, and
out of the almost 1,700 executives they talked to, 42% said they see a
Photo by DVIDSHUB.
measurable benefit from RSS. That’s 24% more than those who see any
benefit from microblogging (i.e. Twitter).
The Marine Corps Fitness test is comprised of three parts: pull-ups,
crunches, and a three-mile run. All three tests must be performed in one
continuous session, and you only have up to two hours to complete as
much as you can.

A big part of the disillusionment techies are feeling with RSS may be
Each exercise has specific instructions, so concerning the crunches, for
misdirected. Gillmor and the boys over at CNET both spent a lot time
example, if your derriere isn’t in constant contact with the ground and
talking about the failures of Google Reader to deliver news that matters
both your arms don’t remain in constant contact with your rib cage
in a timely fashion. But that’s a problem with Google Reader, not with
throughout, that crunch doesn’t count.
RSS. Entire businesses have been built on improving the creaky interface
of Reader.
Hit up the below link to see the minimum fitness requirements for your
age group. As a potential benchmark, the highest score involves
As Winer puts it so well, RSS is how the news flows. But both the public
performing 20 pull-ups, 100 crunches in two minutes, and running three
Web and enterprises are using the RSS, which is embedded in numerous
miles in 18 minutes.
applications, to do more than just news gathering on items that would be
Take the Marine Corps Fitness Test [Art of Manliness]

McKinsey Quarterly’s survey was conducted online in June of this year,

and garnered 1,695 responses from executives working in a wide range of
regions and verticals. The aim of the survey was to ask “about the value
they have realized from their Web 2.0 deployments in three main areas:
within their organizations; externally, in their relations with customers;

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009

and in their dealings with suppliers, partners, and outside experts. ” including the ability to add birthday reminders for your contacts. If you
have their birthdays in Gmail contacts or it is in their Google profiles (we
The specific technologies McKinsey asked about included everything all have one of those, right), then it will automatically populate your
from wikis to mashups and prediction markets. 69% of respondents said calendar with their birthdays.
they’re seeing measurable gains from these types of technologies both
internally and externally. Google Calendar Labs also has two new features. Meetings that are
scheduled on a repeated basis can be dimmed in the calendar. Those
RSS racked up quite a bit of support from the executives, coming in third weekly staff meetings are so much background noise anyway. And now
after blogs and video sharing sites. While Steve Gillmor and others may any Google Gadget can be added to your calendar.
have kicked RSS to the curb in favor of Twitter and other tools, people
outside the sphere of early adopters are getting a lot of rewards from RSS Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology
still. companies, people, and investors

Discuss TechCrunch50 Conference 2009: September 14-15, 2009, San



Add Sports Team Schedules,

Birthday Reminders, And More
To Google Calendars
SEP 03, 2009 05:11P.M.

Want to keep track of Yankees games, Bristol Rugby matches, or the

schedule of the Taiwan Beer team (for all of you fans of the Taiwanese
Super Basketball League out there)? Now you can subscribe to the
schedules of your favorite professional sports teams on Google Calendar.
Just click on “Add other calendars” in the left-hand column and browse
“interesting calendars.”

Google just added sports calendars for football, baseball, basketball,

rugby, hockey and soccer. It also released a few other features today,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


New Mashable Features: Meebo

Chat, Drag to Share on Twitter
and Facebook [Mashable]
SEP 03, 2009 05:09P.M.

Today we’re launching some handy new sharing features on Mashable: The features come courtesy of Meebo, the real-time communications and
hovering over any image or video and dragging it over the relevant icon sharing company that ranks at 39 in Quantcast’s Top Site Rankings. We
allows you to post Mashable content to Facebook, Twitter, email or IM. hope you like the new features and we’ll continue to add new ways to
connect and share in the future.
We’re also supporting Meebo chat: using the bar at the bottom of the
page, you can chat in realtime with your friends on Facebook, AIM, Reviews: Facebook, Mashable, Meebo, Twitter
Google Talk and other chat networks.
Tags: mashable, meebo
Try it now: hover over an image or video and drag it over the icon to
post to Twitter, Facebook, email or IM. Or click “Chat with Friends” at
the bottom right of the page to set up on-site chat. If you can’t see the
new features, clearing your cache and restarting your browser should
solve the problem.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 4 September 2009


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