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Stephanie Nordlee

Phone: (c) 403-894-7621 Email: # 7, 23 Highlands Place West Lethbridge ! "#$ %&'

achelor o! Education- "a#or Ph$%ical Education& "inor Science Education 2(#3 )ni*ersit+ o, Lethbrige, Lethbridge, !

achelor o! Science- 'ine%iolo($ 2(#( )ni*ersit+ o, Lethbridge, Lethbridge, !

Education Practicu) E*perience

PS+++- -hinoo. High /chool, Lethbridge ! 2 PE 0 classes Health 0 PE #( - L1 2( 2rgani3ed and super*ised an intramural program at noon 2rgani3ed the 4emembrance 5a+ ceremon+ /uper*ised numerous school e*ents 65ances, sporting games, 7eight room ect.8 PS++- Winston -hurchill High /chool, Lethbridge ! 2 PE #( classes PE 2( - L1 2( PS+- Par. 1eado7s Elementar+ /chool, Lethbridge ! 9rade 3 /cience
Page 1

Stephanie Nordlee
Phone: (c) 403-894-7621 9rade 3 PE 9rade 3 rt 9rade 3 Health

,or- E*perience
./ilitie% .d0i%or& $anuar+ 2(## to /eptember 2(#2 /outh West :one, lberta Health /er*ices

E,,ecti*el+ communicated 7ith managers, sta.e holders and doctors to substantiate sta,, medical absences 5e*eloped and deli*ered W-! training sessions to mangers Was responsible ,or interpreting and storing con,idential medical in a pro,essional manor

Student 1ecruit)ent "entor& 1a+ 2((0 to 1a+ 2(#( /tudent 4ecruitment, )ni*ersit+ o, Lethbridge, ! ;n*ol*ed 7ith ne7 student orientation ,or # st +ear uni*ersit+ students -ontinue on going online and in person communication 7ith ne7 students and mentor them to a success,ul uni*ersit+ career ct as a data base o, the resources a*ailable to the ne7 students

E*tra 2uali!ication%
Le*el ! ssessor -erti,ication <irst id and -P4 7ith E5 certi,ication <;! international carded bas.etball re,eree 6+oungest in -anada8 ;n=ur+ -are pro*ider <itness and Li,est+le ssessor

Stephanie Nordlee
Phone: (c) 403-894-7621 Email: # 7, 23 Highlands Place West Lethbridge ! "#$ %&'

1ele0ant S-ill%
3eader%hip- 5emonstrated leadership s.ills 7hen acting as a ne7 student mentor, as 7ell as 7hen running educational o,,iciating clinics ,or ne7 o,,icials 4on!lict 1e%olution - demonstrates strong con,lict resolution s.ills 7hen dealing 7ith coaches and pla+ers 7hen o,,iciating bas.etball games. -on,lict resolution s.ills 7ere a huge part o, m+ bilities d*isor position as 7ell. ; ser*ed as the middleman bet7een sta.e holders and managers and o,ten had to deli*er undesirable in,ormation in a positi*e 7a+ that satis,ied all parties.

5olunteer ,or Lethbridge Minor Basketball Board member 2012 Southern Alberta basketball officials Education Officer "#!A $%ower of being a &irl' fitness coordinator MS walk to end MS Boy 10 12yrs Minor Basketball !oach ( ) *imbits Soccer coach

Mr. Kevin Wood- %rinci+al %S ,,,- !hinook .igh School- Lethbridge AB %hone/ )00 011 2)1) Email/ 3e4in5#ood6lethsd5ab5ca Mr. Jamie Bach %S,,, *eacher Mentor- !hinook .igh School- Lethbirdge AB %hone/ )00 011 2)1) Email/ 7amie5bach6lethsd5ab5ca Mr. Garry Malmo %S,, *eacher Mentor- #inston !hurchill .igh School- Lethbridge AB %hone/ )00 021 )220 Email/ &arry5Malmo6lethsd5ab5ca Mrs. LeeAnn Kruger %S, *eacher Mentor- %ark Meadows Elementary SchoolLethbridge AB %hone/ )00 021 889: Email/ Lee nn.> Page 0

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