Confessions of An Under-Graduate Perfomrance Artist

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Upon the day the so-called world changed and the Karl-Heinz Stockhausen's greatest work of art in the

whole entire cosmos 9/ was performed in !ew "ork #ity$ % was a mature-age undergraduate at &ictoria Uni'ersity's (ootscray )ark campus* +eality had already ruptured for me when % ,ecame acutely aware of an altering of consciousness within a -ark -inchinton foundation class* .he day prior$ there was an unease as % rolled around self-indulgently and mildly erotically for an informal contact impro'isation with a lecturer whom % had recently ,ecome infatuated* /utside the studio now con'erted to computer la,oratories for sport science0 the world was ominous* 1s it happened$ my sound lecturer was 'isiting his 1merican homeland and ,ecame stranded there indefinitely* +eturning ,ack here$ he assigned a colla,orati'e group assessment task to our class* 2e were instructed to perform and record a soundscape without con'entional instrumentation* Ha'ing ,ecome a recent disciple of 1ntonin 1rtaud$ a force of creati'e and cathartic destruction desired to attach a microphone to a ten gallon drum roaring with a fire accelerated ,y flamma,le li3uids as fragile o,4ects were smashed into it* .he others had what might only ,e aptly descri,ed as percussi'e shakers* Uninspired$ % 'oiced my despair* .o wit$ aforementioned lecturer's face con'ulsed and twitched in'oluntarily until stammering 56/ !/. 78 1 )+%-1 6/!1999: 6espondently$ % opted out and dropped out of his class* ha'ing ,ecome despondent at and we until he sk disco'ered

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