Woodhead Pass 2008

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Woodhead Pass 2008

Woodhead, indistinguishable, invisible

Doused and drowned by a rainfull smothering cloud
Driving slowly behind beetle tankers
I can’t see the endless Dark Peak
Just inflections of egg yolk gorse.
All around me on the sized down moor
The random sheep are dirty, unwashed
Rag tag and filthy grey
Contrasting acutely with the tiny lambs
Newborn, pristine white
Sheltering in the lee of their mothers
From the biting snowladen wind
Just so much a poundage of mince and shoulder
Averting my gaze, despairing of such destiny
I stare at the oncoming stream of cars
The headlights join up
A moving necklace of starburst citrine, diamond and sapphire
Refracted by the anonymising cloud, unworldly.

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