Past Simple Verbs Ws

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After reading Leela and Frys biographies look for the past forms of the verbs you have below.
Simple form

Past form


Simple form

To name

To play

To find

To think

To leave

To work

To take

To be

To move

To want

To have

To abandon

To finish

To grow up

To dream

To give

To put

To live

Past form


2. Complete the following sentences using the verbs from the chart.
* I already _____________ the dog for a walk.
* When they were little girls, Cara and Susan ______________ to be ballet dancers.
* Last Sunday I ______________ baseball with my best friends.
* My family and I _____________ to Toronto some months ago. Now we live in Vancouver.
* When I was a kid I _______________ to have a kitty but my parents never bought me one.
* Jeff already ____________ his homework and he is now playing video games.
* My father ____________ for a big company many years ago. Now he is retired.

Reading comprehension
Where was he born? _____________________Fry was born in Brook._______________________
Where was she born? _____________________________________________________________________
When was he born? _______________________________________________________________________
What are her parents names? _______________________________________________________________
Who did he live with? _____________________________________________________________________
What sports did he practice? ________________________________________________________________
Where did she work in? ____________________________________________________________________
What pet did he have? _____________________________________________________________________
Designed by: Melissa Naranjo

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