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Special Student Senate

Thursday, April 23, 2009

6:00pm, Harrison 111

I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
V. Special Business of the Day
a. Explanation of the Postponement of Off-Campus Elections

Apparently there was a small tiny little something in the code that was not properly fixed. It
didn’t actually start until IT services fixed it not everyone was not on the ballot and because
I did not require a test is partially both of our faults. Since we used it in the past I thought
we were good to go. After talk to different senators and cabinet member I decided to call it
and move it to another day.

Are we going to have a special session next Thursday?

No I am going to call a special session during the ASG banquet.

Why wasn’t someone up at 7 to make sure that it works?

IT does not get paid and they are doing this because they want to help the students so I can
not make sure or demand that anyone is there before the time of 8:30 when they have to be.

Are the candidates okay with this?

Everyone we spoke to said that they understand and that they were okay with it.

What means will be taken to ensure that people know that it will take place Tuesday?

It is on black board and it will be in the Miami Student this Friday.

VI. General Announcements

VII. Adjournment

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