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Nick Hampton

RAK Sheet
1. My best buds call me Nick.
2. My birthday is January 17th (’92).
3. If I could go anywhere in the world, I’d go to Australia or New Zealand.
4. My dream date is Megan Fox.
5. If I were an animal, I’d be a Siberian tiger.
6. My all time favorite movie is SAW.
7. If I could play an instrument, I’d play the drums.
8. If I could meet any performer, it would be either the Black Eyed Peas or Tobin Bell.
9. I don’t really like candy, but Starbursts are pretty good.
10. I would be Spiderman.
11. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
12. They would look… alive? Dead flowers are ugly.
13. My favorite color is green.
14. I play basketball and racquetball, but not on any teams.
15. My all time favorite game is Super Smash Bros on N64.
16. I would watch Family Guy.
17. If I could meet a professional athlete I would meet Michael Jordan.
18. Starbucks: Chocolate Chip Frap
In-N-Out: A plain double-double and a chocolate milkshake.
Quickly’s: ew. Nothing.
Jamba Juice: Strawberry’s Wild or Pink Starburst
Cold Stone: French vanilla with oreos and strawberries.
Chipotle: carnitas burrito with rice, pinto beans, and cheese
19. With $1000 I would go to Zumiez, Macy’s, Pac Sun, Tilly’s, and Sunglass Hut
20. They would describe me as relaxed, humorous, dorky, and creative.
21. Don’t have one, but I’ve always liked “Time is an illusion”
22. My favorite book is Coraline (yes, seriously).
23. My favorite magazine is Entertainment Weekly.
24. I would say at SMHS Giana Lozano knows me best.
25. I have two golden retrievers, Ginger and Kassie.
26. My favorite is brownies.
27. No, I don’t work anywhere yet.
28. I would be the blue monster from Monster’s Inc.
29. My hobbies are playing racquetball, swimming, watching/dissecting movies, and
30. My favorite restaurant in the bay area is Benihana.
31. My favorite movie genre is comedy, but horror comes close.
32. It would be snowing and it would still be winter break. I’d also have lots of money.
33. I look up to my dad.
34. My favorite smell is that holiday cookie candle thing.
35. My best stress reliever is simply sleeping.
36. My favorite cereal is Coco Puffs.
37. My favorite childhood toy was an Oscar-meyer wiener truck.
38. I’m not sure. SAN MATEO HIGH SCHOOL?!

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