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SKILL 1 : MEASURING AND USING NUMBER Record the reading (va !e) "i#$ !ni# Maximum 2 decimal point.

SKILL % : OBSER&ATION From the table, write M&' R&' va !e "i#$ !ni#, row by row (parallel observation) . Do not write any calculation or conclusion. SKILL . : )ONTROLLING &ARIABLES 3 varia* e/ 0 1e#$+d/ #+ $and e #$e/e varia* e/2 M& $arry out the experiment at di erent% $arry out the activity usin& di erent % $han&e the % #se the di erent% 'lace the % at di erent % R& Measure ( Record (MR) ) R* ) usin& apparatus $alculate ) R* )usin& the ormula written. +bserve or read %. are not accepted. )& Fix,maintain the same $* ) value ) unit SKILL 6 : )OMMUNI)ATING DATA ()ONSTRU)T A TABLE) -itles with units. $alculate usin& the ormula &iven. -rans er all data rom observation table correctly SKILL 9 : INTER5RETING DATA (E:5LAIN RELATIONS4I5) 2tate the relationship (3ypothesis sentence) R& in;rea/e/ "i#$ #$e in;rea/ing +< M& .rite % rea/+n/ (use biolo&y 0nowled&e)


3 : MAKING IN(EREN)E In erence ! is or observation ! In erence 2 is or observation 2 "n early conclusion based on experimental observation. #se *i+ +g, -n+" edge. Must be di erent rom observation.

SKILL 3 : STATE 4Y5OT4ESIS M* ) R* ) Relationship -he more M* , the less R* I ,.hen M* increases, R* increases -he hi&her M*, the lower R*. SKILL 7 : )ORRELATING TIME 8 S5A)E (5LOT A GRA54) "xis / $orrect title and unit , uni orm scale -rans er all points rom s0ill 1 correctly. 'lot a smooth &raph (do not extrapolate) SLA5

SKILL = : 5REDI)TING (5REDI)T AND E:5LAIN) 5redi;# / increase. decrease, less than.., more than %,same, suitable va !e "i#$ !ni#. .rite % rea/+n/ on your prediction (use biolo&y 0nowled&e)

SKILL 1> : O5ERATIONAL DE(INITION Begin your word,s that you have to de ine. (e& . *itamin $ is a.., Respiration is %) 'lus /!i#a* e #er1,s Indi;a#+r/ (materials , apparatus, R&) " ected , in< !en;ed *, M&. Q!e/#i+n 1 : ? 11 @ 3 A 33 1ar-/B

SKILL 11 : )LASSI(YING $lassi y to the correct title. Materials ( apparatus 3ypotonic solution ( hypertonic solution

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