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Scenes around Jonas and Gabriel slowly faded away.

Now he only could realize there was only himself, no one else, but Jonas. He discovered an identified light from the sky. What is it? Gabe? Jonas shouted. But the poor little baby was not there either. Immediately, brightness changed into a form of human. Jonas accosted Who are you? What do you want from me? Where is Gabriel? But nothing returned. Jonas tried to grab it, but became abortive. As he approached closer and closer, it became easier to recognize what it was. Suddenly, Jonas stopped moving toward and stunned. It was Rosemary. Absolutely matched with the appearances in the video, which Jonas watched. Was the release painful? Jonas nearly cried. No Rosemary gently answered it was such a pleasure for me. Jonas nodded. Every human being needed to be respected and citizens had rights to maintain their happiness she explained with a pleasure tone of a voice. That was the reason you and I has came up with such a drastic decisions, right? Rosemary said. Jonas just nodded. You made such a brave choice, Jonas she smiled It is the time. Right after her words, sight changed again. There was no Rosemary, Gabriel, Ahser, Fiona, or Lily. He just stood among the people who had ordinary life - loving each other and having fun with their families. He received such an unfamiliar experience from them, and it was a thing that cannot be accepted in Jonass community. Jonas finally reached at real utopia that he had desired.

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