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Global Warming Assignment

Due: Wednesday, March 25th Description: Traditionally, the class breaks up into two groups belie ers! and non"belie ers! o# anthropogenic global warming$ The two groups debate one another, and then a#terward students indi idually write up a summary o# what they% e learned and how their opinions ha e changed$ &owe er, as it becomes more di##icult to success#ully argue against anthropogenic global warming, this becomes less sensible$ There#ore, we%ll a oid the debate and instead indi idually choose a global warming or climate change related topic, and write a paper about a topic o# your choosing$ 'n the due date, rather than ha e a debate, we%ll simply ha e a discussion about some interesting things you% e learned$ (t would be great i# you chose a topic related to your ma)or, i# you ha e one *#or e+ample, i# you%re an ecology ma)or, an idea would be how global warming might a##ect the habitat o# a particular species, i# you%re an agriculture ma)or, you could study how global warming could a##ect crop growth, etc$-$ Requirements: .apers should be roughly 4 pages long, double-spaced, with 1 margins left and right, and with 12 point font$ .lease e"mail me your topic by ne+t week%s class$ (%ll try to gi e each o# you some #eedback and some help#ul sources i# ( know o# them$ (t%s alright i# multiple people ha e a similar topic, but (%ll probably try to cut o## one topic a#ter three or #our people or so, in order to ha e a good ariety$ Also, (%d like e ery paper to ha e at least one source from a hardcover book, #rom the library *i# this becomes too di##icult, then ( may change this re/uirement-$ .lease list all your sources, and attempt to have at least 4 sources, whether #rom online, book, te+tbook or )ournal articles, the (.00 report, or e en documentaries like An Inconvenient ruth$ Also, please ha e at least two o# your sources come #rom non"internet sources *although any )ournal articles would count towards this-$ Sources: Wikipedia is alright #or initial #act"#inding, or topic #inding, but ( would primarily use it #or the re#erences at the end$ 1or e+ample, there are at least 223 re#erences *plus more suggested #urther reading!- #rom the article on global warming *http455en$wikipedia$org5wiki5Global6warming-, which is a good spot to begin$ Also, i# anyone wants to be ambitious, you could search through actual )ournal articles by looking #or key words *http455ams$allenpress$com5perlser 57re/uest8search"simple-, but be warned that these may be di##icult to interpret without a meteorology background$ &owe er, ( would be more than happy to help anyone )ust send me an e"mail telling me what article you%re trying to understand, and what /uestions you ha e, and (%ll help as much as ( can$

Possible topics (but not limited to these): " &ow will global warming a##ect hurricanes7 " What methods ha e been proposed to re erse global warming7 " &ow will the climate o# Madison, W( *or the Midwest59nited :tates5etc$- change7 " What une+pected bene#its might global warming ha e7 " Why is Arctic ice melting #aster than Antarctic ice7 " &ow do climate models predict the #uture7 'r, how accurate are they really7 What%s missing #rom them7 " &ow will global warming a##ect American industry7 " What will happen to the Gul# :tream *or other currents- with global warming7 " What #eedbacks will occur with global warming7 *(ce"albedo, water apor, cloud, etc$" Which #orcing is more dominant aerosols or greenhouse gases7 " What has happened to the o;one hole, and what is e+pected to happen7 " &ow will global warming a##ect species e+tinction5e olution7 " &ow will global warming a##ect #ood production7 " &ow do scientists recreate the temperature record #rom long ago7 " <ou could e en discuss the politics o# global warming$ And o# course, you could argue global warming is either *2- not occurring, or *2- is being caused by non"human related #actors *pro ided you use sound science #or these claims-$ 1or e+ample4 " Are changes in the sun%s magnetic #ield5solar radiation5sunspot cycles5etc$ causing global warming7

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