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Annexure -1 Specifications for Filters Size Quantity Tag Number low rate ineness of iltration luid &edium Wor'ing

Tem"erature (ange &,W-ermissible -ressure Dro" -ermissible lea'age rate a.ross the body $e/ternal% Diameter and length of filter element .artridge 2nd .onne.tion -ressure (ating 6lass STYLE OF CONSTRUCTION Style &esh MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION 4ody and S.reen (etainer $.o1er% ilter 2lement $mesh : "erforated sheet% (etainer gas'et ( "erforated sheet Drain -lug Stud Nut -ainting : : : : : : : : ,ST& ,!15 W64 Stainless Steel *0;< *15 SS *0; s"iral wound<,sbestos9gra"hite filled Stainless Steel *0;< *15 => N-T? ,105 N , 1@* Ar 4) , 1@; Ar !B Two .oat redo/ide "rimer and Two .oat of enamel "aint 9 ,zure blue .olour : : 8 9 Ty"e with a..ess to re"la.e the filter element .artridge without remo1ing the filter body. Wire mesh : : : : : : : : : : : : : DN 150 Two nos. Will be mentioned at the time of order !000 l"m 500 # $absolute% Water !)* + to *!* + 1 &-a $g% 0.05 &-a at .lean .ondition No lea'age To be s"e.ified by the manufa.turer in the 0uotation along with the rele1ant .al.ulations for "ressure dro". langed (aised a.e as "er ,NS3 4 15.5 7150

Ot er! 1. &anufa.turer shall "ro1ide an assembly drawing of the filter indi.ating o1erall dimensions? rele1ant engineering .al.ulations? s"e.ifi.ation data sheet and Quality ,ssuran.e -lan $Q,-% along with 0uotation. !. 2ssential s"ares shall be "ro1ided along with filter for maintenan.e of filter twi.e or two years of trouble free o"eration and .ost of su.h s"ares shall be s"e.ified se"arately. *. Third -arty 3ns"e.tion ,gen.ies $T-3,% li'e 4ureau Ceritas? TDCEs? 4a/ 6ounsel shall be engaged for witness of tests? 1erifi.ation and authorisation of re.ords. 3t shall be the res"onsibility of the 1endor to arrange T-3,. The T-3 .harges shall be 0uoted se"arately in the offer. ;. &ar'ing: The tag number? nominal size? fineness of filtration? ser1i.e "ressure? material of .onstru.tion? et..? shall be legibly and indelibly engra1ed on the body of the filter. 5. 6leanliness: ,ll the interior flow of the filter shall be degreased and .leaned.

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