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Greek Quiz 4

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1. After the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE a) the Persians gave up trying to conquer Greece. b) the Spartans decided to ally with the Persians. c) the Athenians went to war with Sparta. d) the Athenians built a navy of over two hundred ships. 2. The Persian ruler who invaded Greece in 480 BCE was a) Cyrus. b) Xerxes. c) Darius. d) Chambyses. 3. This great historian, called the father of history, chronicled the Persian War: a) Herodotus b) Aristotle c) Pericles d) Thucydides 4. The battle of Salamis in 480 BCE a) left the city of Athens unscathed. b) was a decisive naval victory for the Greeks. c) was a heroic stand by a handful of Spartan soldiers. d) gave the lunchmeat salami its name. 5. When the Peloponnesian War broke out in 431 BCE, the leader of Athens was: a) Cleon b) Alcibiades c) Pericles d) Aristotle 6. The movie The 300 is a fictional portrayal of the a) Battle of Salamis. b) Battle of the Bulge. c) Battle of Thermopylae. d) Battle of Marathon.

7. The Delian League was created a) in order to give Athens a vast empire. b) as an alliance to discourage further Persian invasions. c) to maintain peace within the Greek world. d) to bring greater wealth to Sparta and its allies. 8. Who wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War and is considered the first critical historian? a) Herodotus b) Aristotle c) Pericles d) Thucydides 9. A trireme is a) a three-layered ice-cream cake popular in Athens. b) when Greek orators would yell at someone three times. c) a Spartan training-camp with three obstacle-courses. d) a battle-ship with three rows of oars. 10. The Peloponnesian War was won by a) the Athenians, whose navy defeated the Spartans with Persian aid. b) the Persians, who took advantage of that war to invade a third time. c) the Athenians, whose army defeated the Spartans in battle. d) the Spartans, whose navy defeated the Athenians with Persian aid.

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