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Compiled from: http://fantasyworld.wordpress. om/

A AR!"S #ar h $% & April $' R(lin) *lanet: #ARS The bonk now/think later God of War, aggression and action! Sexually, Aries is an explosion waiting to happen! The excitement is often in the chase more than the actual con uest though and while they may appear to want to dominate, they do not want a submissi!e partner" #outine brings boredom to sex for Aries, so if you$re only comfortable with the missionary position, go for another sign, but if you like forceful personalities and en%oy pretending you$re a human Twistie, then you$!e found paradise with an Aries" &A'( )*S+T+*, Always on top and always in charge -(ST S(. T*/ 0andcuffs! 1ike + said, Aries likes to take charge! A#+(S 2A1( +, -(3 The Aries male is loud, domineering and 4556 stud! 0e$s from the bump n grind school of lo!emaking so if you$re looking for romantic dinners by candlelight and long walks on the beach, keep looking! 0e$s the original 78minute man so ! if you$re e turned on by ultra8macho grunt8and8groaning types, you$!e %ust found your ticket to hea!en! 0e$s not prone to cheat unless you bore him in bed and he likes sex fast and furious baby! A#+(S &(2A1( +, -(3 She !iews sex as more of a physical act than something from a soppy romance no!el" +f you$re a bored exec and want to find out what it$s like to be treated like a piece of meat, then go for a one night stand with an Aries chick" She$ll be gone before you wake up and may not remember your name the next time you meet" She$s got a touch of 9+,9 to her personality so don$t get freaked out when she talks dirty or puts you o!er her knee for a spanking" She$s all woman, but are you man enough to

handle her: T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, A#+(S +f you want to seduce an Aries, running your fingers through their hair is an awesome starting point! And licking and nibbling around their face or neck will get them going too! <ust be careful to keep your sali!a at bay" 3rool is not cool!

Aries #en 0e always let other people walk in front of him, but he will get there first" 0e is a !ery careful guy and small obstacles won$t make him fall easily e!en he thinks life is a !ery serious matter" 0e is as romantic as any other =odiac" 0e could look gentle, but inside he is as strong as steel" *nce he determines to do something, he is serious about doing it well" 0e will keep any pressure or insult deep down inside without showing emotion" /ou will ne!er see his emotion of burden or disappointment and always wonder what he thinks or feels" 0e will be well kept his feeling" /ou will ne!er see a guy in this =odiac in!ol!ing in other people business" 0e always concern with his own business" Sometimes he can be talkati!e, but he will ne!er gi!e anyone ad!ice if he has not been asked" +f you ask for ad!ice, he will certainly gi!e you one" 0e respects elderly and senior, so you will see he is the type who !isits his parents steadily or often" 0e is a slightly shy but also a stubborn person" 0e will find many ways to make you happy when you are with him, till you reali>e he is the important person for you" *nce he is in the ?)ower )osition@, he will use his power gently" 0e is a good leader and ?Gentleness@ is one of his effecti!e methods for exploiting his power" +t is although he is borne to be a leader"

0e ne!er hides his ambition, and he is a workaholic" 0e will not take any position that he has no control" 0e will work !ery hard to reach his goal and satisfaction" Aompliment from his boss or superior are ne!er enough for him, he wants his reser!ed reward" 0is deep insecurity makes him reach and collecting !aluable things and this you may think he is stingy" Actually he could easily spending money to buy things, tra!eling or pay for things that makes him happy and he think necessary for his need" 0e care what other people think of him and want to get good comments or compliments" *utside he looks like stone and steel, but inside he is a fragile person" 0e will hide and co!er up weak emotion and his sadness in order to maintain and keep up his ?+mage@" *ne method of co!er up you could easily notice is suddenly if he is uiet, cold, or act !ery strong or !ery secure" *ften, he feels insecure, e!en he is serious about his life and his own surrounding" This is the man who ne!er hurries to get marry, so hardly sit back and regret about his marriage later" +f he gets marry, he need to be !ery certain and !ery sure" +t will take a long time for such decision, so if you tell him that you are ?breaking up@ , you better forget him for good because he will ne!er coming back" 0e always keeps his promise" +f he said he will meet you in your place in B hours then he will be there, unless there is a serious accident or una!oidable things happen" 0e hates people who are late for date or any appointment" 0e likes to think woman should be a follower and take care of family and working is a man duty" 0e does not like to compete with his girlfriend or his wife at work because competition already exists with himself and other people" 0e will be !ery proud if he can afford and care for his family" 3o not try to o!erpower him or insult him, he cannot stand it" 0e likes to be in control of e!ery things, e!ery situations" 0e like a ?Alassy Woman@, if she also comes from a good family then it is

)lus" +t will make him feel proud and !ery ego about her status" &lashy type of woman, forget it" 0e likes a perfect or a nearly perfect housewife" 0e tends to be possessi!e" 0e will not tell you if he is mad at you, but will act !ery moody to show you instead" 0e likes to hear sweet word and compliment so you can get his interest that way" +f he approaches you to ask you out, do not act too stubborn or fooling around too much" 0e will get tired and %ust disappear" 0e has to feel confident when he is around you, so knowing this fact you should know what to do, right! +f you want him, you ha!e to make him feel like he is the most important person for you" 0e likes a kind hearted woman, polite and can get along with his family" When he feels sad, do not lea!e him alone, but be !ery supporti!e" 9ind words and your smile will win him o!er, so this strong man will be like a chicken in your palm"

Aries +omen She thinks the world is watching her through the eye glasses of rose petal frame" She thinks people think and talk about her only about good things and often disappoint to know the fact that they are not true and not e!en real, so she will feel hurt" She thinks her path has to be a beautiful one" She thinks only good things so she prepares and always makes arrangement for her to be in the right path always, uite systematic indeed" +f there is no guy in her life, she will be busy with herself" This seemingly ordinary woman will push herself to meet her goal" 0er face mostly will be slim and long, high cheek bone, (ye brow slightly cur!e up, slight tall more than short, thin lips and she will ha!e uite a confusing or mixture of character" A Sometimes, she will be !ery careful about guy she will mingle with" She thinks as if she has a main A); in her head and she could memori>e e!erything from her childhood"

When she faces with problems, she will handle them and sol!ing them !ery well, and at the same time showing other people that she has that capability" She can put her mind in sol!ing problems in crisis better than many other =odiacs" *nce she determines to do thing, nothing will stop her" Woman in this =odiac could be totally different from one woman to another woman" /ou could see her in the party dancing like flash dance or dirty dancingC as well you could also see her as an old fashion lady or a geek" She could be someone flashy and wanted by many men, or she could be a cold and non8social person" She will ha!e her own way to win you o!er" *nce she chooses you, she will need to be proud of you" ?1o!e@ is not as important to her as ?2arriage@" 0er real goal in life is ?Safety@ and her position in other people sight need to be ?Secure@" She plans her life, and socially life easily and !ery carefully" She is also !ery artistic and realistic, so if you are nobody or nothing, no chance because she lo!es ambition and a good life" She need lots of lo!e, but do not want and do not belief in an occasional or uncon!entional lo!e" She is a proud in nature type, so if you see a woman in this =odiac comes from a poor family, she will act like a woman from a noble family by birth anyway Dcertainly there are always exceptionE" She always looks cool e!en when she is not" She likes to make people see her as ?secure and confident@ e!en she is a mixed emotion and mixed character type" +f she is mad, you can tell right away and she can stay moody for uite a long time" /ou ne!er ha!e all her times, for she likes to work hard and also spent some spare times working for charity" /ou will see woman in this >odiac a ?'olunteer@ for camp, and if she is in a high society, she will most likely be a president or a '")" of a ?Alub@" She is a romantic and artistic, but being poor and unstable is certainly not in her dreams" 0er beautiful imaginations need to be realistic, for failure is not in her plan" A Goat always climb high, so

either she start from a low point or a high point, she will make sure at the end she will ha!e the best spot" She will not show her ambition, but she will show that she satisfy with herself now" *nce you look back she already mo!ed up again, uietly but sure" +f she is your lo!e one, be supporti!e and understand her" She is stubborn, but she will listen" She will act like a gentle fragile person, but in fact she can stick you down like super glue without you knowing it"

Aries ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes Aries, as is well known, is not the Tom8<ones8slick8satin8bathrobe8 wearing8lounge8li>ard of the world$s lo!ers" +nstead, whether man or woman, Aries is a contradiction of competing energies, which can lead to great passions and enduring relationships, or it can stagnate and lea!e you home, making candy apples with your mom" +n many ways it is the !isceral or physical way that Aries tend to en%oy the world that creates the serious deficits Dor excessesE in your production of pimp %uice" Arians approach lo!e like they approach most things in their fiery li!es, with passion and intensity, but since this strength of con!iction and certainty of action is usual reali>ed by doing as opposed to thinking, the more subtle parts of the your life can be underde!eloped" This intensity is most readily seen in the initial stages of a relationship with an Arian" Since they are always ready to start a new ad!enture they are often some of the most romantic people on earth, as they %ump head first into the fresh newness of an early romance" Watch out for big bou uets of flowers, and fancy bottles of wine ser!ed with delicious meals, and then a dri!e along the water, these are the trappings of an Aries fantasy at work" This can be a real blessing or it can also be the superficial heat of

a %et$s after burnerC the heat may be intense but it also may be short li!ed" FFFAaution to potential partners of AriesG 3on$t let your own potentially playful attitude towards competition blur the fact that your &iery lo!er is not one to take a challenge lightly and will constantly accept any gauntlet thrown at his/her feet" +n fact the blind competiti!e nature of the Aries can mean a narcissistic streak that can pre!ent Aries from knowing when they are hurting people" Another aspect of the Aries$ approach to relationships is their inherent desire for ad!enture" So when they catch their prey DyouE they sometimes ha!e no idea what to do with you" 1ike a cat who knows he is supposed to catch a mouse, but since he has ne!er been shown how to eat one, the Aries can be confused by some of the more mundane parts of the day8to8day relationship struggles" This is where the competiti!e struggle can come in handy" The Aries is likely to sense that some hard work can make this work smoothly, and will dig in and rise to the challenge" &or the Aries out there embrace your fire, and good things will come, deny it and only the negati!e aspects of your sign will be allowed to rise to the surface" 2any women Aries find themsel!es li!ing in a world that does not allow, or at least does not respect the ualities that define their sign" <oan of Arc was an Aries and look what the men of the church did to her" 1o!e yourself and embrace the things that make you independent and important" FFF&or those of you stuck with a lo!e8on for an Aries or e!en %ust a crush, don$t play games, they will go right o!er his/her head" +f you want something, ask, they$ll appreciate it, and you will get what you want in the end"

,est Relationship #at hes 1eo/Sagittarius 8 -oth the fire sign share a lot in common" 1ibra 8 An excellent match of opposites, howe!er the marriage of too different planets, 2ars and 'enus, can sometimes be !olatile" +orst Relationship #at hes )isces 8 Too sentimental for you Gemini 8 Too much bickering 'irgo 8 Too fussy for you

A TA-R-S April $% & #ay $% R(lin) *lanet: ."N-S The Goddess in charge of lo!e, beauty and sex Taurus are ahead of the game when it comes to lo!e cause they are ruled by '(,;S, the planet of 1o!e! Taurus has all the ualities a lo!er desires, including sensuality, loyalty and faithfulness" When a typical Taurus makes lo!e, it$s the most physical and natural pleasure in the world" They belie!e the romantic approach to sex almost always pays off so they will happily cook dinner, buy flowers, and light candles for someone they wanna bang" They don$t like to rush things and take e!erything, including sex, slowly" &A'( )*S+T+*, The one Taurus en%oys most is the 2issionary" Some may say this is so unad!enturous, but Taurus is !ery practical and this is the most comfortable" -(ST S(. T*/ A battery powered ?erotic massager@ TA;#;S 2A1( +, -(3 The Taurus man needs a woman who will want to stay home to eat and make lo!e" 0e can be stubborn and is known to sulk like a little boy, but he 1*'(S making up!! Darrow!E 0e likes to take things slow and gently and can last for hours, always waiting for 0(# to finish before rolling o!er to sleep" TA;#;S &(2A1( +, -(3 She is great at back massages and sex in general" She makes an art of lo!emaking" <ust kissing her can bring some men to the big ?*@" 0er touch is gentle and tender, it excites and caresses and when in the mood, she too can go for hours at a time, days on end" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, TA;#;S There$s nothing Taurus en%oys more than ha!ing their neck kissed and their earlobes nibbled" 1ight, feathery caresses up and down the neck followed by gentle licks, no biting, will make a female writhe with delight and a male stand at attention within seconds"

Ta(r(s #an A uiet simple man, who can do something unexpected to shock you" Taurus man mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body" When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction" 0is body will be uite straight, facial structure tends to be s uare shape more than other shape" 0is eyes sparkle with li!eliness" (!en when he is in lo!e, he is still a free wild bird" 0e is sand in your palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out" +f you stand and hold it still, it will stay that way" 3on$t set the rules and draw a line for him, he will not stay" When you are with him, he will think only of you" -ut an hour later he could change his mind" 0e is !ery patient with other people, but !ery impatient with himself" 0is world always turning and it will not stop %ust because he lo!es you" +f he up sets, he will show it right away" +f something has gone wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead of blaming other people" 0e sincere to his friends e!en to some friends he does not like" 0e likes to do odd things and surprise other people" 0e could be fully dress in a nice suit and %ump in the pool" 0e could slap your back so hard %ust to make you turn around to see he has flowers in his hand" 0e ne!er wants to get too close with anyone for he thinks li!ing in reality is li!ing by yourself" 0e does not care what people think when he beha!es weird" 0e could be walking bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so narrow minded" 0e does not likes to follow conformity, but always want to search for new !entures, new mystery" 0e will interest in a life of a millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk !endor" 0e like to search and analy>e people and things" 0e will analy>e his friends or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new pu>>le to sol!e" 0e can not easily

understand thing, so he will gradually learning about you till he fills up all his uestions" 0e knows so many people, but he has a few friends" 0e looks for uality friends than uantity friends" 0e will be close with some friends shortly and mo!e on" 0e always feel lonely e!en surround by many people" 0e could create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him" 0e looks only for future and he thinks he li!es for the future" 0e may wonder how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the others" 0e is a man with a conflict personality" 0e is a cool, understanding, and able to work well, and !ery artistic" Taurus man could be an artist" 0e could shock you as much as he is able to clam you down when you up set" 0e is a free spirit who likes !enture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him but to let him be" 0e won$t disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back" 0e will gi!e you straight forward opinion or comments, but will ne!er ad!ice what he thinks you should do" 0e does not like people to tell him what he should do too" 0e thinks each indi!idual dreams and thoughts should be !ery pri!ate" 0e will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other guys compete" 0e has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force him in competition" 0e may seem careless, but actually he is a thinker and a stubborn one" 0e sees anything in details and not easily trusted people till he thinks he knows them well" /ou can %ust smile and he will think why and what are you smiling about, and if you are pretending" *nce he trust you and accept you as a friend, no one can says other wise to change that for he will not listen to gossip" 0e will be honest and sincere to his friends" 0e hates lies, so he will not tell you lie" +f he finds it is necessary to lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or a!oid telling you anything" +f he really has to lie, you will ne!er be able to tell that he is lying" 0e can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely

soul" +f you want this kind of guy, you ha!e to be an interesting person" 0e has to be curious about you" 0ell for him is ?,o &reedom@, so if he marries you then you should know it is the biggest decision in his life" Always be interesting, and then you could ha!e him beside you"

Ta(r(s +omen A slim, moderately and tall woman" Taurus woman is funny and a %olly person" S uare facial bone structure, and high cheek bone" 0er round big eyes sparkle with wit and curiosity" /ou will not see many round faces Taurus women, and mainly she will ha!e a strong %aw line" She is a constantly change person" +f she up sets, she will not show it and will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them so well" +f she gets really mad at you, you will suddenly become a totally and completely stranger to her" She is a patient person, but always need new excitement" She hates long talk meeting, long and endless con!ersation" She can be in lo!e with you today, and one day she could act as if she has ne!er lo!ed you before" She has patient with what she wants to do and will ne!er gi!e up until she gets there" She will be !ery persistent in what she is doing till she has reasons for stopping her pro%ect, then she will uit" 2oney for Taurus woman is not the most important factor in life" She thinks of money as an instrument for assuring of a good li!ing" She has more satisfaction in achie!ing her goals more than satisfaction in fine cloths and luxuries" +f you like a woman who always thinks of lo!e and romance, then you are dating the wrong girl" /ou can not tell her to stay at home, she likes to work and preferred not work at home" She lo!es animals and likes to surround by animals" 1o!e is in her head, but freedom is in her

soul" She has her own idea about lo!e and afraid to show her true feeling for fear of re%ection" She is not the type to talk about lo!e, but she sure has a strange way to show it" She is not good in showing when she is in lo!e, but if she lo!es you she will be honest to you than any other women" She will be honest to her lo!e one, but at the same time seems distant" /ou will ha!e a good relationship with her, if you allow her freedom" 3o not force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to" She will be different than other girls, and she thinks different is one of her uni ue uality" She is a public figure but belongs to no one" She will not stay with you, if she thinks you are not sincere" She likes you to ha!e personality, but better not to compete with her" 1o!es her, but not too much, as she is afraid it will be limiting her freedom" She always stands out of the crowd for something she dares to do" /ou could see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant, or dress like a nun in an a cocktail dress party" +f you are a politician who is looking for a wife, she will make a good one because she is cle!erly smart and she could get along socially with any type of crowds" She is not a %ealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before accepting you in her life" She has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now you are flirting with someone else" +f you keep a distant from her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more" (!en when she is dating you, she also able to fond of someone else, if you do not ha!e something that she is looking for" She will ne!er disappoint you or hide behind your back to make you loose face, but she is the type who %ust going to tell you to your face that ?We$re better off breaking up@" She always remembers her first lo!e"

Taurus woman holds the best record for di!orce for she does not care about how people think of her, but e!erything should be done for ?0appiness@" She has lots of friends and sure of herself, so you will hardly see she delays any of her thoughts before her action" +f she thinks of something, she will go ahead and does it" She has many men wanting her for her constant changes is the challenge" She can be cute and funny, but suddenly cool and tough" She has her own style of dressing up, so you could see her dress like an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dress like she comes from 2ars" She will ha!e that interesting hair, dress and a look uni ue from anyone else" She likes to learn about your dreams and thoughts" She has fun teasing you and making %okes" +f she did something wrong, she won$t hide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it" She hates to owe people money and take promise seriously" +f you promise to pay her back, you$d better paid up" +f you want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be %ealous or possessi!e, be narrow minded, critici>e about nonsense or small and insignificant matters" Try to likes her friends and let she has her pri!acy, and then she can be !ery sweet to you"

A Ta(r(s ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes 2uch of e!erything that you e!er wanted to know about your Taurus lo!er is constituted by his/her relationship with 'enus, Taurus$ planetary ruler" Aontrary to the more commonly held perception of the Taurus being extremely reliable, stable, solid and perhaps a bit stuffy, Taurus can be extremely sensual, especially when you chuck him/her into the emotional blender" *nce the more romantic aspects of the bull$s sun sign kicks into high gear you will be surprised by the physical intensity of the relationship, and you may, in fact, be o!erwhelmed with the tactile way in which your lo!er shows you affection"

We can see this side of Taurus in other aspects of the bull$s personality" ;sually people born under this season of the sun cycle ha!e a great desire for simply physical pleasure, and you may ha!e noticed comfortable furniture, nice be!erages and food filling their fridges and adorning their li!ing rooms" They are connected closely to the ears, neck and larynx, and as a result en%oy beautiful music, good con!ersation and the touch of lo!ing hands" The most important thing to remember if you are dating, making lo!e to, or in a long term, full fledged relationship, with a Taurus, your affection is best expressed through the same mode that your lo!er en%oys other parts of his/her life, with simply expressions of sensual en%oyment" Touch them, instead of saying something sweet! +nstead of a book, get them wine, instead of art, gi!e them a massage" 2ake lo!e to them when they least expect it, and sit them down for their fa!orite meal" This will seal the deal, and create a loyal, caring, and delicate lo!er" There are a few drawbacks to ha!ing a Taurus lo!er in your life, and they begin with the communication difficulty that the bull can ha!e" Though they like talking about philosophy, politics or their own particular interests, if the con!ersation turns toward more difficult sub%ects, such as problems in your relationship, or lack thereof, they may be unlikely to engage your concerns" This needs to be worked out with some !ery focused discussions of what Taurus$ !iew as unnecessary exchanges" +f it is not practical then it is not something that they are interested in" A way to promote more dialogue is to sandwich the difficult stuff with a nice bottle of wine, or a good day on the beach, or any other hedonistic acti!ities" /ou may also ha!e noted that bulls in your life can be moody and a bit withdrawn sometimes" This is closely linked to the their stubborn inability to Hrole with the punches"$ This is a !ery real part of a Taurus$ life" 2ake sure to encourage a more open8 minded way of !iewing the world, and you will help your boy/girl get out of the doldrums and into the bright sun of the world"

A word directly to those born under the Taurus signG be careful not to see the special people in your life as part of your collection of Hfun$ acti!ities" A problem that can face you is seeing people in an instrumental way that can de!alue the uni ue worth of each person in your life" This can be a more serious problem when it comes to people that you deal with romantically" 2ost people get tired of being treated like a pretty bubble that must be dusted occasionally, and e!en though you think you are showing the right amount of interest, you may find yourself alone wondering how it all went wrong" #emember, if you care for someone, their needs must be met e!en more aggressi!ely than your own, and maybe they will reciprocate, and then e!eryone wines" ,est Relationship #at hes Scorpio 8 (!en though it can be intense and stormy, it will endure and bring great satisfaction" 'irgo/Aapricorn 8 'ery stable and harmonious, though Aapricorn is better for plutonic relationships" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Strong wills can bounce off each other and create stress, though it can work with more passi!e Taureans" Sagittarius 8 Too free spirited" Gemini 8 Too restless"

A G"#!N! #ay $$ & /(ne $% R(lin) *lanet: #"RC-RY The swiftest God in the skies, who also happens to be in charge of ultra8extreme raunchy talk Talking about sex is Gemini$s fa!orite hobby and doing it comes a close second" Gemini $s lo!e flirting and lap up attention from the opposite sex, but sometimes that$s all they$re looking for" They need a lot of !ariety when it comes to sex 8 dirty weekends away, a uickie in a shop doorway, serious groping under the table at a fancy restaurant" A lot of Gemini$s are bisexual too and can often be drawn to those of the same sex" &A'( )*S+T+*, As long as it$s different e!ery time, they$re not fussy, but if they must choose, it$s that naughty number right after IJ, since they can come up for air if they need to" -(ST S(. T*/ Any illustrated book about kinky sex, so Gemini can pick up some wild, new ideas G(2+,+ 2A1( +, -(3 0e likes to gi!e A,3 recei!e and can be uite in!enti!e" 0e$s a lights on, in front of the mirror kinda guy and if you make a few subtle noises and talk a wee bit dirty, he$ll be !ery happy" G(2+,+ &(2A1( +, -(3 She is more interested in +K than pri!ate parts" +f she can$t respect the intellect, then satisfaction is not possible for her" She may sleep around fore!er and ne!er find her true lo!e and she is not the most faithful of the signs" She likes sex on the run, in an airplane toilet, in the storeroom at work, in the backseat of a car" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, G(2+,+ &ocus on the shoulders, arms and legs of a Gemini and you$re headed for the good books" They lo!e a good massage and their hands are so sensiti!e that e!en ha!ing their fingernails played with sends shi!ers up their spine! 9iss up and down each of your Gemini$s arms, sneak in a few licks, nips and nibbles" +f you get one or two yelps, then you know you$re doing something right" Then, mo!e onto the fingers, slowly kiss, lick, nip and nibble each fingertip, then pull out the killer mo!e 8 suck on each finger, slowly, as if it$s a lollipop" +$ll almost offer a money back guarantee on this one working!

Gemini #en A man in this =odiac has a thin long and proportional face" 0e has a high forehead and !ery clea!er" 0e looks like he can not stand or sit still, a !ery fast person" 0is nose is %ust right in si>e, thin lips, talk fast and !ery talkati!e" 0e can think faster than he talks, but once he starts talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth" 0e likes to cut his hair short and he is !ery athletic" 0e is a tall, slim and e!ery mo!ement of his is ?&ast@ or nearly calls ?0yperacti!e@" 0e has long fingers and always tapping on table or mo!ing his finger as if he is trying to grab something" 0e is the type, who will write or scribble on paper, he ne!er stays still" 0is hair always well comb or neat" 0e will spend a long time to comb his hair" 0e will keep his manicure and pedicure clean" 0e is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will lo!e him" 0e will keep all his cloth in big closet, and ne!er throw away e!en shirts he ne!er wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style" 0e knows how to dress well e!en with a low budget" 0e gets bored easily with his fa!orite cloths, cologne" 0e is !ery picky, so soap and his cologne e!en ha!e to be in the same trend or same scent" +f you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating B guys, you will ha!e to guess his feeling and emotion" +s he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to: 0e changes his mind as fast as he changes a new pairs of shoes" 0e can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand its contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other =odiac" 0e hates to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine %ob" 0e could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it is complete important and necessary"

0e does not come late because he forgets, but because he always fined other attractions along the way" 0e likes to act opposite to what he wants to do" 0e is a !ery good speaker and makes a !ery good politician" 0e can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer" +f he is a writer, he will write the best seller" 0e always searches for truth and constantly studies himself" 0e ne!er satisfies about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deser!ed more" 0e will keep searching e!en he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction" Woman in lo!e normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in lo!e with this guy be prepared to be alone" 0e will come to see you when he feels like it" 0e won$t e!en know how he spent his day e!eryday, so ad%ust yourself if you lo!e him" 3ating him is like dating B guys, so today he can tell you how much he lo!es you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date" When he upsets, he could tell you he hates your dress, e!en it is the same dress he used to tell you make you look !ery sexy" 3o not ask him why he is that$s way for he won$t ha!e any explanations too" When he is back to normal mood, he will take you out again and forget what %ust happened" /ou can not expect him to be the same person now, and fore!er" 0is changes will depend on you, for better or for worst" +f you like to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with him fine" 0e keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not be able to see if he is in lo!e with you, or does not gi!e a damn at all, but be calm and patient" 0e will ne!er lea!e you if he thinks you are a pu>>le, and then he will spend times sol!ing this pu>>le"

Gemini +omen A good looking woman with brains, a !ery interesting person" She has a fast mo!ement and she could not sit still or stand still long" She is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast" +f you date her, you will feel like dating many women at the same time" /ou can not tie her down with the word ?1o!e@ because she cares about lo!e but is it not a ma%or factor of her life" /ou ha!e to be able to ad%ust yourself to get along with her many different characters" She is a dreamer and has many dreams" She is eager to learn something new all the time" (!en she is the B in 4 mixed character type, she is uite lucky in lo!e" /ou ha!e to put all your efforts to win her affection" (!en when she likes you and wonder about your wit, she will also see and inspect your bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature" She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you or letting you know at all" She can cheer you up by acting like a free little bird" 0er con!ersation will not bore you" She is able to talk to you in any sub%ects" She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man ali!e" She can make you feel like she needs all your care, but once she needs to stand alone, she can stand alone firmly and comfortably" She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything" She can %oin all your acti!ities with the same energy that you ha!e" She is a uick a wit person and learn new things !ery fast" She can see your pro%ects and she can gi!e you good ad!ice" +f she thinks you are not sure that you want her for yourself, she will act like your best friend only, a cool woman" She can easily make a guy fall in lo!e with her" 0er multiple changes and many moods is a ?Aharm@ for many men" She can be laughing for B minutes and later suddenly uiet" She wants to find only 4 true lo!e and she wants to meet her dream guy" She expects a lot and nearly too much" She is constantly waiting for

her knight shinning armor e!en she is with a steady boyfriend" She can fall in lo!e or fond of someone else while she is with you" +f you break up with her, she will forget you uite fast, because change is in her nature" The Gemini woman breaks more heart than woman in other =odiac" -ecause she is a dreamer and always waiting for her knight shinning armor, so her lo!e life can be complex or a mess" She hates to write a long letter, so if you write her a letter and expect a prompt reply, forget it" -ecause she has a multiple personality and multiple ideas, so she hates to put them down in written proof" -ecause she knows what she belief today can be different tomorrow" She could communication with more than 4 language, a real gifted linguistic" +f she wants to tell you any bad comments, she won$t say it straight away, but she will talk to you about many other things and accidentally come to that sub%ect without offending you" ,ormally she will not lie" She will work hard and once a while take a long rest" She can get bored and tired with her own surrounding more than at work" She ne!er feels content with her present work, money, or reputationsC she will dri!e to ha!e more" 3on$t ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not ha!e an answer" *nce you get to know her, she will be a supporti!e person and always be beside you" She has a beautiful dream and she lo!es to ha!e someone walk side by side with her, together and e ually" Gemini ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes Ah, the Gemini, witty and elo uent, the life of the party, and a great lo!er to boot "if you can keep him/her interested for long enough to settle down" Sometimes the Gemini in your life can be a humming bird, flitting from one interest to the next, and then they can be the serious intellectual, mo!ing from one stimulating idea to the next with the ease of their own air sign" This means that as much they may want to be happy, the Gemini stri!es to bring discordant notes into harmony, dis%uncti!e ideas into

synthesis, and may e!en try to bring your, as they may percei!e, %umbled existence into greater balance" This type of relationship can be fraught with all sorts of perils but can also be a great learning and growing experience" *ne of the best parts of learning to lo!e, or simply learning to be around a Gemini is knowing that they are the mimic of the horoscope$s cycle" They can be whate!er you want them to be, and may in fact see what you are looking for in a lo!er and become that" They can be a roaring 1eo, or a fiery Aries, a stable Taurus or a pensi!e )isces" They can say all the right things and do the romantic dinners or long walks, if that is what you are looking for" This is why they ha!e such great success with the opposite sex, and can attract the attention of e!en the most unlikely of personalities" +t is important to remember that in spite of this great ability to adapt and change to meet the challenge of being your fa!ourite lo!er, a Gemini is only mimicking and in the end you must lo!e the curious mind, and schi>ophrenic beha!iour that defines his/her life" *ne of the Gemini$s biggest challenges and at the same time greatest attributes as a partner is their desire to understand how you tick D+ can see Gemini$s partners, friends and lo!ers all shaking their heads right now in complete agreementE" This re uires lots of uestions and in!estigation into your head and heart, which can satisfy most people deep seeded narcissism, but can also be a little unner!ing" This curiosity is inextricably linked to a Gemini$s need to understand all the things around them" This understanding can end up meaning that once they feel as though they ha!e you figured out, their interest may wane" There are some dark sides to the Gemini character" 2uch of their weakness lies in shortness of their attention span" The lo!e of new and shifting things can sometimes outweigh the importance of settling into a routine and en%oying the more familiar aspects of day8to8day existence" +n short Gemini lo!ers can be heartbreakers" They go full tilt into lo!e and then, when bored,

can toss aside people without too much thought, mo!ing on to something new and more exciting" These ualities can hurt those around them, and e!entually lea!e them alone and wondering where all the people in their life ha!e gone" Gemini$s tend to ha!e high di!orce rates precisely because of this tendency" Gi!e them a chance and they will one8minute lo!e the girl next door, and in the next moment run after the dominatrix with her whips and chains" Gi!e your Gemini lo!er a chance and they will keep you on your toes, but make sure that you stay true to your own nature and don$t bend too much or ask too little, or you may find yourself and the blinding will of their capricious nature" ,est Relationship #at hes 1ibra 8 This is your best match" They ha!e %ust enough in common with you and %ust enough that$s different" A uarius 8 <ust capricious enough for you" 1eo 8 At first you may be attracted, but this pairing is ultimately unstable" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 Too slow for you Aancer 8 Too stable and domestic )isces 8 Too emotionally needy you$d hurt them far too often

A CANC"R /(ne $$ & /(ly $0 R(lin) *lanet: #OON Which isn$t a planet at all but the satellite responsible for this water sign$s many mood swings! 1o!e and sex go together for Aancer" They need to feel secure in lo!e before they can relax in sex and Aancer often feels a little bit guilty after doing the deed because they usually associate sex with babies, especially the women, who either get pregnant at the drop of a hat or take longer than usual" All Aancers WA,T to be parents!Aancers become sexually excited when they feel secure" They are turned on by home cooked meals and partners who lo!e kids" +n so many ways, Aancer is the dream partner! &A'( )*S+T+*, Any position that$s comfortable and in!ol!es Aancer lying flat on their back with all their sensiti!e areas exposed! -(ST S(. T*/ A drink or %oint that will relax the o!erly8cautious crab! AA,A(# 2A1( +, -(3 0e is a sensiti!e lo!er and will put his partner$s needs before his own" 0e has a tenderness about him that dri!es women wild!+f the Aancer guy decides he$s in it for the long haul, he$ll do whate!er it takes to keep his lo!er happy in and out of the bedroom" *h, and he$s a -#(AST man!! AA,A(# &(2A1( +, -(3 She oo>es sexiness and is born to mate!! Aompliments and kissing will win her o!er, so as you$re nibbling on her ear, whisper ?you$re so beautiful@ to get her ui!ering" )erhaps the 'incent D-ig -rotherE growl would work on a Aancer woman: T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, AA,A(# Aoncentrate on the breasts and pecs of Aancer to really get them going" Start by kissing and brushing up against them" 1icking the Aancer female$s nipple through her top will excite her, but don$t Hdi!e right in$ cause you$re likely to scare her" +t$s the complete opposite for the Aancer male who will 1*'( it if you get straight to the point" S uee>e his pecs and bite his bod and you$ll ha!e him bouncing off the walls in no time!

Can er #an The most sensiti!e and the weakest emotional type in all =odiacs he is the man" 2ost Artists are Aancer" Aancer is controlled by the ?2oon@ and the moon change it$s shape daily, so Aancer man$s emotional and moods change all the time too" /ou will confuse with him and yet it is his constantly changes that ?Aharm@ you" 0e ne!er goes to get what he wants directly, but he will wait: &or chance and opportunity to do so" *nce he gets what he wants, he will not loose it, except if he gets tired of it by himself" The most sensiti!e man who can not stand re%ection" 0e cares what other people feel or think of him" 0e hates loosing face and he tends to o!er protected himself, so sometimes people might think he is a cold person" Gifted, creati!e, imaginati!e, is Aancer" A mystery and complexity play a ma%or role in a life of a Aancer man" 0e could be !ery funny, !ery uiet, and suddenly !ery sad" 1i!ing with him could be much unexpected, for you will not know what his next mood is" +f you like excitement and surprise, you ha!e the right guy and ne!er ha!e a chance to get bored" 0e thinks of his home as ?nest@ and it is the safest place for him" +f he feels hurt or depress he will stay at home alone uietly" *nce he feels better, he will come out of his retreat and li!es normally again" -eing a looser is not him" +t is so easy to fall in lo!e with this guy because he is gentle and a !ery polite guy" 0is wit and creati!e mind could win your affection" 0e will come out from his nest to protect you e!en if he is not opening himself up to other people much" ,ot many people will win his heart" 0is security is only when he has money in his pocket" *nce he feels secure then he might think of ha!ing a happy family" (!en he likes to make and keep money, he is not stingy" Spending money is part of his good image, so he will be happy to spent money to take you out to a !ery expensi!e restaurant or buy %ewelry for you" Aertainly when he has money he is *9" 0e is possessi!e to e!erything$s that he thinks belong to him"

3on$t try to talk to another cute guy in front of himC he will get suspicion because he is not !ery secure or confident in himself for this kind of competition" *nce you know each other too much, he will start to look for new excitement, but not to worry for he will always think of you" +f he thinks you are the true lo!e for him, and you try once to disappear" /ou will be sure he will come and look for you" 0e is a shy guy, but if he likes you" /ou can get up in the morning and see that he is in front of your house e!eryday till you go out with him, a !ery persistent guy" 0e likes a secure, cheerful and li!ely woman, confident but at the same time always acts proper and appropriate" 0e likes a secure woman, but able to ad%ust to his rapid changes" +n the beginning, you and he will be so sugary sweet together and he will only think of you" This so ?super romantic@ will not last fore!er, so don$t slip this chance" +f you are the one who want his interest, then act and make yourself interesting" -e a supporti!e person and gi!e him compliment sometimes, but not too much till he thinks you are not sincere" ;nlike many other =odiacs, if he is mad then you better get out of that room" 0e will calm down by himself" Gi!ing him a slight touch on his shoulders or concerned facial expression are enough" 0e lo!es his mother, so try to be his mother fa!orite, but do not act like his mother"

Can er +omen When she is in lo!e, she will act both ways" &irst, she !ery shy and polite trembling to be near you and Second, Attach to you like glue and trying to be with you all the times" She will try to go home with you after work, or ha!e e!ery lunch with you" +t is *"9" if you like her too, but if it is not the case, you will feel !ery uncomfortable" She hates to be talked about or gossiped by someone else" +f she knows she will be !ery hurt"

+n nature she is a shy type, except she has been influenced by some other =odiac" She is not a bra!e or daring type, so if you like her then you better be the one who start first" She will not accept her true feeling, so if you like here you better tell her first" She is like a musical note always changes in tunes, so one minute she can be funny and cheerful, and one minute she can be sad and depress" *ther people may think of her as ?*!er8acting@, or ?*!er8 reacting@" When she is depress, she will go out and look for things to make it up" She lo!es money, and thinks of ha!ing ?2oney@ as ?happy@, not as ?God@" She will not look down at you if you do not ha!e a lot of money, but she will help you make money, sa!e money" She is not an extra!agant person and sometimes will tell you not to buy her expensi!e and not useful gift" She is the type who en%oys a long and uiet walk" Aancer woman is also influenced by the ?moon@, so under the moon light she will be fascinating woman" She has a constant fear for many things" She fears of not being smart enough, not pretty enough" (!en if she is not fat, she will not be satisfied" Assuring her of her look would help, because she can change mood L times a day" She is not stingy, but you will not surprise if you see she collecting old or broken %unks" She sees that e!erything is useful to her" She will find a way to re8 use it again some day" She is not a %ealous type, but possessi!e" The best part of her is that she will sacrifice e!erything for her lo!e one with no limit" 3on$t lea!e her in times of troubles, she will ne!er forget it" She is not a weak type, e!en she looks like one, (xample if you argue with her, and she might cry her heart out" *nce you left, she will wipe her tears and start clean up her apartment normally" She is a !ery careful mother and will look after her kids e!ery steps of the way" +f she is a mother of your children, you are at ease, but if she is your mother in law, you are in pain" ,ot to worry, this type of mother in law will not let her own daughter

being an ?*ld mate@" She could be moody and argue with you in many little things like many women, but she always wait and want to take care of you" +f you argue with her and disappear a few days, she will be waiting for you, but not for long *"9" This kind of testing is risky, try not to do it" The Aancer woman needs B things to be happy which are ?Work@ and ?1o!e@" 0e can be li!e in a dusty house, but she can not li!e in that same house with no 1o!e"

A Can er ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes Since the moon, which shifts, creates and signifies emotion, rules Aancer, then you can always expect your dealings with Aancerians to be filled with a certain le!el of intense in!estment" This in!estment will always come from the ualities that are inherent to their nature, such as fertility, domesticity and that o!erarching maternal De!en you boysE instinct" The emotionality that seems to rule o!er this aspect of the sun sign, manifests itself in the stomach, !ia stomach aches and indigestion Dthe emotional barometer for humansE, and in their tenacity for seeing things through and making sure that good is done" The Aancerian is likely to be sa!ing you from something, and e!en though you may not feel as though you need to be sa!ed, your Aancer lo!er has an uncanny ability to sniff out unhappiness or dissatisfaction" +f you are the not the focus of their altruistic imperialism then some other $cause$ will adorn their spirit, which so thoroughly inhabits them" &rom the neighborhood kids, to sick animals, your Aancer partner is a hallmark card for all things nurturing or protecting" Though this can be distracting and perhaps a bit of an annoyance when e!ery time someone needs change or a cat looks hungry, or e!en a distressed phone call from a friend, can interrupt an entire e!ening$s plans, it is important to remember that this is how Aancer deals with their emotional depth" 0elping people or causes can ser!e to assuage the le!el of

emotional distress that a Aancer feels at other$s pain" -y allowing them the space to do what feels natural will mean that they take it out on you less" The thin shell that is supposed to protect Aancer from external stimulus doesn$t always do such a great %ob, and thus their softer interior is often disturbed" +t is for this reason that in matters of the heart you may ne!er e!en see the Aancer sneak up on you" -ecause they, more than anyone else, are well aware of their propensity for emotionality, your Aancer lo!er may come from all directions but straight ahead" This is a protecti!e measure, since head on confrontation and/or re%ection is something that they will not deal with easily" (xpect this beha!ior and it is much less disconcerting" 2ake sure to be ready and willing to interpret re uests or suggestions that will not be completely ob!ious" Ahallenge yourself to think outside your normal emotional or intuiti!e parameters" This will also allow you to know and understand that the Aancer in your life has had a lot of stress and perhaps a few whiskey8 cigarettes8tears nights" This has dri!en a large amount of the empathy de!elopment in their li!es, and they usually feel Dand are mostly rightE that this troubled past has them to belie!e that they know what others are going through during times of trouble" They can fix things though, oh how they can fix things" Aancer is a handyman and as a result a nice home usually follows a Aancer around, and also pro!ides great tools for good fathering or mothering" So if you are ready for a domestic life, keep that Arab in your life" *ne of the drawbacks of ha!ing such a thin shell is that it can sometimes make you seem withdrawn and uncaring" This is especially true when it comes to those members of the Aancer crew that ha!e been hurt particularly badly in the past" Their reluctance to express themsel!es with their feelings is simply a defense mechanism" An important thing to remember is that allowing your Arab lo!er to withdraw and not be their usual

empathic self will help them charge their batteries after too much stress" A!oid early marriage with Aancers, since it usually is the result of their o!er acti!e nesting impulse" This can often result in a dramatic reali>ation that they are not e uipped to deal with the harsh demands of married life, and leads to high di!orce rates" FFF+mportant hintG Aancers may keep nostalgic things around them, picture albums, letters etc" 2any times this can contain records of old lo!ers" +t is important to remember that Aancers can feel !ery unsure of the future, and can be more comfortable lea!ing a piece of themsel!es in the past, for security$s sake" +t is a good thing to keep remembering that you are the one that they are with, and not !ice8!ersa" -ecause of this penchant for li!ing in the past, the Aancer that you are in a relationship with may ha!e a problem remembering all the unkind or thoughtless things that he/she has done, but trust me, they ha!e no problem remembering all the uncaring things that you ha!e done" This selecti!ity can be !ery hurtful, and many times untrue" (ncourage your lo!er to li!e in the present and resist the urge to only focus on the past" ,est Relationship #at hes Aapricorn 8 -efore they work though, you need a few failed relationships, because they$re %ust as shy and %ust as dri!en" *nce you reach your thirties and settle a bit, you$re home free" Scorpio 8 Their dominant nature fits well with your caring side" )isces 8 They understand your depth of feeling like no other" +orst Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 They are too flighty for you" Aries 8 They are too bold and self8centered"

Sagittarius 8 3espite an initial attraction, the wandering, popular Sagittarian may be too much for you to handle, and %ealousy and rage are right around the corner"

A L"O /(ly $1 & A()(st $0 R(lin) *lanet: S-N Which isn$t a planet at all, but a star, and %ust like 1eo$s opinion of themsel!es, it$s the center of our solar system! 1eos can be !ery Hinto themsel!es$ when they bonk" +t$s not that they don$t make their partner feel ! special, it$s %ust that they often forget about them as they secretly high8fi!e themsel!es for scoring again! 1eo does actually want more from a partner than %ust sex though" 1eo wants lo!e and friendship too" They can be !ery romantic, but when they get into bed, it$s not an experience they$re about to ha!e, it$s a show! They like to performM and they take re uests! ?3oing it@ is the ultimate stress buster for 1eo and they are pretty damn good at it, but they need constant praise for their outstanding performance" &A'( )*S+T+*, #ecei!ing Horal affections$, since 1eo is all about getting ser!iced! -(ST S(. T*/ A camera, or a game of Strip )oker will get the cat purringF or perhaps you can use them both together! 1(* 2A1( +, -(3 /ou are the 9ing of the <ungle and expect to be treated that way! /ou are a good lo!er because you don$t like to fail at anything" /ou are sexy and ha!e an aura of sexiness that is difficult to deny" -ut, you will let anyone adore you, so your partner has to make the effort or you will pad off to your next 1ioness!! 1(* &(2A1( +, -(3 /ou are elegant and sexy without e!en trying" 2en lo!e you and women want to be you" /ou like to play cat and mouse with men and command respect" +n bed, you are a real panther and can scare the pants off most men" /ou adore raw sex, so your partner should go with you and en%oy it" /ou$re a once in a lifetime experience! T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, 1(* A 1eo$s Hmoan >one$ is his or her back" &irst of all, ask your 1eo to roll onto his/her tummy" Start with a gentle scratch that runs from the top of the ass to the base of the skull" +$m not talking about tender tickles or a tantali>ing tease 8 + mean a #(A1 back scratch, cause if there$s one thing cats lo!e, it$s a scratch! After a minute or so, get out the massage oil and spill it into a snaky pattern on 1eo$s back" Then rub all o!er" 9eep doing this until you know 1eo is ready to roll o!er" +f they start falling asleep, gi!e them a gentle prod in a delicate place! *nce 1eo is ready to roll o!er, don$t let them! 1eo

will be excited by your control" /*; decide when it$s time to Hflip your feline$ o!er and get into the good stuff! Leo #an 0e likes to comb his hair backward, open his forehead showing dignify facial expression" 0is eyes are sparkle, but slightly showing la>iness" 0e walks firmly and slowly like a lion, confident and ego proud" *utside, you may think he is kind and gentle person, but inside he is a strong and secure person" +f he is frightened, he will re8act and respond right away" 0is words always seem normal but mostly imply ?order and demanding@" 0e will not talk fast, or can not talk fast, neither walk fast" +n a crowd or at work he will act normally, but not for long you will see him standing out of the crowd and be a center of attention with his words, or his action" /ou might think he is a shy guy, but deep down inside he wants to power o!er his family and his friends" 0e %ust waits for that right moment" 3o not take what is his, and do not order him, or else you will see a fierce lion" 0e respects elderly and senior, but will ne!er bow down and accept like a looser for he will rather die than loose his dignity" 0e talks bluntly e!en on an occasion that he should not say such thing" 0e is a compassionate guy and always looks at other people on a bright side" 0e likes people to listen to him" (!en he has such a blunt and bold personalityC he could easily reach his goal without making any enemy" *nce disagree with him on something, he can be !ery up set like a rainy storm on a summer day" +t will only last a short time, and then he will be back a cheery merry person again" 0e is a bright and witty guy, and he will not put any efforts on something that he thinks it will not work and waste his energy" 0e is a good planner and can well manage his %ob assigned" When he gi!es order, he expects them to be carrying out exactly" 0e is

the leader type that the followers lo!e" 0e can gi!e other people ad!ice and sol!e problems for other people well, except his own mess" 0e can be easily hurt by other people especially if you do not trust or respect his ability" /ou could compliment him sometimes and make this lion be your kitty with no difficulty" 0e is not a good %udge for he listens to many people and tends to belief all sides" /ou can hardly see a 1eo man with no woman by his side" +f you see him alone, he could already ha!e a lo!e one in his heart, or %ust broken up with one" -ecause he is !ery proud, he can change many girl friends" 0e will do many things for the woman he lo!es, but loosing his face is not one of them" 1eo man can not li!e without lo!e, because for him 1o!e is a ray of 1ight" 0e likes people to rely on him, its make him feels ?in power@" 0e may complaint if he is asked for fa!or, but deep inside he is happy that you asked him" +f you offer to help him, he will refuse you right away" When he is broke, he can find money still" 0e is not careful with his way of spending for he has fun with spending money and happy to buy what he likes" 0e lets other people borrow money from him easily e!en if he has no money, he will run to his friend to borrow money for you" 0e likes first class, first uality of e!erything" 0e can work hard like a mad dog, and sometimes can be la>y like a la>y sleepy cat" When he works, he is !ery serious" When he parties, he can be a party animal" +f he asks you out, you will sure ha!e a fun and %olly time" 0e will take chance with his lo!e life, so if you know how to handle him, you will win" +f he is your lo!e one, it won$t be a romance no!el" /ou ha!e to be ready to calm him down when he o!er reacts to small matters because your cool stability will control and ease his mood" +f you can not handle or understand him, your relationship will be like a demolition >one, an on and off relationship till all your friends tired to hear about your breaking up and making up" -eauty is always in the eyes of the lion" /ou ha!e to be dignified

to walk with the lion king" /our looks are part of his image and ego and he is !ery proud about it too" +f you want his attention the first time you meet, you better be astounding attracti!e" +f you ha!e a first con!ersation with him, you ha!e to show him how much you adore his thinking" 0e likes to talk and not knowing that he likes to talk about himself" Leo +omen She will stand out of the crowd on the street" 1eo woman is normally tall or rather tall" /ou will hardly see a short thick woman" When she walks she walks like a ueen, confident and does not look around, though as if there is no one around her" She will dress in her own style not according to fashion" She is confident of what she chooses to wear" 3o not buy cheap cloths where they sell in do>en for her as a gift, she will hate it" Also do not buy cloths that do not reflect her confident personality" She likes uni ue and strange cloths and accessories" -eing different is what she lo!es" +f you want to know her, take times and be patient because she is selecti!e about people she mingles with" She$s open minded, but yet she is not letting people get to close to her easily" She likes sweet words and compliments, but not too much" She smiles with anyone, but inside she thinks she is borne to be a leader" She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct" She is a graceful woman, and she has a magnetic charisma, so expect tough competition" She is a !ery proud person, so do not do anything to challenge her confident" She can be mad and act like a hurricane, and later can be like an innocent kitten, but do not fall for her *"9" She remembers e!erything and likes to cherish her sweet memory, so if you find her old photo albums with her ex8boyfriend or lo!e letters that will make you puke, take it easy"

She is keeping her sweet memory does not mean she still in lo!e with the old fool, so you do not ha!e to panic" She will ha!e many guys run after her, so if you ha!e ad!antage of a good background family, or a famous last name, a successful career then it$s a plus" She hates to be poor and she thinks lo!e will not pay bills" She is a sport type and lo!e sports" +f you want to date her, prepare to spend big bugs, for your first dinner with her can not be a hot dog stand, but better be the best place in town" She is a generous person, so do not be surprise if she gi!es you a gift more expensi!e than what you ga!e her" She likes extra!agan>a, no cheap gift, no cheap dinner please" -eing poor or broke make her depress" +f you do not ha!e lots of money, be creati!e and make your own gift for her" +t$s uni ue uality and times spending making it for her is a big deal" /ou can think economical, but do not be cheap" Leo ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes Ah, the king of the %ungle, in this the human, city %ungle! 1eo prowls his/her turf with the certainty of a born leader" Since 1eo$s sign falls in the middle of the >odiacal calendar and, in ,orth America at least, the hottest time of the year, it is ob!ious that 1eo is ruled by the sun" Sitting at the center of any social, romantic or work8related situation the sun8as8center8of8the8 uni!erse is certainly true in this lion$s case" Aside from being at the center of e!erything 1eo$s lo!ers stretch across a !ast di!ide since the point of the 1eo strength is to bring happiness to all members of the >odiac$s path" +f you ha!e e!ery dated a 1eo, or if you ha!e e!en e!er simply bedded down with one, you will know a few things for certainG 4E They are the life of the party, BE they will buy a round of drinks and then regale you with colorful stories, and finally if ha!en$t already noticed, they are hunting you" They will take aim and take you down, which means that they are highly dri!en and

sufficiently moti!ated, and if you get in their cross hairs there is little chance of escape" -ut the great thing is that you don$t mind, because they allow you to bask in the glow of their aura, which bespeaks of a greatness that e!en the most uninitiated of us can$t ignore" /our 1eo lo!er is frank, and the what8you8see8is8what8you8get edict is usually in place" This means that they expect to be followed, and that when it comes to relationships they like to be in the dri!er seat" +n much the same way as in a social situation, in a relationship a 1eo will fight for dominance and then if he/she can$t establish their desired power dynamic Dpower being !ery important to the 1eoE they will simply bow out, rather than let themsel!es exist in what they feel is a lesser relationship" Alearly this can cause some discontent in any situation, and certainly is one of the biggest drawbacks to dating a 1eo, since no one wants to feel as if they are working for their boyfriend/girlfriend, and usually the beginning of a completely untenable situation" This desire for control also means that unforeseen change can be something that sticks in your lion$s %aw and can make him/her !ery irritable" 2ake sure to cushion any bad news or difficult let downs, with a gentle forthrightness and then let the 1eo slink away to lick his/her wounds in pri!ate" 3o not under any circumstances make a 1eo$s hurt or failure public since it will be an unforgi!able offence in their eyes" /ou 1eo will always abide by the maxim ?to thine own self be true!@ The will usually take responsibility for their own actions and expect you to do the same" This can mean that e!en if you didn$t mean to do it, don$t say it" FFF+f you are dating a 1eo, or interested in one, it is !aluable to note that despite all the posturing and chest puffing, that when + 1eo lo!es you, it is true" 1eo$s can be !ery good8natured and if

they take a liking to you they will put e!erything they ha!e into it" +t is at this point that they are most !ulnerable and can be taken ad!antage of" So do use their lo!e against them or you may find yourself on the sticky side of some !ery uncomfortable flypaper" *ne of the largest romantic drawbacks of the obsession with position and power is that it often means that 1eo$s are relegated to casual sexual relationships" They tend to be unwilling to settle down since the sun that burns so deeply in them, allows them to feel the great warmth of ?spreading the lo!e@ so to speak" They can become wrapped up in the performance and find it hard to settle down" #elationships also re uire a ?gi!e and take@ type relationship, which relies on a relin uishing of power, so that harmony can be achie!ed" This can go against the !ery core nature of the 1eo$s personality" 1et 1eo$s age and this tendency will become less and less pre!alent, as they reali>e that getting what they want ine!itably re uires compromise" And seriously let$s be honest, we all lo!e the sun, but if you ha!e e!er been to the desert you know how, without the protection of shade, sun can be a real scorcher" ,est Relationship #at hes A uarius 8 They are your >odiacal opposite, but they can be your truest companion and there are surprisingly few conflicts that arise from their opposing natures" /ou pri>e your humanity, belie!e in the same ideals, and admire creati!e pursuits in different and complementary ways" Aries and Sagittarius 8 /our fire8sign relati!es, are also natural companions, but on a more casual le!el" +orst Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 They$re mostly mind8oriented, you are all heart"

Aapricorn 8 /ou$ll o!erpower them, and they$re not likely to forgi!e your mistakes" )isces 8 /ou$ll hurt them before you e!en reali>e it, and they$ll harbor a long resentment"

A .!RGO A()(st $1 & Septem2er $0 R(lin) *lanet: #er (ry The God in charge of intellect and speed but don$t worry because 'irgo likes to take their time in the sack!! 'irgos ha!e two sides to their personality" The 'irgin and the 'ixen" They may want you to T0+,9 they are all sweet and !irginal, but they are definitely ,*T!0owe!er, 'irgos are looking for a long term partner, not a one night stand or an affair! They tend to seduce with finesse, charm and subtlety so you may not e!en reali>e you$re being lured by a 'irgo!! *nce 'irgo has been in a relationship for awhile, they get engrossed in housework and things like that, which can cause a serious dip in libido" 3o ,*T let this happen! They are definitely more of a ?can we cuddle instead@ sign that a Hlet$s get it on!$ one when committed" &A'( )*S+T+*, Almost anything, as long as it in!ol!es eye contact! -(ST S(. T*/ +t$s more of a game" Write down fi!e wild sex acts and put them in a bowl" Get 'irgo to pick one out at random, and then do what you$re told!! 'irgo 1*'(S spontaneous sexuality! '+#G* 2A1( +, -(3 /ou can be uite boring at times because you ha!e set !iews on how a woman should be" /ou don$t mean to critici>e or offend, but your perfectionist ways may dri!e your lo!er loopy! /ou 3* ha!e some kinky ideas though, but it is difficult to get to the bottom of your passion! /ou are a creature of habit, so if your lo!er can get u into the habit of sleeping with her, who knows what might happen: '+#G* &(2A1( +, -(3 /ou are hardworking and careful about your appearance, but you really do fantasi>e about getting down and dirty! /ou are a secret romantic and cra!e the perfect lo!er" Since the perfect lo!er doesn$t exist, you$ll take what you can get! /ou are uite insecure and need a partner who will adore you" /ou ha!e strong passion beneath that practical exterior and are %ust waiting for someone to unearth it! T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, '+#G* 'irgo$s ha!e a '(#/ sexually sensiti!e tummy!! +f you wanna make them putty in your hands, stroke, lick and kiss their stomach!! The area from the bellybutton 3*W,! *nce you ha!e them s uirming, you can ha!e anything you want!! <ust remember to keep one hand on their tummy at all times!!

.ir)o #en Time is precious for 'irgo man and if you make him wait, he will consider that as an insult" 0e hates to hear criticism and hates to be critici>ed" +f he is critici>ing other people, then he must be influenced by other =odiac" 0e is and he likes to be a perfectionist" 0e always thinks he is doing the right and appropriate thing, and often he thinks he makes no mistake" 0e is a bright guy and could accept comments if he thinks it can impro!e him" 0e is the type who well ad%usted to make changes" 0e will spent money carefully and spent it worthwhile" 0e will only extra!agant for his personnel pleasure only" 0e is uite romanticC a type of guy who can dri!e 455 miles %ust to tell you how much he misses you" +f he does not care about you, he will not e!en spend a dime to call you locally" 1ong distant special low rate call is also out of the uestion" 0e hates rough and crude people" 0is woman has to be clean and dress well" 0e inspects any thing in details besides being a perfectionist, so you could be lying in your bikini with a perfect figure and he can suddenly comments you about your big feet" +f you gain B pounds, he may comments you are getting too fat" -efore going out with this kind of guy, look at yourself head to toe in the mirror and ask yourself if you are really and entirely ready" ;nless he dates a model, then he will ha!e less comment" 0e is neat and tidy, so his life always in a schedule, a fix time to lunch, the same time to go home" 0e is well knowledge about food and conscious about nutrition, so you won$t see this guy eating a %unk food, or strange and exotic food for sure" /ou will see him in social e!ents or party if only necessary" 0e is gifted with acting, so if he says he can not go out with you because he is sick, then you will belief him" 0e is a hard to please when it comes to what to eat, how to work, what kind of a woman to date" 0e always neat and tidy all the times, e!en if he is in the army, he will be the cleanest soldier in the camp"

0e likes to speak properly with no slang" 0e hates la>iness and la>y people" 0e always acts like a boring mature adult, but getting to know him, you will know he has his own charm" 0e always sees things clearly, so he is not the type to be blinded by lo!e" 0e is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritate with rudeness, ignorant, or stupidity then he will show you that he is annoyed" /ou may see a guy in this =odiac dress up in an old shirt and old <ean, but if you look carefully, you will see that his hair is neat and unconsciously he will touch his hair a lot" 0is desk is always neat and if he sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it in the basket" )eople may think he is selfish, because when he says ?,o@, he really means it" Any fa!or asked, he will help but always in his own limit" The more he sees faults in others, the less he wants people to see his" +f you want him to change his faults, try to tell him gently or he could take it as an insult" 0e wants lo!e that comes with uality, so he only has a few lo!es in his life" Woman$s trick will not work with him" +f he breaks up with a woman, he will also try to a!oid all her friends and her en!ironments too" 0e is !ery picky and e!ery breaking up, he will be double careful next time" 0e can sweep woman with his charm, but he likes to keep his relationship like a friend" 0e likes a sincere self confident woman, neat and clean, perfect and tidy" A two ?)@s, picky and perfectionist make a meaning for this =odiac"

.ir)o +omen She will be similar to 1eo woman in appearance" She is slim woman, who walks with confident and proud" She has an egg shape facial structure, high and round forehead" She likes to look straight as if she is searching" She is not a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks" /ou will see 'irgo woman walks

fast" She will try her best to be perfect, to look perfect and to feel perfect e!en though there is no such perfection" She is !ery delicate of what and how she dress" She is bright and easily despairs with obstacles" She likes smart guy who will be compatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget about her right now" She is not a !ery possessi!e or %ealous person for she expects respect from her lo!e one" She does not like a part time lo!er, or a temporary mate" +f she finds her dream man, she will not go away" +f she does not like you, she will always keep a certain distant" Act proper and appropriate is her discipline" She does not like and can not stand bad languages, cursing words or phrase" She likes a gentleman who opens the doors for her" She wants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feel like a complete woman" She memori>es e!erything about other people and about herself !ery well" She can really keep secretC you can trust her on this" She likes a refreshing and a mild scent" She is !ery delicate in maintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soap which match and most suit her skin" 3o not comment her on this !ery picky habits, it is her happiness in working full times as a self beautifier" She is not an innocent angle for sometimes she can be as tough as steel" (!en she easily despair, she is not the type to cry o!er it" She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make her ner!ous e!en she walks and talks confidently" She only searches for true lo!e, not %ust any lo!e" 0er lo!e is an ideal one" She likes to think no one is neater than and as effecti!e as her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing" She likes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable and unbearable to you too" When she stops getting mad, she will totally forget what she %ust said and be an angle again" +f you

ha!e a date with her, you$d better be there on time" &lowers and sweet word can calm her down" +f you want to say sorry, make it brief and straight forward" 3o not drag your apologetic words into a long making it up e!entC it could lead you to another world war" She likes her man to dress nice and clean" She is good in details especially with money" 3o not make she thinks that she is a clown or funny" +n the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at other pretty woman so much" (arly period of dating her, try not to hold her so much in public, it would not be a proper thing to do" She lo!es books, stage play and music and likes to critici>e about them too" Ariticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress, and the way you talk" +f you are in lo!e with her, be as almost perfect as your can"

A .ir)o ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes The e!er practical perfectionist 'irgo celebrates their birthday during the same month that dictates the main moti!ating archetype of their personalities" (nd of August and beginning of September bring the largest har!est time on earth" This is a time of year that people gather and bring together all the hard work from the summer, and all the waiting from the pre!ious winter" They go out into the fields and pastures as the summer light begins to ebb and the summer heat starts to wane" +n the same way 'irgo$s lo!e to bring what seems to be chaos into synthesis, and create harmony when there is discord" #uled by 2ercury, 'irgo is a bit of a head o!er heart person, and yet, as pre!ious 'irgo lo!ers in my life ha!e amply demonstrated, they allow their childhood to permeate the rest of their life, which imbues e!erything that they do with a profound le!el of wonder

and excitement" +n relationships the tension between intellect and wonder, can produce a di>>ying display of con!ersationalism and an independent search for knowledge, that can either alienate you as a 'irgo$s lo!er or bring you in so thoroughly that you could ne!er imagine being with someone as interesting or as dynamic" /our 'irgo lo!er is not only shy but is extremely hard on his/her self, and that is a combination that can lead to some problematic personality traits" +t can, at first, seem as though 'irgo is completely detached, without emotion, and yet precisely the opposite is true" They are keenly sensiti!e, and this can be seen as any depth of relationship is explored between you and your 'irgo lo!er" This criticism is the basis of your lo!er$s most annoying personality traitG the external critic that exists in e!ery 'irgo" 3espite your best attempts to let your partner know how much this type of nagging examination of all you faults, bugs you, they persist" +t is as much a reflection of how incomplete they sometimes feel, and less about you" -ut it is something that will dri!e away not only casual relationships, but the meaningful ones as well" 'irgo has a hard enough time finding someone that they feel can e!en measure up to the harsh light of their e!er e!aluating third eye, but once they do find that special someone, the temptation can be to continue to perfect that person" As much as it is appealing to let 'irgo take a red marking pen to your personality because you desire their lo!e, it is important to remember that they are reflecting their own insecurities" +n letting them continue this type of beha!ior you are reconstituting their own identity issues" 3on$t let 'irgo fool you though" +t is easy to mistake the shyness of the 'irgo as aloofness, when really all it is that they are more comfortable with intellectuali>ing and dialoging than spilling their dark emotional secrets" +t is for this reason that watching and

touching them is the best way to create an intimate physical connection, rather than o!er elo uent speech" They want to be held when they need to feel lo!ed, fed when they are hungry, and kissed when they feel passionate" They are an earth sign, and thus feel most at home with their fi!e senses, so they are also known to be hot in bed" FFFWarning, withholding of affection as a means to argue or get something from a 'irgo, will ine!itably backfire" +nstead of moti!ating them it will reduce the reason that they want to do something for you in the first place" They will feel unlo!ed when not touched, and they will lose interest in an attempt to protect themsel!es" Always bribe your 'irgo with lo!e and sex, ne!er with negati!es" ,est Relationship #at hes )isces 8 Though your natural opposite is also your most ideal partner" (!ery uality you lack is ample in )isces, and !ice8!ersa, so no problem in this marriage is unsol!able, and e!ery day is interesting" Taurus 8 0as a big heart, while he/she waits for your headiness Aapricorn -oth of you are perfectionists and can work extremely well together, bringing harmony to your worlds" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Too bossy and will not tolerate your pickiness 1ibra 8 Aompletely unable to take your criticism A uarius -oth wrong and right, but if it$s wrong you both will be at each other$s throats

A L!,RA Septem2er $1 & O to2er $0 R(lin) *lanet: .en(s The planet in charge of beauty, lo!e peace, and stirring sensuality 1ibra is one of the sexiest signs in the >odiac, but if 1ibra can$t get what they want from one lo!er, they will opt for two! 1ibra$s are more turned on Hgi!ing$ than Hrecei!ing$" They ha!e a big heart and are the least selfish sign of the =odiac" 1ibras are not !ery open about their thoughts or fantasies" They$d rather say nothing than tell the truth and offend or embarrass you" +n bed, it takes a while for them to be comfortable enough to tell you exactly what they want" &A'( )*S+T+*, As long as they are lying down, they$re happy! -(ST S(. T*/ 9"/" <elly" + will say no more! 1+-#A 2A1( +, -(3 The 1ibra man sees sex as an exciting ad!enture and he$d be !ery keen to do it in kinky places like a restaurant toilet! 0e likes being a bad boy if there$s a chance he might get caught" 0e$ll try out any fantasy you ha!e, but whether or not you can keep a tight hold on his heart remains to be seen" 0owe!er, he can be a bit of a pusho!er, and is perfect husband material, and he$d prefer his lo!er to take the lead" 0e is romantic and considerate but may suffer from )remature (%aculation! 1+-#A &(2A1( +, -(3 The only thing that separates 1ibra men and women is what$s between their legs!1ibra girl wants a strong man who understands that she needs her indi!iduality and freedom" She is turned off by burping, farting, and bad breath" Good personal hygiene is crucial if you want to get to Bnd base" 1ibras are !ery good at lying to get their own way" When your 1ibra girl groans in bed, look into her eyes to make sure she$s not Hfaking it$" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, 1+-#A 1ibra$s 1o!e =one is their lower back and butt, so please, s uee>e and pat your 1ibra$s butt whene!er you get a chance" When you$re kissing, reach under his or her top and stroke the lower part of their back, starting in the middle and working your way down to their butt" Take your time and be gentle! To really dri!e your 1ibra wild: 0a!e you e!er heard of the term H#imming$::: 3oes it surprise you that a high percentage of 1ibras are gay: Li2ra #en

A man who has no balance like his =odiac symbol as he is" 0e is not the gentle, cool, calm and charming guy like what you see" 0e has another dark side of aggression, stubborn and he likes to start an argument the most" Sometime she can be so depress and unstable" ;p and down like he is trying to balance himself most of the time" To many people, he is a friendly guy and always smiles e!en when he is mad or up set" 0is !oice is always gentle and calm" 0e always set and combs his hair as if he comes out from a shampoo ad!ertisement" 2ostly 1ibra men are good looking, e!en the ugly one is charming" When he smiles, it is so bright that the whole world is smiling with him too" When he is in a balance mood, he is the type of person you want to be with" +n other unbalancing mood, he likes to make people argue about something and watching it with fascination and fun" 0e will wait to be the one who compromise and clear thing up" 0e likes to be in a conflicting con!ersation" 1ibra man is la>y by nature" After his tired day at work, he likes to sit still and %ust look out of the window or read uietly" 0e likes to be in his own world" After recharging his battery, he will be !ery energetic again and may e!en take you out that night" 1ibra man normally will not do any shocking or abnormal things to be noticed" 0e likes to be conformed to his crowd, but if you watch him carefully, you will see the different" +f he wears a shirt, it will ha!e to be a >ipper front instead of buttons, or a special tie bar" There is always something in him that he will not allow totally conformity to take him o!er" A straight forward, 0e is careful and delicate in details" 0e will spent extra time to doing it right, than comes back to correct them later" 0e hates people who boost, or exaggerate" 0e does

not like o!er dressed woman or make herself a center of an attention" 0e lo!es to read" 0e lo!es poems and lo!es art" When he works he can work like cra>y, but after work he can turn on romantic %a>>y music and treat you so gently" 0e lo!es to gi!e people ad!ice and normally gi!e a good ad!ice" +f you fall for him, you will stay like being trapped in a spider web" +f you want to break up with him, he will persuade you a >illion ways to stay and you can not stop him anyway" After he persuades you to stay, or after a big fight, he will be so sweet to you as if he has ne!er hurt your feeling before e!er" 0e will ha!e his own way to win a girl lo!e and affection" *nce she says yes, he will lay back and wonder if he should go on or if he should back out" +n his teen, he changed many girl friends because he can not clearly separate lo!ing a friend and lo!ing a girl friend" 0e will check and re8cheek if his match is suitable and compatible with him" (!en he is a romantic manC he can hardly understand the emotion of the one he lo!es" 0e is a generous guy e!en he sets his life so systematically" 0e ne!er knows when he makes you unhappy" 0e ne!er knows how he up set you" 0e will ne!er know what he said wrong" +f he is your lo!er, be prepared for this" A not so pretty girl as well as without brain is not his type of woman" +f you are not pretty enough, he will not mind talking to you but he does not care to get to know you" Any girls, pretty or ugly can ask for his help, he will be happy to help" 0e hates to argue by yelling at each other, so you tend to see he argue with his girl friend seriously but try at best to be !ery uiet" 0e likes to ha!e a girl friend by getting to know each other like a friend first" +f you want him, you ha!e to like the same thing he does" 0e prefers a pretty and gentle woman than a smart and ugly woman" /ou ha!e to understand his mood especially he can

has many different moods" 0e is a pri!ate person, so when he needs to be alone better let him be" Li2ra +omen 1ibra woman mostly has an egg o!al facial shape" She has a nice smooth skin and a good figure" She will spend so much effort to keep her skin clean and pretty" She can be easily allergy to cosmetic and make up, but taken care of her face and a!oid wrinkle is her hobby" She is good at it and tends to look younger than her age" She can be !ery naughty like a little boy, but yet fully 4556 women" She looks nice in either <ean or night gown" She thinks woman is e ual to man" Sometimes she can think faster than you, but she will not lea!e you far behind" She will try not to make you feel like you are competed or defeated in any games she plays with you e!en she is winning" She is a little flirt e!en she has no idea what she wants" She can not decide what to do, and what not to do, so she can not set her schedule !ery well in all cases" She is gifted with how to dress, and how to match her dress" She likes to dress in black and wear perfume" She likes a mild flowery scent" +n any argument, she can really argue" She can argue for hours, and mostly win the argument" +f it is not a serious argument, she could argue and once a while gi!e you a smile also" She will make a good politician, because she can tell which party will win the election" She always has good reasonsC e!en she likes to contradict herself" She can not decide what is right and wrong for her, because e!erything has a good side and a bad side" Woman in other =odiac might not care what other people think, but 1ibra woman care what other people, or what you feel as much as her own feeling"

She can ad%ust to her en!ironment !ery well, so at work she will be at the ladder up" She likes team work in doing things" +f you ask her for help or ad!ice, she will help you except if she does not like your guts" She can change you and make you think you change by yourself without her influence" Good sides of being with 1ibra woman are she ne!er interferes with your pri!acy" She will not make you loose face in front of your friends" (!en she cares about how much money she has left his her bank accountC she will ne!er forget to let you know how much she cares for you" She thinks taken care of the house is a woman %ob and she can do it well" -ut if you expect a 1ibra woman to fear you, then you are wrong" She is a strong woman e!en she looks at you with that sweet innocent pairs of baby$s looks and may loose you Dlet you winE in a few poker games" +f she is the one you are after, then go step by step" The best way is using her friends introducing you to her" 3o not make her feel or treat her like a bubble head" /ou ha!e to mo!e forward toward her with confident and secure" Show her that you are a kind, polite and a real gentleman" -e a slow hand or else you might get smack!

A SCOR*!O O to2er $1 & No3em2er $$ R(lin) *lanet: *L-TO The #oman God of the dead, beginnings and endings" Which basically means that Scorpios add no!el differences to any relationship" Scorpios are !ery possessi!e" They will tense up if you e!en 1**9 at another hottie across the room" -ut they can be relied on to always be there for you if you need them" /ou may ne!er really know what your Scorpio is thinking though, because to them, 9nowledge is power and they are !ery good at putting on a straight face to co!er up any emotion they are feeling" Scorpios lo!e sex" The dirtier, the better" Get them excited by re!ealing your filthiest fantasy and offering to act it out" &A'( )*S+T+*,G Anything, as long as it in!ol!es dominating your ass" -(ST S(. T*/G -en Wah -alls for the girls, and a #iding Arop for the boys SA*#)+* 2A1( +, -(3 0is sexuality is so strong, it will make you di>>y!! +f you are lucky enough to be with a Scorpio boy,you will always be satisfied!! There$s a rumor that the Scorpio man is the most skilled in bed" +t$s as true as a black man has a giant Wang!!! 2ost are pretty good!! The only thing you don$t wanna do is piss him off" (!ery little thing u do that he doesn$t like, he will file away in his little mental #olodex" )iss him off one too many times, and he will wreak his re!enge!!! SA*#)+* &(2A1( +, -(3 She may look like a uiet, shy girl, but in bed she is ,*T! She is a wildly passionate woman, who is 3/,A2* is the bedroom" <ust don$t piss her off either, cause she can more !engeful than a Scorpio man, and she has no problem causing a scene! 3on$t talk about other women, or play hard to get, because she will get u back, and it$s a game of one8upmanship you will ne!er win" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, SA*#)+* Since this is one of the horniest signs, it makes sense that their moan >one is between their legs! Then again, their big head Dor their mindE is %ust as easy to turn on" Talking dirty and teasing your Scorpio will get them ready and randy in a flash!! Without getting too graphic, the magic words for today are #;-, #;-, #;-"

S orpio #en A man with a foggy clouds o!er him" 0e is sensiti!e and easily hurt and always feels lonely" 0e does not trust anyone but himself" Sounding so negati!e, but he has an ama>ingly charisma" 0e is a compassionate man" 0e absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain" 0e is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confused feeling" 0e has a hidden power that he could use it to make things happen and do things well" 0e does not like people who ne!er try to help themsel!es before asking other people for fa!ors" 0e is the type of guy who mostly achie!ed his goal in life" *nce he sets his mind for something, he will put all his energy and efforts in it, whether or not it is a small matter or a big pro%ect" *ne of the most successful men in the entire =odiac he is" 0e is a !ery patient man and can waits for years to reach his goal" 0e hates thin feeling and weak determinations" 0e can not retreat or rest for long, for he thinks life has more uestions and more answer to be searched" +f he is in lo!e, you will get plenty of lo!e from him, sometimes may be too much than you ha!e asked for" 0e is serious about lo!e and relationship and will not waste time with someone he does not lo!e whether how pretty she is" 0e hardly makes mistake" 0e could tell if you ha!e any bad thought, and will not hesitate to tell you so" +f you do not like straight forward sincere man, then pack your bag now" +f you are an o!er sensiti!e person, try not to ask for his comments" 0e will tell you the truthC e!en you might not be able to take it" (xample, if you ask him if you are fat Dand you are fatE, he will say ?yes, as big as a balloon@" 0e makes such comments because he cares for you, so do something about your weight and do not get up set with him" +f he says ?you look pretty today@, you can be

proud because he will not say such think %ust to please you if he does not really mean it" There will be both kind of people, those who like him and those who hate him" +f you are in lo!e this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not be !ulnerable" 0e remembers all his anger and will wait or his pay back time" 0e is !ery serious about your promiseC do not promise something you could not keep" 0e lo!es his friends and will do anything for his close friends" 0e likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friend" 0e is a complex man and you will ne!er understand what he means if you do not really know him" 0e is happy to know he is a complex figure" When he is thinking or when he needs his pri!acy, you should gi!e him some space" 0e memori>e e!erything well" /ou may say something that you already forgotten, but he will remember e!ery words" 0e wants to be respected and admired and at the same time he does not like people to ha!e power o!er him" When he falls in lo!e, he really falls deep" A man in this =odiac once in lo!e, he will be sweeter than sugar" 0e does not like a plain and simple woman" A complex woman$s mind is his !enture" Always be interesting and able to talk to him about e!erything in any sub%ects" 0e does not like a woman who sits around waiting for his call" S orpio +omen A simple woman who always shows what kind of moods she is in" /ou can tell right way if she up set, or if she is flirting with you" She displays herself with her act much more than trying to say it for it$s in her character" A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality" She is confident and deep down inside she is uite proud of herself" She hates to think she is borne a woman and so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules"

She is a real woman and despite her innocent and childish looks, she has a spirit of free soul" 2any men will make mistake if they think she is a good follower, they are wrong" She thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring" She likes to ha!e power and control o!er other people, but this will be only her secret, so you will only see a cute woman" (!erything she does will look good, and she has all the women$s tricks you can think of" She can manipulate men without them knowing it" +f you think her going to do e!erything you say because she lo!es you, then you will be disappointed" She could be a little tomboyish and she can understand you by %ust looking in your eyes" /ou may say sweet words which could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman" She will use her .8ray eyes reading your thought of what you %ust said or what you are going to say" She always smiles and she can really hide her feeling" She will constantly show you that she lo!es freedom" +f she has freedom, she will not lea!e you, but will e!en lo!e you more" +f she wants something, she will do e!erything to get it" She has her own sixth sense of people and you can feel that energy feed back when you around her" She likes a man who can earn her respect, and she will also respect and feel proud of that man" A man with power o!er her should not threat or challenge her confident" She likes to ha!e a good looking, strong and healthy man especially if she starts to compare with her friends$ boyfriends" +t is a plus if he hold a degree or a good career" She is a hot lady" She likes hea!y music" She either lo!es or hates, there are no ?fond of@, or ?like@ for her" 1o!e has no ?may be@, or ?perhaps@" +f she is real mad, she will trash and throw things" 0er wind storm can sweep all her dishes and you could get accidentally hit on your head for this matter" -e calm, it is %ust your grand mother fa!orite china for she has good uality as much as her bad tempered"

Sometimes she shows her weakness, but it won$t be long" She will put herself together and back to be that hot chili again" +f she lo!es you, it will be no matter what other people may say" 0er relationship will be more important than what is right or wrong" -ecause of this reason, you may know some Scorpio woman become a second wife, a mistress" She is spoil, but she allows her lo!e one to o!er power her" 3ating this woman, you should not keep old lo!e letters in your pocket or in your house" +t could be a lo!e letter B years ago, but ne!er mind she will argue about this since this is a big deal for a suspicious woman" #emember she has a temper of the shrew" +f you play a cold war with her, she will treat you likewise and double it" +f you stood her up once, she will stood you up B8N times" She is uite fair in %ustice, so she can accept your apologies as much as she can pretend to accept things for now and wait for a pay back re!enge in the future" +f you are nice to hear, she wills double that to you as well" A real fair woman and she like to make and spent money" She likes to ha!e fame and reputations, and ne!er let she broke and has no name at the same time" She is too proud and will not accept status of being ?)oor@" She lo!es to ha!e faced, so if you are a manager with small salary, she will be proud more than more money being a truck dri!er" She hates to think and she can not stand a feeling of being a ?,obody@" +f you like her, play a little hard to get" This will excite her a bit" When you go out on a date, set your schedule, but do not let she knows that you ha!e planned this for weeks" Always go to pick her up on time or better to go 7845 minutes early"

A S orpio ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes

*ne of the most rewarding and yet dangerous lo!ers to become in!ol!ed with in the intense power the Scorpion )lanetary alignment" (!en though )luto is a relati!ely new planet Din terms of our disco!ery of its strange elliptical orbit, which happened in 4ON5E its effects on Scorpio$s has always been there, uietly dri!ing and defining their characteristics" There is debate around which of Scorpio$s planets has primacy, mars or )luto, but the reality is that both the fire of mars and secret intensity of )luto has great bearing on the interaction and personalities of your Scorpio lo!er" *ne of the most ob!ious aspects of this tension is the way that Scorpios affect other people around them" +f you ha!en$t noticed it yet, pay close attention to how others act around your Scorpio" 0e/she is the one at the bar with their arm around a complete stranger sharing a drink and talking of life, but at the same time they are e!aluating and manipulating, drawing people into their inner circle uickly and efficiently" The opposite sex is always o!erly fond of your Scorpio and people in their life seem adopt their mannerisms and turns of phrase, without e!en really noticing it" -ut here is key, the blending of intense social interacti!ity and secret internal intellect create a !olcano8like rumbling, threatening to blow and destroy e!erything around them, and that unfortunately can include lo!ers and friends" +t is important to stand back a bit when your Scorpio is in full tilt, because getting in his/her way can often lead to catastrophe" And don$t for one minute think that if your partner fails in their endea!or that they will be satisfied and gi!e up, on the contrary the )luto in their sign allows for a depth of understanding that will get back in the belly of the beast and retool whate!er needs to be fixed and get back on course" +n spite of what seems a recipe for complete personality disaster when your Scorpio$s life is balanced with lo!e and friendship the intense power and passion that are at their disposal can bring

great happiness to e!eryone around them" This is the state that a good lo!er can bring to their Scorpio" +t is in many ways the reason that throughout history Scorpio men are so associated with desirability" A lot of women out there, you all know who + am talking about, want to fix men in their li!es, and strangely enough Scorpio men are one of the only sun signs that not only allow but also tend encourage this paradigm of help and helper" -ut don$t betray them" *f all the signs they are the most !indicti!e, and they will wait patiently to exact their re!enge" This is why it is so important to make sure that you are the right mate for a Scorpio, since e!en if they percei!e a slight or a betrayal of trust they can fly off the handle, dropping into a deep state of depression, making e!eryone around them miserable" Aulti!ate a sense of trust and calmness in your Scorpio and the di!idends will pay off huge" ,est Relationship #at hes Aancer 8 -oth of you ha!e deep emotional wells underneath that hard surface, and are both water signs" 'irgo 8 /ou admire each other$s work ethic, and the negati!e traits of both cancel each other out" )isces 8 Although the attraction is immediate, it doesn$t last long the )iscean will become too possessi!e for you" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 /ou must a!oid the other 2ars sign you$ll constantly fight o!er control of e!erything" Gemini 8 /ou$ll get %ealous of their freedom" Sagittarius 8 Too flighty and untrustworthy this match is liable to bring out your darkest ualities"

SAG!TTAR!-S No3em2er $0 & 4e em2er $$ R(lin) *lanet: /-*!T"R

God of money, luck and good times between the sheets" Sagos are playful, laid back and oh8so fun to party with" They are wild, and may be the -A33(ST party people you e!er meet! *ne thing to be wary of is that Sagos like to talk FFFF! 3on$t belie!e e!erything they tell you because they are kings at Htalking it up$"Sagos probably make better friends than lo!ers, but if you happen to score a one8nighters with them,be prepared to do stuff you$!e ,('(# done before!Sagos are spontaneous and ad!enturous and most ha!e probably been caught doing it somewhere public" When they find the right lo!er, they will gi!e it 4556 as long as the commitment is returned" &A'( )*S+T+*,G They are up for anything" Kuality A,3 Kuantity" -(ST S(. T*/G 0andwrite a sexual fantasy of yours and lea!e it on their pillow" /ou$ll be surprised at what happens next! SAG+TTA#+A, 2A1( +, -(3 (!en if he$s fat, balding and middle aged, he can still pull the chicks" +t$s his lo!e and pursuit of happiness that draws the babes to him" Think ?Austin )owers@ baby, yeah! 0e is a wee bit selfish though, so be prepared for an ?all about me@ attitude in the sack" 0e 1*'(S doing it, and if you start holding out on him, he$s likely to get it somewhere else" 0e will either ama>e his partner with his sexual expertise or be absolute trash in bed! SAG+TTA#+A, &(2A1( +, -(3 The Sago woman is a handful! She changes her mind more often than she sha!es her armpits, is blunt, o!ersensiti!e and takes offense at the strangest things" She$s ad!enturous in the bedroom and also has no problems cheating if her needs are not fulfilled" -ut can u handle her open8minded sexuality:She will hide her emotions from you, but don$t make the mistake of hiding yours from her" She$s looking for someone she can trust 4556, but is uite hypocritical since she can be !ery untrustworthy herself" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, SAG+TTA#+;S 0ips and thighs are extremely sensual for a Sago, so concentrate on massaging and stroking that area and the place in between! 3on$t be afraid to ask your Sago if you$re doing it right cause they would 1*'( to tell you! The best way to get them going is to grope their inner thigh in a public place! Sa)ittari(s #en

A man who lo!es social life and curious about e!ery new progress, new de!elopment to make sure he is in the era and always ha!e all up date information" 0e likes to know what the latest trend of fashion is and make sure he is not out of style" /ou can easily spot him at the grand opening of new pub, new restaurant for he lo!es to participate in social acti!ity" There is a few Sagittarius who is a pri!ate person as well, but you could see that he will be ahead of his friends" 0e will know what the best seller$s book is and what the top 45 hot hit of the week are" The hottest mo!ies showing now, he must ha!e already seen it" 0e hates routine, it makes him bored" 0e likes to get to his goals and succeeding in doing so is his true reward" 2oney making is *"9" but it is not his true %oy, for he can easily spend them in a short while" They say if you want the truth, go and ask Sagittarius" They are right, you can ask him and he will tell you all the truth and !ery straight forward" (!en he may speak bluntly, his friend$s lo!es him" +f you ha!e problems, all your friends may feel sorry for you, but Sagittarius will be the one who will gi!e you a helping hand first and e!en expect no return fa!or" That$s why he is a real charmer e!en sometimes big mouth" When he is mad he can be uite fierce but uickly dissol!e and easily forgotten" 0e is not a person who will take re!enge, so if he says he going to burn down your house, you can relax" 0e likes compliments and sweet words, so you can manipulate him easily" +f he knows you are not sincere, you will totally become meaningless to him" Some Sagittarius is gifted musician, or singer" 0e is a happy soul, has a good humor and has lots of %okes" 0e lo!es freedom, li!ely and !ery energetic" +f he is working, he will take his %ob seriously" 0e likes to tra!el, likes to see new exciting places" Going out or tra!eling make him happy" Sagittarius man is like a free bird" 0e li!es as if e!eryday is Sunday" 0e will hardly be in a bad mood, but if he is in a bad mood, you will better lea!e his sight"

+f you want to talk to him in such mood, try to a!oid issue of commenting his life" 0e flirts like other man, but he has a built in brake, so he will come back to you by himself" +f he disappear for a few days, not to worry for he is only recharging his battery to be that same li!ely person again, them he will be back" 0e has allergies to )retty woman, so in lo!e with many women for him would be normal" Setting dating schedule is his games and its fun for him, and this will keep him from being bored" 0e hates obligations, so the word ?marriage@ would suffocate him" +f you allow him to ha!e freedom, he will not go anywhere" 0e falls in lo!e as easy as he catches cold, especially if she is cute, funny and she has a strong personality" ,o one can tell how long he will be in lo!e each time" +f you want to really hold Sagittarius man, act like you are in an ad!enture mo!ie" At all time, you should make yourself li!ely, tells him some %okes, always be cute so that it will ease up his allergy to other pretty woman a bit" A Sa)ittari(s +omen A tall slim and graceful woman, who walks proudly like, she is walking in a beauty pageant competition" +f she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely co!ered it up and continue with her graceful and impressi!e walking step" She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty" She looks at the world positi!ely, so her face always seems so happy" She will not get up set easily" She is a Self confident woman who belie!es in her own style" She will not follow fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern" She is a !ery open person, sometimes can be too blunt" She is an honest person and ne!er tries to cause troubles for any one" She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time" (xample she may say ?+ wish you could make more money, so you could afford

better cloth, but anyway it is better this way" +f you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy@" She can say such thing and make you wonder if you should get up set or lo!e her more" She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home" She likes to be protected, but not to gi!e her orders" She has no respect to a weak man" +f she tries to o!er power you, then you ha!e to calm her down and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too" She will listen if she respects you" She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself" She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says ?Guess what + will do next@, or ?Guess what + am thinking@ because she always say what she is thinking out loud like a guy" +f you do not understand her in this matter, you could easily break up with her" She sees problems in her lo!e life as another funny story" She is clumsy and it is in her nature" /ou may think it is cute, but for some neat guys this could be so unbearable" She is !ery friendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends" She has good taste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first ser!ices" (!en a poor woman in this =odiac will struggle to afford such good taste" She could spend lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it is to make money" +f you think of let her borrow money, think again" She is a paranoid" +f she thinks you like her, she may already think about getting married and lost her freedom and so on and on" She is a %olly woman who lo!es sports" She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy" She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy" She does not care about rumors, so she can get home !ery late and couldn$t careless what her neighbor will gossip about her" She thinks either good or bad, you will know it yourself, so you should not bother what people think"

0er wit and innocent look are her charms" She is often hurts from lo!e, but ne!er afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing ?3o that to me one more time@" She likes going straight and being straight forward"She will not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush %ust to say something" +f you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you" A Sa)ittari(s ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes When the ruler of a particular sign is a big, imposing planet, as is the case with Sagittarius, it is ob!ious that they are positioned for big things" Since <upiter, the largest of all the planets, is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius the most conspicuous uality that they will possess is ?bigness@" +t may sound silly but it truth this characteristic can be profoundly manifested in lots of aspects of your Sagittarian lo!er" -ig 0earts, -ig 0eads, -ig Games, -ig Aontradictions, these are all parts of the expansi!e nature of all the Sagittarians in our life" They dream in Technicolor and play on super si>ed %ungle gym, and though they are sometimes unaware of the respect and loyalty that they command, we all know it and we can see it throughout our relationships with them" /ou know why you feel for that Sagittarian in the first place" 0is/her head was being split open with new ideas and the si>e of their heart opened up wide and welcomed you into their world" There were no reser!ations about letting you in, and for the first time in a long time you felt like you belonged" There were no plastic co!erings o!er the couches, so to speak, and nothing was hidden" That is one of the gifts of your Sagittarian lo!er, they are not secreti!e nor are they possessi!e" -ut they are extreme, so make sure that you take that into account when trying to handle them"

Sagittarius$ life lies between two primary bed rocksG Athleticism and intellectualism" The first means that rock climbing, going for hikes and generally engaging the more physical aspects of life may be the dri!ing force behind your Sagittarius$ !ision of the world, the second means that that long talks o!er wine, about philosophy and religion direct the interest of this more cerebral Sagittarius" FFF,oteG if you ha!e a Sagittarius in your life it may be important to note which of the bed rocks your friend/lo!er stands more securely on" +f they are of the intellectual persuasion their logical D<upiterE nature will make them a formidable foe to argue against" Their arguments are usually well informed and beautifully constructed" 1et them talk and if you disagree, wait till you see holes in their argument since a logical flaw will be most likely to induce ree!aluation of their point of !iew" With the sportsman out there, %ust a!oid physical competition" +f they lose whate!er game is being played they will hate it because they are perhaps a bit too competiti!e" They are usually the dirtiest, and most beat up at the end of whate!er they are doing" (ncourage, as their friend/lo!er, less result oriented physical endea!ors" Sagittarians are insecure and can be frustrated easily with details, social con!entions and the general niceties of day8to8day existence" This means that your lo!er may tend to hide behind a penchant for debate, concealing their fears and lack of grace behind a fa ade of !erbal warfare" This can be tempered by good life experience that teaches them to be proud of who they are, or the natural loudness and intensity of personality can ostraci>e them from more con!entional social scenes" 1ong lasting relationships can be difficult because it is hard for them to settle down and stay interested" /our Sagittarian lo!er may not return phone calls and often breaks dates" 0is/her impetuosity often leads to a inability to satisfy the more domestic needs of other people, and despite lots of opportunity for physical

intimacy, relationships of a more permanent !ariety may ha!e to wait until middle age, when the ?great mellowing@ occurs" ,est Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 Since both of you are prone to ?sample@ partners in life the intensity may initially be there but it may not last" Aries and 1eo 8 -oth of these fire signs are compatible with you because of their innate understanding of your passions and interests" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 Too possessi!e, and who would want to limit your freedom Aancer 8 Too rooted in family stability for your tastes 'irgo 8 Too critical of you, and your pride will not stand for that Scorpio 8 Although physically compatible, there is too much distrust and competition for dominance on both sides Aapricorn 8 Too pessimistic for you

CA*R!CORN 4e em2er $0 & /an(ary $' R(lin) *lanet: SAT-RN The God who o!ersees time, discipline and dedication, which means Aapricorn can go the distance 8 with ma%or staying power 8

in bed and beyond!! Aapricorns are !ery good at hiding their emotions, so it$s often hard to tell when they are truly, deeply in lo!e" +f you ha!e a load of cash, you can almost bet on admiration from a Aapricorn because the goat is turned on by money" 1ike + said before, Aapricorn has great sexual stamina and the ability to go all night if they want to! &A'( )*S+T+*,G Spooning! Goat boys and girls lo!e to take, or be taken from behind" -(ST S(. T*/G An office desk to ?bond@ on, or an erotic !ideo will loosen up the randy goat" AA)#+A*#, 2A1( +, -(3 +magination isn$t a strong suit for Aapricorn so don$t expect acrobatics in the sack" Sex with him could possibly be as boring as watching paint dry and he tends to be a little bit selfish in that area too" -;T you can definitely count on him to be faithful if he has committed to you" AA)#+A*#, &(2A1( +, -(3 She is strong and confident and likes to run the show! She$s a tough nut to crack but once inside her shell, she$s as sweet as caramel" 0er fa!orite position may be missionary, but she seeks excitement in new locations, so experiment with different !enues to keep it interesting" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, AA)#+A*#, Aapricorns are the most anal signs of the >odiac, so buttering them up will take a bit of effort" -elie!e it or not, their erotic area is the knees! 1ightly stroke their legs, paying close attention to the knee region" 1icking, kissing, and nibbling the area will get them s uirming"

Capri orn #en A man in this =odiac will has a pair of round big beautiful eyes, a nice structure %aw line" 0e is a good listener and can understand e!erything easily and clearly" 0e can guess what you will say

before you e!en say it" 0e often shakes his head or touches his hair" 0e is a big built, but he will tend to ha!e a small ear" 0e tends to ha!e a darker shade of hair and eyes$ color" 0e will likely ha!e a short and strong neck, broad shoulder, muscular, strong hands and grips" 0e has a shorter fingers compare to the man of the same si>e and same height in the other >odiac" 0is hands can work well at the same time can protect and care for his woman" 0is height will be proportional to his weight" 0e will walk firmly and always take a big long step" As he walks he will look around in caution with no disturbance from his problems at present or in the past" 0e likes to watch things built with fascinate and wonder about how it is done, so you could see him watching a construction site and not get bored" 0e is a good dancer" 0e is a careful person in instinct, so e!en at dance floorC he will already ha!e to know what in front or behind him before he will take any steps" Green is his fa!orite color" /ou will mostly see him wear green, na!y, blue, or brown" +n all 4B =odiacs, he is the one who can get the most satisfaction from possession of beautiful thing, and cherish it as if it is !ery !aluable to him e!en it is %ust a crystal ball made in &rance" +t is his luck that he hardly has to chase after woman" They always come themsel!es without his in!itation" 0e likes to treat his guest in his house than !isiting his guest at their house" 0e does not like to be a center of attention, so if you need his help, you ha!e to look up for him" 0e li!es his life in stability and simplicity" (!ery decisions made are already ?Sure@ and carefully thought out" 0e will not do what he has been asked to do if he is not interested in doing it" 0e acts casually but in reality, he always doing things seriously" 0e lo!es peaceful and uiet en!ironment so in his free time, he will stay at home instead of going out and look for ad!enture"

0e lo!es nature and dreams of a nice and uiet house with lots of trees, or he may dream of a house in a beautiful countryside" 0e will let you ha!e freedoms and watching you in a distance" +f you are o!er doing something, he will let you know by his icy cold look" 0e is the perfect lo!er in the entire =odiac for nothing he will not do for his lo!e one" 0e won$t allow people to laugh at him or think he is a %oker, so he will spent for him luxury for what it is worth" 0e likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be slop if you are dating this guy" +f you do that he will loose his face" 0e is the romantic type who would dance with you under the moon light" 1o!e will make him shines and you will see it in his face" 0e will not say it out loudC you ha!e to know it yourself" Capri orn +omen A tall, slim, cool and !ery uiet woman" *nce she is mad she can be !ery fierce" She can work better than some men and she is !ery high confident woman" +n her opinion, woman is not %ust a flower or decoration at home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection" She likes to control and hide her weak emotions" She will ne!er try to change anyone, but she will learn to accept them as they are" +f she does not like someone, she will not comments or critici>e but she will completely ignore that person" She hates plastic and an artificial flower because it makes her feel that you are not being sincere" She lo!es real flower and its scent" She lo!es a guy who wears after sha!e cologne" +f you are a type of a guy who wears your <ean one month before washing, or wear an old sneaker, then you can forget about her" She lo!es music and nature e!en there is a rare case otherwise" She lo!es to go picnic in nature, so if you don$t ha!e so much time

for her, you can take her fishing too" She is not as %ealous as A uarius or 1eo woman, but do not cross the line *"9" -etter not to see she gets mad, especially in front of public when she feels like loosing face" She lo!es to make up and dress perfectly and !ery neat, so ne!er rush her for this matter" She has her own goal in life and does not care if you ha!e a doctorate degree or not, if she thinks you are not bright then she will not care about you at all" She likes smart people by character not by certificate shown" +f you can not show her this uality, go and take a bus and go to the next stop" She does not like a dreamer who talks about his dream but ne!er put his hands in action to make it happens" 3on$t bother to tell her ?e!eryone is doing it, you should do it too@, or ?+ think you should do it, it$s good for you@, because she will do what she wants to do only" She is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is a pigsty, do not take her there" +f you go out on a date with her, try to be presentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will be your last date" She is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears" She is a slow but sure type" She will always respect and honor you and will ne!er try to make you loose your face" +f she lo!es you, she will help you in anything you do" She likes to help people and expect nothing in return" +f she asks you for a fa!or and does not get one, she will feel !ery disappoint" She has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her own confident than belie!ing in ?1uck@" +f she is your wife, you will ha!e nice and clean home and a gourmet cooking" +f your parents !isit your house, they will be please" She is a N in 4 means, a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfect wife or you could say ?happily e!er after@" A Capri orn ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes Capri orn

2anaged and defined by Saturn, the Aapricorns in your life may be extremely prone to the !iew life the same way that Saturn orbits the sun, slowly with one foot in front of the next" They are planners and note takers, depending on the old time adage, ?hope for the best and plan for the worst!@ 3oes this sound like the stuff of boring e!ening at home planning out the next twenty years: 2aybe so, but as you maybe already know, or will hopefully find out, when push comes to sho!e and when the mud really starts to fly, those plodding flatfooted Aapricorns will be right behind your supporting you and struggling to achie!e whate!er struggle you find yourself engaged in" This also translates into a partner that will work tirelessly to makes sure that relationships are worked at" 0e/she will ne!er %ust let things go, they will stri!e to make the partnership that you two are building mean as much to them as any of the other parts of their life that are important to them" They will make time to talk about feelings and will always own up to times when they ha!e been inconsiderate" FFF ,oteG in the same !ein though, make sure that you apologi>e for any slights that you may ha!e le!eled on your Aapricorn" These members of this >odiac sign are known for their tyrannical response to in%ustice or insults" /our partner may be a bit of a self martyr, and since they !alue hard work and a ?by the bootstraps$ work ethic, you may be in for a bit of finger wagging from time to time" This is a curse and a blessing, since it can become a strain on any relationship to ha!e one partner telling the other where their faults are and how they can become a better person, but it is also a true and caring demonstration of their lo!e" They do truly want for you to become better at what you do, and feel as if anything is possible, if you %ust work hard enough"

,ow for the fun part" -oth the terms bacchanalia a saturnalia are deri!ed from aspects of the Aapricorns mythological origins" -oth of these terms are in reference to a wild abandon that can per!ade your normally pragmatic way of life" These expressions of %oy can be a double edge sword" -ecause of the restraint and discipline that you normally show on a day to day basis, this locali>ed party time can result in o!erdoing it a bit! And though usually all that means is that you ha!e a hango!er and a few funny stories it can also lead to more sinister path" +t can be hard on relationships and sometimes can lead to cheating or other types of infidelities with a partner" FFF,oteG )artners of Aapricorns are encouraged whether partying is a release from the pressure that put on themsel!es or a healthy channeling of stress" they are not running from the cage that they themsel!es" to obser!e their lo!ers 2akes sure ha!e built

Aapricorns can often be afraid of a lot of things" Among these ob%ects of fear can be that of po!erty" This can lead to o!er working and obsession with ad!ancement" +t can also mean that they ne!er li!e in the moment and are always planning and planning and sa!ing" This can be a desperate cycle" +t is an important %ob of a Aapricorn$s lo!er to make sure that they can see the trees and not %ust the forest" +n compensation for some of the hard work of keeping the pessimism and cynicism at bay Aapricorns are known to be great lo!ers" Their relationship to their earth sign means that they can be incredibly sensual and tactile" They en%oy being touch, so touch them and pleasure will ensue" ,est Relationship #at hes Aancer 8 though your opposing sign, is likely to be your most fitting partner" Their goals run congruent with your" They can understand your sacrificial brooding side but their general outlook on life is more supporti!e, caring, and ultimately, more positi!e" Taurus Their lo!ing nature will cheer you up and encourage you" D(arth sign as well!E

'irgo 8 They understand your perfectionism to a tee, and will work harmoniously with you to achie!e it, especially in a business partnership" D(arth sign as well!E +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Too impatient and impetuous for your slow8climb approach to life, Gemini 8 Too whimsical and has no regard for your ideals" 1eo 8 Too outgoing for you to trust" Sagittarius 8 Aomplete opposite you would ne!er see eye to eye on anything"

A A5-AR!-S /an $% & Fe2 %6 R(lin) *lanet: -RAN-S. The God of unexpected sexual twists and turns Anti uarians make much better friends than lo!ers, but! when a t typical Anti uarian gets some bang8bang, it$s more an intellectual experience than an emotional one" 1ooks aren$t important to Anti uarians in a

relationship, it$s the mind and spirit of a lo!er that turns A uarius on" They are !ery entertaining in bed and are probably the most in!enti!e of all the signs" 2ental stimulation is more important to them than physical, which means that pornography gets them hot! Anti uarians are impatient and like sex to be fast and satisfying" They are !ery particular about hygiene and contraception and sleeping around holds little interest for them"&A'( )*S+T+*, 2utual masturbation" -(ST S(. T*/ A 3ildo" Whether gay, straight, male or female, Anti uarians will ha!e some fun with this" AK;A#+;S 2A1( +, -(3 0e has ama>ing staying power in the sack" 0e can keep at it and control himself for as long as it takes for /*; to finish! 0e$s up for anything too" #ole playing, SP2, posing nude in the backyard at 7amF he$s %ust not into Nsomes, swinging or open relationships if /*; are in!ol!ed" 0e$ll do that for fun, but not with the lo!e of his life" AK;A#+;S &(2A1( +, -(3 She$s looking for a lo!er who will be upfront with her, but until she finds him, she will make do with whoe!er is a!ailable" 1*'( freaks her out" She likes keeping her emotions under tight control and may come across as cold, but she$s %ust protecting herself" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, AK;A#+;S 1ie down as if you are top and tailing and gently tickle and stroke the ankles and the cal!es" 3on$t tickle for giggles, but tease" After awhile, do the same with your tongue" 1ick up, down and all around" Anywhere abo!e the foot and below the knee is fair game" 1ightly nip the ankle of your Anti uarian, they may laugh, but it$s not laugh! her from tickles, it$s a release of tension that will most definitely lead to some action! A7(ari(s #en 0ot8hearted man who likes to do thing own his way" 0e can suddenly decide to do something without thinking of its outcome" 0e is the type of guy with an inside energi>er, so if you fall in lo!e

with this type of guy be ?patient@, e!en if you ha!e to follow him a bit" 0is creati!e mind could create fantastic idea any time" +f you do not understand or a not follow him, you won$t be with him for long" A man in this =odiac will less likely to ha!e a pale skin, and if he has a scar, it would be on his face or on his head" 0e mo!es !ery fast and !ery energetic, and he has a !ery self confident in himself" 0e is not the type to sit down and feel sorry or regret anything for long, especially with ?1o!e@" 0e lo!es %ustice" 0e dares to show his opinion or e!en argue about certain sub%ect e!en he knows it might bring him problems" 0e is a !ery straight forward type of guy" 0e hardly lies except if he thinks it is necessary and he is not a good liar anyway" 0e will not lie to you about serious matter, but if he lies he will lay only a small little thing" 0e is gifted with the ability to be a !ery social person" 0e could talk e!en about sub%ect that he has no knowledge of" 0e interests only at the present time and look at the world positi!ely" 2any times he feels hurt because of reality, but he will not run away and he will o!ercome that difficulty" (!en he is a high and self confident type and centers his own thought as a main focus, but at the same time he is a kind, cute and polite guy" 0e certainly is not a mean person" 0e likes to help people who are in troubles e!en he is not asked to" 0e is the type who feels sorry if you remember bad things he said to you that he had already forgotten, but you did not" -elie!e him that he is !ery sorry and gi!e him another chance" *nce he decides to do something, he will put all his mind and energy in it either in his ?Work@, or ?1o!e@" 0e is the type who gambles anything in the casino, so do not e!en take him there" 0e does not like pessimistic, low energy, and depress person, especially no brain" Strangely he likes to o!erpower this type of people to assure that he is more superior"

0e likes to be the first person to do something" /ou can see sparkling in his eyes, once he meets a new target or new lo!er" *nce he is in lo!e, he will act as if he ne!er has lo!e like this before" This minute he could be real sugar sweet, and later he could also be an icy cold, but do not blame him for that will only chase him away" 0e could fall in lo!e again with another girl and act again like he ne!er has this kind of lo!e before" 0e could really lo!e someone, but not a heart broken type for he thinks lo!e is ?excitement@ and ?1o!e goes on@" +f you date this kind of guy, do not or a!oid showing your face to him with face pack, face mask, always be presentable, nice and cute" +f he is uiet then it not means because he is shy, but instead he is only uietly thinking" +f you ha!e a chance to ask his .8girlfriend, she will tell you that he is not a shy or uiet type" +f he is really and truly in lo!e with you, he will ne!er lie to you at all" 0ow do you know if he lo!es you, bet on your faith! 1o!e him and treat him steadily and do not try to find anything to argue with him, he will be with you for sure" +f you are his lo!er or girlfriend and need to tell him something, go and say it out loud and straight forward because he hate long boring story" 0e hates to play games, chasing for lo!e or being chased, so let him call you first" 0e likes a confident woman who also a good follower" +f he gets mad at you, let him be for only a short time he will be normal again" /ou ha!e to like and be able to get along with his friends, but he does not ha!e to do so with all your friends" 3on$t e!er think you could make him %ealous by flirting with other manC he will %ust lea!e instead of making a scene because he is a confident man and has to be the first in e!erything" A7(ari(s +omen +f you are in lo!e with a woman in this >odiac be prepared to be !ery happy or be !ery sorry" She is a !ery busy person with her

own matters similar to a guy in this >odiac" She is able to li!e by herself without any guy in her life, a !ery strong person indeed" ,ot because she does not ha!e a dream guy, but if she cannot find such person, so what" -ecause she thinks she could do anything that a man can do" She is a leader, a real confident type" She likes to do things by herself, such as ser!ing herself, opening the door herself" -ecause she thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and she is not patient enough to wait around for that" +f she starts to ask you out, do not think she starts to flirt with you, but because she thinks it is a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked" She likes a A**1 guy who sometime act like he is ignoring her, so he has a chance to show him his own confident" She likes to guess her man$s reaction, but at the same time she likes to ha!e many men wanting her" She is a daring type who could %ust do thing differently from other people in her same society" She dares to fight for what she thinks belonged to her" (!en she acts confident she mostly feels lonely and alone" +f she breaks up with someone, she won$t show any emotion e!en deep down inside pain and agony" ,ot for long she will come back to be the cheery and merry person again, because she looks at the world positi!ely and has ?&aith@ in the word ?1o!e@" She has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a %ealous type if you date her" She could be slightly %ealous, but she hates %ealous guy" She lo!es ?&reedom@ so before and after marriage, her freedom has to be the same" She likes you to trust her, e!en if she does not trust you anyhow" She likes to be the one who is ?#ight@, so if you argue with her, let her win if it is not a big deal for you in that sub%ect" She is a straight8forward type, so if she does not lo!e you anymore, she will %ust tell you straight to your face" 0er lo!e and relationship are always real, so if she say ?+t$s o!er@ be prepare to lea!e, she is not testing you"

She is not a !ulnerable type, so do not ha!e to worry about her, she will sur!i!e by herself" +f she is with you when you get sick, she will certainly take care and look after you, e!en look after you mean ?small loan@" 3o not ha!e secret with her, she hates it and really can piss her badly" When she is sad, be understanding" When she is happy, be happy with her, she likes that" /ou will not get bore with this type of girl" Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, she is %ust as fragile as any woman" She is a fun and talkati!e person and she likes to tease you" 3o not let she talk alone, if you do she will lea!e" She has many types of %obs because she belie!es what a man can do, + can do" +f you want her to work for you, forget it" When she is in lo!e, she will %ust lea!e her %ob in the day time %ust to come to see you, but not for long she will go back to work seriously again" )repare to li!e and lo!e with a ?Working Woman@ then you will be *9" +f she mad, find a shelter for the ?0urricane@ is here! 0er bad temper will last !ery shortly though" She is not a re!enge type and will not think of ?payback@ time" 2ost people might think of her as ?*ne of a guy@, but in fact she is a 4556 woman" She is easily hurt, so be nice with her" +f she really lo!es you, then you are lucky because she is an honest, truthful and will ne!er bore you" ;nderstand that sometimes she will be o!er confident and sometimes like to ha!e power or act bossy" A A7(ari(s ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes +f the roots of most relationship problems are deri!ed from irreconcilable arguments and petty disagreements, then dating an A uarian lo!er may be a sweet relief" #epresented by water and ha!ing a planetary ruler which combines Saturn$s le!el8 headedness with ;ranus$ uncon!entional modernity, A uarius is a sign that is willing to compromise their logic but not their uni ueness" This means that A uarius has the important

distinction of being a person that can back down in an argument if they feel that they are wrong" 1o!er$s can re%oice in the easygoing nature that their A uarian lo!ers possess" 3espite of the more cool and logical world that the A uarian inhabits, they are ready to kick up their heels and get down for an e!ening on the town" ;ncomfortable in more one on one situations where their emotional side my be left exposed and sensiti!e, your water lo!er may shy away from that type of internal exposure and trade it for a fun and ?life of the party@ personality" They are dynamic and interesting, and it is more useful to a!oid pushing them to cry on your shoulder when hard things happen, or sit uietly discussing their emotions, but engage them on an acti!e le!el" This will gi!e them a chance to connect with you on a less risky le!el" +n light of this primarily li!ed in the exterior life, the fear of re%ection can be an o!erwhelming fear for some A uarians" This can mean that those under the affectionate glare of an A uarius, will probably be completely unaware of the attention" /our A uarian is a little bit deficient in the Qexpression department, and can sometimes be tempted to (W3 Demail while drunkE, against the ad!ice of their friends, or use other alternate forms of communication to con!ey their feelings, while a!oiding face to face dialogue at all cost" This may seem charming at first but can lead to disaster, since all the cute and charming ad!ances using beanie babies, or elaborate floral arrangements can only bring you so close to the door, in the end you ha!e to step through it" FFA hint to those interested in A uarian men or womenG #each out and touch someone" Seriously, don$t wait for them to make the first mo!e, you won$t be disappointed but you will be waiting a long time if you choose to force them to make the first mo!e" 3espite their incommunicado beha!ior, the A uarian is ready to kick ass and take names" -orn with the fighting instinct as a natural part of their character, the need to take on causes and to lead the charge toward change, can many times translate into a

fierce desire to see their lo!er succeed" They can be like a cheerleader, pom8poms in hand, secretly directing the mo!ement of all those around their lo!ed one, so as to ensure success" -ut beware of the A uarius$ inner leader, since organi>ing lo!ers and friends can lead to relationships feeling out of balance and may cause people to draw away from you" *ne of the really important things to a!oid allowing the A uarius sign to do is become o!erly cold and remo!ed" The internal life and intellectual pursuits that follow A uarius can be an isolating factor rather than a liberating influence" 2ake sure that you make your partner do things that engage and in!ol!e them in the real world" +f they ha!e been hurt before, show them that they can trust you, and if they are afraid of being hurt, assure them that it is simply part of life" ,est Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 0as a deep lo!e for unpredictable ad!enture, and can understand the conflict and the heart of your character" 1ibra 8 Will lo!e your beauty and sensuality as much as you lo!e theirs" 1ibra will also understand your desire to be alone" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 ,eed more stability and less intensity Aancer 8 2ore homebound and less prone for your ad!enturous 'irgo 8 They need too much order for your lifestyle A *!SC"S Fe2 $' & #ar h $' R(lin) *lanet: N"*T-N" The God in charge of delicious dreams, dangerous deceptions and sexual fantasies Sexually speaking, )isces is putty in your hands"

Anything you want, anything, is only a uestion away" +f you$re looking for someone who will go the extra mile to disco!er all your secret moan >ones, then )isces is for you! When a typical )isces$s makes out, it$s an act of romance rather than pure pleasure" )isces is the sign of lo!e itself" They are so romantic and want satin sheets and candles, poetry and a full moon" 2usic also gets them in the mood" *ne of their least appeti>ing traits is their ability to become !ery, !ery %ealous" Sometimes they are so scared of losing the fairy8tale romance that they ruin the happy ending themsel!es" &A'( )*S+T+*, )isces is all about *ral affections! -(ST S(. T*/ A copy of the 9ama Sutra, since your fish is into almost anything )+SA(S 2A1( +, -(3 0e is romantic and has the reputation of being a womani>er" The girlfriend of a )isces$s man should keep her eye on the ball as he can be a bit flighty" -ut he does make an excellent lo!er" 0e$s from the old school that sex should be an almost out of body experience, and if he$s showering his attentions on you, you$re in for a hell of a good ride! )+SA(S &(2A1( +, -(3 She needs romance" +t$s the !ery air that she breathes" She needs to be held gently and whispered sweet nothings to but when it comes to between the sheets action, she$s ne!er happy doing the same ol$, same ol$ when she knows there are more exciting options at hand" T0( -(ST WA/ T* T;#, *, )+SA(S The )isces =esty8>one is their feet! +f you want to make )isces your 1o!e Sla!e, start with a warm, scented foot bath and soak their feet for 45 minutes" Then sit in front of them, cross8legged, and rub their feet firmly through the water" ;se kneading motions that run from their ankles to the tips of their toes" After 7 minutes, get a scrub brush and clean their tootsies with lots of T1A, dry them off and lightly massage peppermint oil all o!er their feet, paying close attention to between their toes" )isces #(A11/ gets off on this! *nce oiled up, gently kiss each toe, one by one" Then let your tongue take o!er and you$re in baby!!! *is es #en 0e is !ery emotional and always allows himself to be !ery emotional" 0e can ha!e good night sleep and be in a good mood,

and less than few hours at work he can be !ery moody" 0e does not understand things or try to understand things easily" +f you notice him carefully, you will notice what kind of moods he is in" 0e is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed" 0is normal gestures mean he always looks at other people faults, but he will not talk about it" 0e has the ability to know your thought and able to tell you what you are thinking about" 0e can mostly memori>e all his anger, his lo!es" They are his important secrets and he will keep them to himself and will ne!er let you know" 0e is not a !ery ambition man and careless about his position in society" Wealth does not draw his attention, because he is not greedy man and as well he thinks money is not something that will last" 0e could be !ery careless about his future" 0e does not like to fight against all odds, but instead following the stream and make life easier" Sometimes he likes to take an easy path, which causes him !ery unsteady future" 0e is kind and slightly la>y, but it is his cute character" 0e hates rules and regulations" 0e will ne!er look down on people" 0e is a polite guy and can be !ery aggressi!e when he is mad" 0e lo!es to think that he li!es in a beautiful world and surround by nice people, so if he finds his world is cruel and not what he expects, he will li!e in his world instead" 0is other charm is that he is a funny guy, and it is his real weapon" 0e can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his %oke" (!en when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell if he is mad or depress" 0e likes to hide his feeling and help other people especially those who need friend or lonely" 0e will be e!erything that you want and e!erything you do not want" 0e has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail" 0e can determine to make it work and can do

it well, except he tends to lost his energy with other important things, that$s how he miss many of his good opportunity" 0e can be happy and content by himself" What he thinks is important is not ?1o!e@, but firm status and stability" 0e has plenty of lo!e for you" 0e is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener" When he is with you, he wants to be happy" 0e understands his partner$s emotional" 0e likes to take a long rest and sometimes being alone" +f he needs to be alone, try not to disturb him" 0e is a sensiti!e, uiet, shy and easily hurt" 0e wants to feel worthy" 0e can be mad and noisy, but once he calm down, he will be that happy person again" 0e is not a %ealous or possessi!e guy, and if he feels %ealous he will hide it" 0e has many friends of both sex, and he care about his friends" 0e likes to ha!e lots of friends, so you can not get %ealous or else you will loose him" 0e likes beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walks by he will look, so do not get mad at him knowing this fact" When he is lonely or feeling sad, is close to comfort him" 0e does not like to take ad!ice, so if you want him to listen or to follow your ad!iceC you ha!e to act as a good sample for him first" 0e likes a cheery and a smart woman" +f you treat him like he is your special person, then he will be that special person for you" 0e will trust you if he is in lo!e but try not to o!er doing it and spoil him too much" /ou ha!e to know yourself worth all the time too"

*is es +omen She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality" She is weak and sensiti!e when it$s come to ?1o!e@" She can cry if her best

friend is breaking up, and she can be o!er excited when her friend gets a new boy friend that is a good looking and rich e!en it is nothing concerned her at all" /ou might be surprise to see that she is shy %ust because she is in lo!e" 2ore or less it will be in )isces woman" She lo!es small animal and gifted in training animals" She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it$s her nature" (!en she has a good sixth senses, she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lo!er" She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or a one8night stand guy" She likes to buy and pick her own cloths" She likes to dress cute and be cute" )isces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin" 0er hands and feet are small and soft" )isces woman lo!es to shop for shoes as if she collects them" She is a hot lady that e!eryone wants her" Whether she has a man in her life or not, she will ne!er try to o!er8power any man" +t$s not e!en in her thought" She thinks man can handle things better, and she will make her man feel that way" She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy" She is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy" She knows how to please and how to comfort a man" +f something is wrong, she will try to make other people belief that it$s must be because of someone else, not because of her lo!e one" She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now" She is happy with you for what you are now" A )isces woman, if she has a bad childhood, she will always remember it and it will make her a !ery unhappy person" She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself" She tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and so !ulnerable to drugs Dreal drugs or %ust sleeping pillsE"

She has many choices and you can ne!er tell which path she going to take" +f you lo!e her, then hold her tight because she ne!er knows why she did what she did or what she will do next" A !ery complex character she is" /ou may think she is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, and then you are wrong" /ou might think she is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again" She has been through a lot, a tough cookie" She is a dreamer and lo!e" The word ?1o!e@, so she is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anni!ersary e!en for someone who she does not know so well" -e !ery careful if fall in lo!e with )isces woman" She can be a total different person before and after" She can be an angle before and later a witch, but e!eryone is not perfect, right: She will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry" She is emotional and extremely sensiti!e when she fre uently got hurt" She is the type who can cry her heart out" She can ha!e a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone" She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn" She likes to hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy" She does not like to follow any fixed rules" She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her" 2any men will ask to marry her because she is a 4556 woman" +f she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel"

A *is es ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes

/ou are the artist, the dreamer, the enigmatic lo!er of all things ethereal" +t is why of all the signs you may be the hardest to pin down, but once lo!e sinks its teeth into you, your heart turns to mush and the )iscean mind which floats around so airily, lights of fire with passion and romance" The )isces can$t help but be an empathetic creature" They are always reaching out and if they touch you, their caring and sympathy can be infectious" +t is why de!eloping crushes on )isces can be both rewarding and dangerous, and why being in relationships with them can be exactly the same" Their two sides can dri!e e!en the most accommodating lo!er insane but they can also find the right words to say when none seem to be appropriate" 3espite the )iscean ability to appear almost psychic they happen to be the only water sign that doesn$t ha!e a shell Dthe others are Aancer and ScorpioE" The fact that they li!e so much in their minds means that e!en the littlest comment, or offhand remark that seems to be directed at them, can completely unhinge them" This can make boy/girlfriend tiffs e!en more difficult since the ramifications of the standard relationship insults can ha!e much more disastrous effects than anticipated" +t is also good to remember that when starting to date, or e!en flirt with a )isces, to make sure that only your best intention find their way to the surface and that any nefarious plans stay buried so deep that you don$t e!en know them" +f your )isces feels threatened they will disappear" They can blend into walls, or bars, and like a chameleon they will make themsel!es scarce" +n addition to this great in!isibility to trick they can also gi!e off such a mask of inapproachability that no one e!en wants to talk to them" This can also ward off unwanted romantic attention, but it can also pre!ent )isces from the romance they desperately need in their li!es"

FFF0int to those interested in a )iscesG 3on$t be off put by their standoffish nature, and pursue them gently but persistently, chances are you ha!e nothing to with their flaky mood" -ecause of the !olatility of the )iscean personality and the sensiti!ity of their more spiritual and emotional personality they need a strong balancing force" This means that they tend to ha!e a deeply important friend or relati!e or e!en a therapist, in their life, and that means that being in a relationship with a )isces means accepting the other close connections that they ha!e in their li!es" +f you learn to utili>e and understand these connections they can work to help your dating and lo!ing a )isces, if you don$t and are threatened or suspicious of these people in his/her life, it will wreck your chances" When starting to woo a )isces it is important to remember that e!en though you may find them at first to be difficult to make decisions with, and usually ha!e no idea what they feel like eating, or which mo!ie they want to see, they are incredibly adapti!e" +nstead of constantly looking for their input it is important to use suggestion to tease out their wants and desires" They usually will lo!e what you want and can be con!inced to try any new food and watch anything, as long as it is short on !iolence and long on fun, thoughtful entertainment" ,est Relationship #at hes 'irgo That ideal mate is your >odiacal opposite, but it is important to find a 'irgo who is attenuated to your more soulful presence, and then you ha!e someone who will pay the bills, and clean the house etc" Aancer /ou water sign relati!es will understand your deep emotional nature, and support you with his or her strength" Scorpio Same as abo!e, except they may wander off sooner rather than later"

+orst Relationship #at hes Aries Too aggressi!e and harsh for your soft nature Gemini Too easily distracted and not sympathetic to your needs 1eo (asily led by them, but easily cast aside

8odia ,est and +orst Relationship #at hes 8odia Si)ns:

Capricorn December 23 - January 20 Aquarius January 21 - February 19 Pisces February 20 - March 20 Aries March 21 - April 20 Taurus April 21 - May 21 emini May 22 - June 21 Cancer June 22 - July 22 !eo July 23 - Au"us# 21 $ir"o Au"us# 22 - %ep#ember 23 !ibra %ep#ember 2& - 'c#ober 23 %corpio 'c#ober 2& - (o)ember 22 %a"i##arius (o)ember 23 - December 22

Capri orn 2anaged and defined by Saturn, the Aapricorns in your life may be extremely prone to the !iew life the same way that Saturn orbits the sun, slowly with one foot in front of the next" They are planners and note takers, depending on the old time adage, ?hope for the best and plan for the worst!@ 3oes this sound like the stuff of boring e!ening at home planning out the next twenty years: 2aybe so, but as you maybe already know, or will hopefully find out, when push comes to sho!e and when the mud really starts to fly, those plodding flatfooted Aapricorns will be right behind your supporting you and struggling to achie!e whate!er struggle you find yourself engaged in" This also translates into a partner that will work tirelessly to makes sure that relationships are worked at" 0e/she will ne!er %ust let things go, they will stri!e to make the partnership that you two are building mean as much to them as any of the other parts of their life that are important to them" They will make time to

talk about feelings and will always own up to times when they ha!e been inconsiderate" FFF ,oteG in the same !ein though, make sure that you apologi>e for any slights that you may ha!e le!eled on your Aapricorn" These members of this >odiac sign are known for their tyrannical response to in%ustice or insults" /our partner may be a bit of a self martyr, and since they !alue hard work and a ?by the bootstraps$ work ethic, you may be in for a bit of finger wagging from time to time" This is a curse and a blessing, since it can become a strain on any relationship to ha!e one partner telling the other where their faults are and how they can become a better person, but it is also a true and caring demonstration of their lo!e" They do truly want for you to become better at what you do, and feel as if anything is possible, if you %ust work hard enough" ,ow for the fun part" -oth the terms bacchanalia a saturnalia are deri!ed from aspects of the Aapricorns mythological origins" -oth of these terms are in reference to a wild abandon that can per!ade your normally pragmatic way of life" These expressions of %oy can be a double edge sword" -ecause of the restraint and discipline that you normally show on a day to day basis, this locali>ed party time can result in o!erdoing it a bit! And though usually all that means is that you ha!e a hango!er and a few funny stories it can also lead to more sinister path" +t can be hard on relationships and sometimes can lead to cheating or other types of infidelities with a partner" FFF,oteG )artners of Aapricorns are encouraged whether partying is a release from the pressure that put on themsel!es or a healthy channeling of stress" they are not running from the cage that they themsel!es" to obser!e their lo!ers 2akes sure ha!e built

Aapricorns can often be afraid of a lot of things" Among these ob%ects of fear can be that of po!erty" This can lead to o!er

working and obsession with ad!ancement" +t can also mean that they ne!er li!e in the moment and are always planning and planning and sa!ing" This can be a desperate cycle" +t is an important %ob of a Aapricorn$s lo!er to make sure that they can see the trees and not %ust the forest" +n compensation for some of the hard work of keeping the pessimism and cynicism at bay Aapricorns are known to be great lo!ers" Their relationship to their earth sign means that they can be incredibly sensual and tactile" They en%oy being touch, so touch them and pleasure will ensue" ,est Relationship #at hes Aancer 8 though your opposing sign, is likely to be your most fitting partner" Their goals run congruent with your" They can understand your sacrificial brooding side but their general outlook on life is more supporti!e, caring, and ultimately, more positi!e" Taurus 8 Their lo!ing nature will cheer you up and encourage you" D(arth sign as well!E 'irgo 8 They understand your perfectionism to a tee, and will work harmoniously with you to achie!e it, especially in a business partnership" D(arth sign as well!E +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Too impatient and impetuous for your slow8climb approach to life, Gemini 8 Too whimsical and has no regard for your ideals" 1eo 8 Too outgoing for you to trust" Sagittarius 8 Aomplete opposite you would ne!er see eye to eye on anything"

A7(ari(s +f the roots of most relationship problems are deri!ed from irreconcilable arguments and petty disagreements, then dating an A uarian lo!er may be a sweet relief" #epresented by water and ha!ing a planetary ruler which combines Saturn$s le!el8 headedness with ;ranus$ uncon!entional modernity, A uarius is a sign that is willing to compromise their logic but not their uni ueness" This means that A uarius has the important distinction of being a person that can back down in an argument if they feel that they are wrong" 1o!er$s can re%oice in the easygoing nature that their A uarian lo!ers possess" 3espite of the more cool and logical world that the A uarian inhabits, they are ready to kick up their heels and get down for an e!ening on the town" ;ncomfortable in more one on one situations where their emotional side my be left exposed and sensiti!e, your water lo!er may shy away from that type of internal exposure and trade it for a fun and ?life of the party@ personality" They are dynamic and interesting, and it is more useful to a!oid pushing them to cry on your shoulder when hard things happen, or sit uietly discussing their emotions, but engage them on an acti!e le!el" This will gi!e them a chance to connect with you on a less risky le!el" +n light of this primarily li!ed in the exterior life, the fear of re%ection can be an o!erwhelming fear for some A uarians" This can mean that those under the affectionate glare of an A uarius, will probably be completely unaware of the attention" /our A uarian is a little bit deficient in the Qexpression department, and can sometimes be tempted to (W3 Demail while drunkE, against the ad!ice of their friends, or use other alternate forms of communication to con!ey their feelings, while a!oiding face to face dialogue at all cost" This may seem charming at first but can lead to disaster, since all the cute and charming ad!ances using beanie babies, or elaborate floral arrangements can only bring you so close to the door, in the end you ha!e to step through it"

FFA hint to those interested in A uarian men or womenG #each out and touch someone" Seriously, don$t wait for them to make the first mo!e, you won$t be disappointed but you will be waiting a long time if you choose to force them to make the first mo!e" 3espite their incommunicado beha!ior, the A uarian is ready to kick ass and take names" -orn with the fighting instinct as a natural part of their character, the need to take on causes and to lead the charge toward change, can many times translate into a fierce desire to see their lo!er succeed" They can be like a cheerleader, pom8poms in hand, secretly directing the mo!ement of all those around their lo!ed one, so as to ensure success" -ut beware of the A uarius$ inner leader, since organi>ing lo!ers and friends can lead to relationships feeling out of balance and may cause people to draw away from you" *ne of the really important things to a!oid allowing the A uarius sign to do is become o!erly cold and remo!ed" The internal life and intellectual pursuits that follow A uarius can be an isolating factor rather than a liberating influence" 2ake sure that you make your partner do things that engage and in!ol!e them in the real world" +f they ha!e been hurt before, show them that they can trust you, and if they are afraid of being hurt, assure them that it is simply part of life" ,est Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 0as a deep lo!e for unpredictable ad!enture, and can understand the conflict and the heart of your character" 1ibra 8 Will lo!e your beauty and sensuality as much as you lo!e theirs" 1ibra will also understand your desire to be alone" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 ,eed more stability and less intensity Aancer 8 2ore homebound and less prone for your ad!enturous

'irgo They need too much order for your lifestyle

*is es /ou are the artist, the dreamer, the enigmatic lo!er of all things ethereal" +t is why of all the signs you may be the hardest to pin down, but once lo!e sinks its teeth into you, your heart turns to mush and the )iscean mind which floats around so airily, lights of fire with passion and romance" The )isces can$t help but be an empathetic creature" They are always reaching out and if they touch you, their caring and sympathy can be infectious" +t is why de!eloping crushes on )isces can be both rewarding and dangerous, and why being in relationships with them can be exactly the same" Their two sides can dri!e e!en the most accommodating lo!er insane but they can also find the right words to say when none seem to be appropriate" 3espite the )iscean ability to appear almost psychic they happen to be the only water sign that doesn$t ha!e a shell Dthe others are Aancer and ScorpioE" The fact that they li!e so much in their minds means that e!en the littlest comment, or offhand remark that seems to be directed at them, can completely unhinge them" This can make boy/girlfriend tiffs e!en more difficult since the ramifications of the standard relationship insults can ha!e much more disastrous effects than anticipated" +t is also good to remember that when starting to date, or e!en flirt with a )isces, to make sure that only your best intention find their way to the surface and that any nefarious plans stay buried so deep that you don$t e!en know them" +f your )isces feels threatened they will disappear" They can blend into walls, or bars, and like a chameleon they will make themsel!es scarce" +n addition to this great in!isibility to trick they can also gi!e off such a mask of inapproachability that no one

e!en wants to talk to them" This can also ward off unwanted romantic attention, but it can also pre!ent )isces from the romance they desperately need in their li!es" FFF0int to those interested in a )iscesG 3on$t be off put by their standoffish nature, and pursue them gently but persistently, chances are you ha!e nothing to with their flaky mood" -ecause of the !olatility of the )iscean personality and the sensiti!ity of their more spiritual and emotional personality they need a strong balancing force" This means that they tend to ha!e a deeply important friend or relati!e or e!en a therapist, in their life, and that means that being in a relationship with a )isces means accepting the other close connections that they ha!e in their li!es" +f you learn to utili>e and understand these connections they can work to help your dating and lo!ing a )isces, if you don$t and are threatened or suspicious of these people in his/her life, it will wreck your chances" When starting to woo a )isces it is important to remember that e!en though you may find them at first to be difficult to make decisions with, and usually ha!e no idea what they feel like eating, or which mo!ie they want to see, they are incredibly adapti!e" +nstead of constantly looking for their input it is important to use suggestion to tease out their wants and desires" They usually will lo!e what you want and can be con!inced to try any new food and watch anything, as long as it is short on !iolence and long on fun, thoughtful entertainment" ,est Relationship #at hes 'irgo 8 That ideal mate is your >odiacal opposite, but it is important to find a 'irgo who is attenuated to your more soulful presence, and then you ha!e someone who will pay the bills, and clean the house etc" Aancer 8 /ou water sign relati!es will understand your deep emotional nature, and support you with his or her strength"

Scorpio 8 Same as abo!e, except they may wander off sooner rather than later" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Too aggressi!e and harsh for your soft nature Gemini 8 Too easily distracted and not sympathetic to your needs 1eo 8 (asily led by them, but easily cast aside

Aries Aries, as is well known, is not the Tom8<ones8slick8satin8bathrobe8 wearing8lounge8li>ard of the world$s lo!ers" +nstead, whether man or woman, Aries is a contradiction of competing energies, which can lead to great passions and enduring relationships, or it can stagnate and lea!e you home, making candy apples with your mom" +n many ways it is the !isceral or physical way that Aries tend to en%oy the world that creates the serious deficits Dor excessesE in your production of pimp %uice" Arians approach lo!e like they approach most things in their fiery li!es, with passion and intensity, but since this strength of con!iction and certainty of action is usual reali>ed by doing as opposed to thinking, the more subtle parts of the your life can be underde!eloped" This intensity is most readily seen in the initial stages of a relationship with an Arian" Since they are always ready to start a new ad!enture they are often some of the most romantic people on earth, as they %ump head first into the fresh newness of an early romance" Watch out for big bou uets of flowers, and fancy bottles of wine ser!ed with delicious meals, and then a dri!e along the water, these are the trappings of an Aries fantasy at work" This can be a real blessing or it can also be the superficial heat of

a %et$s after burnerC the heat may be intense but it also may be short li!ed" FFFAaution to potential partners of AriesG 3on$t let your own potentially playful attitude towards competition blur the fact that your &iery lo!er is not one to take a challenge lightly and will constantly accept any gauntlet thrown at his/her feet" +n fact the blind competiti!e nature of the Aries can mean a narcissistic streak that can pre!ent Aries from knowing when they are hurting people" Another aspect of the Aries$ approach to relationships is their inherent desire for ad!enture" So when they catch their prey DyouE they sometimes ha!e no idea what to do with you" 1ike a cat who knows he is supposed to catch a mouse, but since he has ne!er been shown how to eat one, the Aries can be confused by some of the more mundane parts of the day8to8day relationship struggles" This is where the competiti!e struggle can come in handy" The Aries is likely to sense that some hard work can make this work smoothly, and will dig in and rise to the challenge" &or the Aries out there embrace your fire, and good things will come, deny it and only the negati!e aspects of your sign will be allowed to rise to the surface" 2any women Aries find themsel!es li!ing in a world that does not allow, or at least does not respect the ualities that define their sign" <oan of Arc was an Aries and look what the men of the church did to her" 1o!e yourself and embrace the things that make you independent and important" FFF&or those of you stuck with a lo!e8on for an Aries or e!en %ust a crush, don$t play games, they will go right o!er his/her head" +f you want something, ask, they$ll appreciate it, and you will get what you want in the end" ,est Relationship #at hes 1eo/Sagittarius 8 -oth the fire sign share a lot in common"

1ibra 8 An excellent match of opposites, howe!er the marriage of too different planets, 2ars and 'enus, can sometimes be !olatile" +orst Relationship #at hes )isces 8 Too sentimental for you Gemini 8 Too much bickering 'irgo 8 Too fussy for you

Ta(r(s 2uch of e!erything that you e!er wanted to know about your Taurus lo!er is constituted by his/her relationship with 'enus, Taurus$ planetary ruler" Aontrary to the more commonly held perception of the Taurus being extremely reliable, stable, solid and perhaps a bit stuffy, Taurus can be extremely sensual, especially when you chuck him/her into the emotional blender" *nce the more romantic aspects of the bull$s sun sign kicks into high gear you will be surprised by the physical intensity of the relationship, and you may, in fact, be o!erwhelmed with the tactile way in which your lo!er shows you affection" We can see this side of Taurus in other aspects of the bull$s personality" ;sually people born under this season of the sun cycle ha!e a great desire for simply physical pleasure, and you may ha!e noticed comfortable furniture, nice be!erages and food filling their fridges and adorning their li!ing rooms" They are connected closely to the ears, neck and larynx, and as a result en%oy beautiful music, good con!ersation and the touch of lo!ing hands" The most important thing to remember if you are dating, making lo!e to, or in a long term, full fledged relationship, with a Taurus, your affection is best expressed through the same mode that your lo!er en%oys other parts of his/her life, with simply expressions of sensual en%oyment" Touch them, instead of saying something

sweet! +nstead of a book, get them wine, instead of art, gi!e them a massage" 2ake lo!e to them when they least expect it, and sit them down for their fa!orite meal" This will seal the deal, and create a loyal, caring, and delicate lo!er" There are a few drawbacks to ha!ing a Taurus lo!er in your life, and they begin with the communication difficulty that the bull can ha!e" Though they like talking about philosophy, politics or their own particular interests, if the con!ersation turns toward more difficult sub%ects, such as problems in your relationship, or lack thereof, they may be unlikely to engage your concerns" This needs to be worked out with some !ery focused discussions of what Taurus$ !iew as unnecessary exchanges" +f it is not practical then it is not something that they are interested in" A way to promote more dialogue is to sandwich the difficult stuff with a nice bottle of wine, or a good day on the beach, or any other hedonistic acti!ities" /ou may also ha!e noted that bulls in your life can be moody and a bit withdrawn sometimes" This is closely linked to the their stubborn inability to Hrole with the punches"$ This is a !ery real part of a Taurus$ life" 2ake sure to encourage a more open8 minded way of !iewing the world, and you will help your boy/girl get out of the doldrums and into the bright sun of the world" A word directly to those born under the Taurus signG be careful not to see the special people in your life as part of your collection of Hfun$ acti!ities" A problem that can face you is seeing people in an instrumental way that can de!alue the uni ue worth of each person in your life" This can be a more serious problem when it comes to people that you deal with romantically" 2ost people get tired of being treated like a pretty bubble that must be dusted occasionally, and e!en though you think you are showing the right amount of interest, you may find yourself alone wondering how it all went wrong" #emember, if you care for someone, their needs must be met e!en more aggressi!ely than your own, and maybe they will reciprocate, and then e!eryone wines"

,est Relationship #at hes Scorpio 8 (!en though it can be intense and stormy, it will endure and bring great satisfaction" 'irgo/Aapricorn 8 'ery stable and harmonious, though Aapricorn is better for plutonic relationships" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Strong wills can bounce off each other and create stress, though it can work with more passi!e Taureans" Sagittarius 8 Too free spirited" Gemini 8 Too restless"

Gemini Ah, the Gemini, witty and elo uent, the life of the party, and a great lo!er to boot "if you can keep him/her interested for long enough to settle down" Sometimes the Gemini in your life can be a humming bird, flitting from one interest to the next, and then they can be the serious intellectual, mo!ing from one stimulating idea to the next with the ease of their own air sign" This means that as much they may want to be happy, the Gemini stri!es to bring discordant notes into harmony, dis%uncti!e ideas into synthesis, and may e!en try to bring your, as they may percei!e, %umbled existence into greater balance" This type of relationship can be fraught with all sorts of perils but can also be a great learning and growing experience" *ne of the best parts of learning to lo!e, or simply learning to be around a Gemini is knowing that they are the mimic of the horoscope$s cycle" They can be whate!er you want them to be, and may in fact see what you are looking for in a lo!er and become that" They can be a roaring 1eo, or a fiery Aries, a stable Taurus or a pensi!e )isces" They can say all the right things and

do the romantic dinners or long walks, if that is what you are looking for" This is why they ha!e such great success with the opposite sex, and can attract the attention of e!en the most unlikely of personalities" +t is important to remember that in spite of this great ability to adapt and change to meet the challenge of being your fa!ourite lo!er, a Gemini is only mimicking and in the end you must lo!e the curious mind, and schi>ophrenic beha!iour that defines his/her life" *ne of the Gemini$s biggest challenges and at the same time greatest attributes as a partner is their desire to understand how you tick D+ can see Gemini$s partners, friends and lo!ers all shaking their heads right now in complete agreementE" This re uires lots of uestions and in!estigation into your head and heart, which can satisfy most people deep seeded narcissism, but can also be a little unner!ing" This curiosity is inextricably linked to a Gemini$s need to understand all the things around them" This understanding can end up meaning that once they feel as though they ha!e you figured out, their interest may wane" There are some dark sides to the Gemini character" 2uch of their weakness lies in shortness of their attention span" The lo!e of new and shifting things can sometimes outweigh the importance of settling into a routine and en%oying the more familiar aspects of day8to8day existence" +n short Gemini lo!ers can be heartbreakers" They go full tilt into lo!e and then, when bored, can toss aside people without too much thought, mo!ing on to something new and more exciting" These ualities can hurt those around them, and e!entually lea!e them alone and wondering where all the people in their life ha!e gone" Gemini$s tend to ha!e high di!orce rates precisely because of this tendency" Gi!e them a chance and they will one8minute lo!e the girl next door, and in the next moment run after the dominatrix with her whips and chains" Gi!e your Gemini lo!er a chance and they will keep you on your toes, but make sure that you stay true to your own nature and

don$t bend too much or ask too little, or you may find yourself and the blinding will of their capricious nature" ,est Relationship #at hes 1ibra 8 This is your best match" They ha!e %ust enough in common with you and %ust enough that$s different" A uarius 8 <ust capricious enough for you" 1eo 8 At first you may be attracted, but this pairing is ultimately unstable" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 Too slow for you Aancer 8 Too stable and domestic )isces 8 Too emotionally needy you$d hurt them far too often

Can er Since the moon, which shifts, creates and signifies emotion, rules Aancer, then you can always expect your dealings with Aancerians to be filled with a certain le!el of intense in!estment" This in!estment will always come from the ualities that are inherent to their nature, such as fertility, domesticity and that o!erarching maternal De!en you boysE instinct" The emotionality that seems to rule o!er this aspect of the sun sign, manifests itself in the stomach, !ia stomach aches and indigestion Dthe emotional barometer for humansE, and in their tenacity for seeing things through and making sure that good is done" The Aancerian is likely to be sa!ing you from something, and e!en though you may not feel as though you need to be sa!ed, your Aancer lo!er has an uncanny ability to sniff out unhappiness or dissatisfaction" +f you are the not the focus of their altruistic

imperialism then some other $cause$ will adorn their spirit, which so thoroughly inhabits them" &rom the neighborhood kids, to sick animals, your Aancer partner is a hallmark card for all things nurturing or protecting" Though this can be distracting and perhaps a bit of an annoyance when e!ery time someone needs change or a cat looks hungry, or e!en a distressed phone call from a friend, can interrupt an entire e!ening$s plans, it is important to remember that this is how Aancer deals with their emotional depth" 0elping people or causes can ser!e to assuage the le!el of emotional distress that a Aancer feels at other$s pain" -y allowing them the space to do what feels natural will mean that they take it out on you less" The thin shell that is supposed to protect Aancer from external stimulus doesn$t always do such a great %ob, and thus their softer interior is often disturbed" +t is for this reason that in matters of the heart you may ne!er e!en see the Aancer sneak up on you" -ecause they, more than anyone else, are well aware of their propensity for emotionality, your Aancer lo!er may come from all directions but straight ahead" This is a protecti!e measure, since head on confrontation and/or re%ection is something that they will not deal with easily" (xpect this beha!ior and it is much less disconcerting" 2ake sure to be ready and willing to interpret re uests or suggestions that will not be completely ob!ious" Ahallenge yourself to think outside your normal emotional or intuiti!e parameters" This will also allow you to know and understand that the Aancer in your life has had a lot of stress and perhaps a few whiskey8 cigarettes8tears nights" This has dri!en a large amount of the empathy de!elopment in their li!es, and they usually feel Dand are mostly rightE that this troubled past has them to belie!e that they know what others are going through during times of trouble" They can fix things though, oh how they can fix things" Aancer is a handyman and as a result a nice home usually follows a Aancer around, and also pro!ides great tools for good fathering or

mothering" So if you are ready for a domestic life, keep that Arab in your life" *ne of the drawbacks of ha!ing such a thin shell is that it can sometimes make you seem withdrawn and uncaring" This is especially true when it comes to those members of the Aancer crew that ha!e been hurt particularly badly in the past" Their reluctance to express themsel!es with their feelings is simply a defense mechanism" An important thing to remember is that allowing your Arab lo!er to withdraw and not be their usual empathic self will help them charge their batteries after too much stress" A!oid early marriage with Aancers, since it usually is the result of their o!er acti!e nesting impulse" This can often result in a dramatic reali>ation that they are not e uipped to deal with the harsh demands of married life, and leads to high di!orce rates" FFF+mportant hintG Aancers may keep nostalgic things around them, picture albums, letters etc" 2any times this can contain records of old lo!ers" +t is important to remember that Aancers can feel !ery unsure of the future, and can be more comfortable lea!ing a piece of themsel!es in the past, for security$s sake" +t is a good thing to keep remembering that you are the one that they are with, and not !ice8!ersa" -ecause of this penchant for li!ing in the past, the Aancer that you are in a relationship with may ha!e a problem remembering all the unkind or thoughtless things that he/she has done, but trust me, they ha!e no problem remembering all the uncaring things that you ha!e done" This selecti!ity can be !ery hurtful, and many times untrue" (ncourage your lo!er to li!e in the present and resist the urge to only focus on the past"

,est Relationship #at hes

Aapricorn 8 -efore they work though, you need a few failed relationships, because they$re %ust as shy and %ust as dri!en" *nce you reach your thirties and settle a bit, you$re home free" Scorpio 8 Their dominant nature fits well with your caring side" )isces 8 They understand your depth of feeling like no other" +orst Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 They are too flighty for you" Aries 8 They are too bold and self8centered" Sagittarius 8 3espite an initial attraction, the wandering, popular Sagittarian may be too much for you to handle, and %ealousy and rage are right around the corner"

Leo Ah, the king of the %ungle, in this the human, city %ungle! 1eo prowls his/her turf with the certainty of a born leader" Since 1eo$s sign falls in the middle of the >odiacal calendar and, in ,orth America at least, the hottest time of the year, it is ob!ious that 1eo is ruled by the sun" Sitting at the center of any social, romantic or work8related situation the sun8as8center8of8the8 uni!erse is certainly true in this lion$s case" Aside from being at the center of e!erything 1eo$s lo!ers stretch across a !ast di!ide since the point of the 1eo strength is to bring happiness to all members of the >odiac$s path" +f you ha!e e!ery dated a 1eo, or if you ha!e e!en e!er simply bedded down with one, you will know a few things for certainG 4E They are the life of the party, BE they will buy a round of drinks and then regale you with colorful stories, and finally if ha!en$t already noticed, they are hunting you" They will take aim and take you down, which means that they are highly dri!en and sufficiently moti!ated, and if you get in their cross hairs there is

little chance of escape" -ut the great thing is that you don$t mind, because they allow you to bask in the glow of their aura, which bespeaks of a greatness that e!en the most uninitiated of us can$t ignore" /our 1eo lo!er is frank, and the what8you8see8is8what8you8get edict is usually in place" This means that they expect to be followed, and that when it comes to relationships they like to be in the dri!er seat" +n much the same way as in a social situation, in a relationship a 1eo will fight for dominance and then if he/she can$t establish their desired power dynamic Dpower being !ery important to the 1eoE they will simply bow out, rather than let themsel!es exist in what they feel is a lesser relationship" Alearly this can cause some discontent in any situation, and certainly is one of the biggest drawbacks to dating a 1eo, since no one wants to feel as if they are working for their boyfriend/girlfriend, and usually the beginning of a completely untenable situation" This desire for control also means that unforeseen change can be something that sticks in your lion$s %aw and can make him/her !ery irritable" 2ake sure to cushion any bad news or difficult let downs, with a gentle forthrightness and then let the 1eo slink away to lick his/her wounds in pri!ate" 3o not under any circumstances make a 1eo$s hurt or failure public since it will be an unforgi!able offence in their eyes" /ou 1eo will always abide by the maxim ?to thine own self be true!@ The will usually take responsibility for their own actions and expect you to do the same" This can mean that e!en if you didn$t mean to do it, don$t say it" FFF+f you are dating a 1eo, or interested in one, it is !aluable to note that despite all the posturing and chest puffing, that when + 1eo lo!es you, it is true" 1eo$s can be !ery good8natured and if they take a liking to you they will put e!erything they ha!e into it" +t is at this point that they are most !ulnerable and can be taken

ad!antage of" So do use their lo!e against them or you may find yourself on the sticky side of some !ery uncomfortable flypaper" *ne of the largest romantic drawbacks of the obsession with position and power is that it often means that 1eo$s are relegated to casual sexual relationships" They tend to be unwilling to settle down since the sun that burns so deeply in them, allows them to feel the great warmth of ?spreading the lo!e@ so to speak" They can become wrapped up in the performance and find it hard to settle down" #elationships also re uire a ?gi!e and take@ type relationship, which relies on a relin uishing of power, so that harmony can be achie!ed" This can go against the !ery core nature of the 1eo$s personality" 1et 1eo$s age and this tendency will become less and less pre!alent, as they reali>e that getting what they want ine!itably re uires compromise" And seriously let$s be honest, we all lo!e the sun, but if you ha!e e!er been to the desert you know how, without the protection of shade, sun can be a real scorcher" ,est Relationship #at hes A uarius 8 They are your >odiacal opposite, but they can be your truest companion and there are surprisingly few conflicts that arise from their opposing natures" /ou pri>e your humanity, belie!e in the same ideals, and admire creati!e pursuits in different and complementary ways" Aries and Sagittarius 8 /our fire8sign relati!es, are also natural companions, but on a more casual le!el" +orst Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 They$re mostly mind8oriented, you are all heart" Aapricorn 8 /ou$ll o!erpower them, and they$re not likely to forgi!e your mistakes"

)isces 8 /ou$ll hurt them before you e!en reali>e it, and they$ll harbor a long resentment"

.ir)o The e!er practical perfectionist 'irgo celebrates their birthday during the same month that dictates the main moti!ating archetype of their personalities" (nd of August and beginning of September bring the largest har!est time on earth" This is a time of year that people gather and bring together all the hard work from the summer, and all the waiting from the pre!ious winter" They go out into the fields and pastures as the summer light begins to ebb and the summer heat starts to wane" +n the same way 'irgo$s lo!e to bring what seems to be chaos into synthesis, and create harmony when there is discord" #uled by 2ercury, 'irgo is a bit of a head o!er heart person, and yet, as pre!ious 'irgo lo!ers in my life ha!e amply demonstrated, they allow their childhood to permeate the rest of their life, which imbues e!erything that they do with a profound le!el of wonder and excitement" +n relationships the tension between intellect and wonder, can produce a di>>ying display of con!ersationalism and an independent search for knowledge, that can either alienate you as a 'irgo$s lo!er or bring you in so thoroughly that you could ne!er imagine being with someone as interesting or as dynamic" /our 'irgo lo!er is not only shy but is extremely hard on his/her self, and that is a combination that can lead to some problematic personality traits" +t can, at first, seem as though 'irgo is completely detached, without emotion, and yet precisely the opposite is true" They are keenly sensiti!e, and this can be seen as any depth of relationship is explored between you and your 'irgo lo!er" This criticism is the basis of your lo!er$s most annoying personality traitG the external critic that exists in e!ery 'irgo"

3espite your best attempts to let your partner know how much this type of nagging examination of all you faults, bugs you, they persist" +t is as much a reflection of how incomplete they sometimes feel, and less about you" -ut it is something that will dri!e away not only casual relationships, but the meaningful ones as well" 'irgo has a hard enough time finding someone that they feel can e!en measure up to the harsh light of their e!er e!aluating third eye, but once they do find that special someone, the temptation can be to continue to perfect that person" As much as it is appealing to let 'irgo take a red marking pen to your personality because you desire their lo!e, it is important to remember that they are reflecting their own insecurities" +n letting them continue this type of beha!ior you are reconstituting their own identity issues" 3on$t let 'irgo fool you though" +t is easy to mistake the shyness of the 'irgo as aloofness, when really all it is that they are more comfortable with intellectuali>ing and dialoging than spilling their dark emotional secrets" +t is for this reason that watching and touching them is the best way to create an intimate physical connection, rather than o!er elo uent speech" They want to be held when they need to feel lo!ed, fed when they are hungry, and kissed when they feel passionate" They are an earth sign, and thus feel most at home with their fi!e senses, so they are also known to be hot in bed" FFFWarning, withholding of affection as a means to argue or get something from a 'irgo, will ine!itably backfire" +nstead of moti!ating them it will reduce the reason that they want to do something for you in the first place" They will feel unlo!ed when not touched, and they will lose interest in an attempt to protect themsel!es" Always bribe your 'irgo with lo!e and sex, ne!er with negati!es"

,est Relationship #at hes )isces Though your natural opposite is also your most ideal partner" (!ery uality you lack is ample in )isces, and !ice8!ersa, so no problem in this marriage is unsol!able, and e!ery day is interesting" Taurus 8 0as a big heart, while he/she waits for your headiness Aapricorn 8 -oth of you are perfectionists and can work extremely well together, bringing harmony to your worlds" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 Too bossy and will not tolerate your pickiness 1ibra 8 Aompletely unable to take your criticism A uarius 8 -oth wrong and right, but if it$s wrong you both will be at each other$s throats

Li2ra Abo!e all the rest your 1ibra lo!er is the most passionate, the most comforting and the most amiable of the sun signs" +t is %ust in their nature" +t is likely that you were the wall flower and they approached you at the party" They struck up a con!ersation because they sensed in you a discontentedness, or alienation" +t was their gentle and comforting way that appealed so uickly to your heart and then they attacked your head" This is the general pattern of the 1ibran lo!ers, to reach out for the emotional aspects in people, and yet because of their almost insatiable thirst for knowledge, you won$t get out of a relationship with 1ibra before demonstrating an interest in more scholarly parts of the world" -ut don$t get too deep with a 1ibra, since they are one of the air signs, their attention can wane and be spotty at best" They lo!e to del!e into hobbies like a flash in the pan, hot and uick" This

incessant need for !ariety can be a real strength or an incredible weakness" -e aware of this tendency and make sure that you can see the warning signs in your 1ibra" When their eyes start to wander change the sub%ect, there is no point trying to force the issue with a 1ibra, since e!en if they wanted to keep going their mind may be forcing them in different directions than they want to go in" Try and flow with their mind and their desires, it is often interesting and always exciting" The 1ibran is always !ery intuiti!e" They know when you are lying and they know when you are trying to conceal some emotion or anger" +t is always recommended to be honest with a lo!er that sits inside of the 1ibran sun sign, since they ha!e a built in lie detector and are always on the look out for deception" This intuition means strong paternal/maternal instincts and a great deal of empathy" They are constantly making sure that you are ok, and that e!eryone around them is ha!ing fun" 3on$t expect to be able to hold on to your 1ibra at a party and though they will be regularly looking for you and peppering you with affection, their more emotional empathic side dri!es them around" FFF ,oteG +f you are on the hunt for a 1ibra man or woman, don$t force things with them" Though being swept of one$s feet is always attracti!e, the 1ibra may ha!e so much on the go that it is important to integrate yourself into their world initially" 3on$t let this stop your from romance and spontaneity, %ust recogni>e when and how" -alance is !ery important to 1ibras" They e!en ha!e trouble making more mundane decisions as a result of this borderline obsession with fairness" They lo!e to gather all the rele!ant information about a general situation and then carefully sift through it to come up with a point of !iew that takes into consideration all the !aluable components of each side" This is a great uality, but can sometimes lead to insanity in 1ibra$s partners as e!en dinner plans can be fraught with crisis le!el decision making stress"

FFF,oteG <ust make those little decisions for them" +f you can$t decide between Ahinese and Thai, %ust figure out which one you would rather, and then make it happen" 3on$t mistake this indecision for a desire to ha!e all of their life decided by others" *n the contrary, it is a good lo!er$s %ob to help 1ibra o!ercome the ineffectualness that can sometimes arise as a result of this personality trait" 3on$t let them lose out on opportunities because they are so concerned with making the right decision that they make no decision" /ou may notice that for some 1ibras, this stri!ing for balance results in a real a!ersion to conflict" 3on$t worry about their feelings though, they are more worried about hurting yours" They would much prefer to work out arguments with dialogue, and will usually only be satisfied when both sides are shown and each part of the disagreement in resol!ed" The most ob!ious warning regarding pursuing a relationship with a 1ibra can be found in precisely the same place that their greatest strengths lay" 2any times 1ibra can be found mired in a !ery real and difficult ?lo!e triangle"@ This means that their hearts are truly di!ided, and thought they can$t make up their mind as of yet, the air aspects of their sign means that when they do, it may be made coldly and with a detached calculation" This can lead to broken hearts and deeply hurt feelings and despite the intuiti!e knowledge that a 1ibra has of other people, their self preser!ation is made manifest through this emotionally remo!ed decision making process" 3on$t run away, %ust keep yourself protected until your 1ibran lo!er makes a decision, and trust me the wait is worth the reward"

,est Relationship #at hes

Aries 8 +s your ideal mate despite being your >odiacal opposite" +t$s a great e!ening out of the 'enus and 2ars$ different ualitiesG aggression and tenderness, leadership and ac uiescence, practicality and creati!ity" Gemini 8 They are able to appreciate your understanding of their complex character, and you$re artistically harmonious" A uarius 8 /ou both lo!e people and beauty, although they$re a touch more unpredictable" +orst Relationship #at hes 'irgo 8 Too fussy for you" Scorpio 8 Too dark for your warm, sunny outlook"

S orpio *ne of the most rewarding and yet dangerous lo!ers to become in!ol!ed with in the intense power the Scorpion )lanetary alignment" (!en though )luto is a relati!ely new planet Din terms of our disco!ery of its strange elliptical orbit, which happened in 4ON5E its effects on Scorpio$s has always been there, uietly dri!ing and defining their characteristics" There is debate around which of Scorpio$s planets has primacy, mars or )luto, but the reality is that both the fire of mars and secret intensity of )luto has great bearing on the interaction and personalities of your Scorpio lo!er" *ne of the most ob!ious aspects of this tension is the way that Scorpios affect other people around them" +f you ha!en$t noticed it yet, pay close attention to how others act around your Scorpio" 0e/she is the one at the bar with their arm around a complete stranger sharing a drink and talking of life, but at the same time they are e!aluating and manipulating, drawing people into their inner circle uickly and efficiently" The opposite sex is always

o!erly fond of your Scorpio and people in their life seem adopt their mannerisms and turns of phrase, without e!en really noticing it" -ut here is key, the blending of intense social interacti!ity and secret internal intellect create a !olcano8like rumbling, threatening to blow and destroy e!erything around them, and that unfortunately can include lo!ers and friends" +t is important to stand back a bit when your Scorpio is in full tilt, because getting in his/her way can often lead to catastrophe" And don$t for one minute think that if your partner fails in their endea!or that they will be satisfied and gi!e up, on the contrary the )luto in their sign allows for a depth of understanding that will get back in the belly of the beast and retool whate!er needs to be fixed and get back on course" +n spite of what seems a recipe for complete personality disaster when your Scorpio$s life is balanced with lo!e and friendship the intense power and passion that are at their disposal can bring great happiness to e!eryone around them" This is the state that a good lo!er can bring to their Scorpio" +t is in many ways the reason that throughout history Scorpio men are so associated with desirability" A lot of women out there, you all know who + am talking about, want to fix men in their li!es, and strangely enough Scorpio men are one of the only sun signs that not only allow but also tend encourage this paradigm of help and helper" -ut don$t betray them" *f all the signs they are the most !indicti!e, and they will wait patiently to exact their re!enge" This is why it is so important to make sure that you are the right mate for a Scorpio, since e!en if they percei!e a slight or a betrayal of trust they can fly off the handle, dropping into a deep state of depression, making e!eryone around them miserable" Aulti!ate a sense of trust and calmness in your Scorpio and the di!idends will pay off huge" ,est Relationship #at hes

Aancer 8 -oth of you ha!e deep emotional wells underneath that hard surface, and are both water signs" 'irgo 8 /ou admire each other$s work ethic, and the negati!e traits of both cancel each other out" )isces 8 Although the attraction is immediate, it doesn$t last long the )iscean will become too possessi!e for you" +orst Relationship #at hes Aries 8 /ou must a!oid the other 2ars sign you$ll constantly fight o!er control of e!erything" Gemini 8 /ou$ll get %ealous of their freedom" Sagittarius 8 Too flighty and untrustworthy this match is liable to bring out your darkest ualities"

Sa)ittari(s When the ruler of a particular sign is a big, imposing planet, as is the case with Sagittarius, it is ob!ious that they are positioned for big things" Since <upiter, the largest of all the planets, is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius the most conspicuous uality that they will possess is ?bigness@" +t may sound silly but it truth this characteristic can be profoundly manifested in lots of aspects of your Sagittarian lo!er" -ig 0earts, -ig 0eads, -ig Games, -ig Aontradictions, these are all parts of the expansi!e nature of all the Sagittarians in our life" They dream in Technicolor and play on super si>ed %ungle gym, and though they are sometimes unaware of the respect and loyalty that they command, we all know it and we can see it throughout our relationships with them" /ou know why you feel for that Sagittarian in the first place" 0is/her head was being split open with new ideas and the si>e of their heart opened up wide and welcomed you into their world" There were no reser!ations about letting you in, and for the first

time in a long time you felt like you belonged" There were no plastic co!erings o!er the couches, so to speak, and nothing was hidden" That is one of the gifts of your Sagittarian lo!er, they are not secreti!e nor are they possessi!e" -ut they are extreme, so make sure that you take that into account when trying to handle them" Sagittarius$ life lies between two primary bed rocksG Athleticism and intellectualism" The first means that rock climbing, going for hikes and generally engaging the more physical aspects of life may be the dri!ing force behind your Sagittarius$ !ision of the world, the second means that that long talks o!er wine, about philosophy and religion direct the interest of this more cerebral Sagittarius" FFF,oteG if you ha!e a Sagittarius in your life it may be important to note which of the bed rocks your friend/lo!er stands more securely on" +f they are of the intellectual persuasion their logical D<upiterE nature will make them a formidable foe to argue against" Their arguments are usually well informed and beautifully constructed" 1et them talk and if you disagree, wait till you see holes in their argument since a logical flaw will be most likely to induce ree!aluation of their point of !iew" With the sportsman out there, %ust a!oid physical competition" +f they lose whate!er game is being played they will hate it because they are perhaps a bit too competiti!e" They are usually the dirtiest, and most beat up at the end of whate!er they are doing" (ncourage, as their friend/lo!er, less result oriented physical endea!ors" Sagittarians are insecure and can be frustrated easily with details, social con!entions and the general niceties of day8to8day existence" This means that your lo!er may tend to hide behind a penchant for debate, concealing their fears and lack of grace behind a fa ade of !erbal warfare" This can be tempered by good life experience that teaches them to be proud of who they are, or the natural loudness and intensity of personality can ostraci>e them from more con!entional social scenes"

1ong lasting relationships can be difficult because it is hard for them to settle down and stay interested" /our Sagittarian lo!er may not return phone calls and often breaks dates" 0is/her impetuosity often leads to a inability to satisfy the more domestic needs of other people, and despite lots of opportunity for physical intimacy, relationships of a more permanent !ariety may ha!e to wait until middle age, when the ?great mellowing@ occurs" ,est Relationship #at hes Gemini 8 Since both of you are prone to ?sample@ partners in life the intensity may initially be there but it may not last" Aries and 1eo 8 -oth of these fire signs are compatible with you because of their innate understanding of your passions and interests" +orst Relationship #at hes Taurus 8 Too possessi!e, and who would want to limit your freedom Aancer 8 Too rooted in family stability for your tastes 'irgo 8 Too critical of you, and your pride will not stand for that Scorpio 8 Although physically compatible, there is too much distrust and competition for dominance on both sides Aapricorn 8 Too pessimistic for you


Aries +oman +ildly sens(al: passionate and ad3ent(ro(s. Yo(;ll ha3e se< anywhere: anytime: yo( =now what yo( want and need& intense and fre7(ent se<: yo( ha3e a need for ontrol: 2(t yo( also ha3e to feel lo3e. As a mate: yo( are ardent: loyal: sentimental: and earthly. Li=es the ti =le of a man;s fa ial f(>>. ,est se< mate: Aries: Ta(r(s and Leo. Aries #an Sleepin) with him is li=e playin) ro7(et with li3e 2om2s& yo( ne3er =now what is )oin) to happen? Ne3er e<pe t him to wait for yo( to 2e ready & he will rip yo(r lothes off if he is ready to )o. 4on;t tease him or yo( 2etter 2e ready to deli3er. Fond of sla3e master )ames and he li=es it ro()h. Aries men are also e<plorers: so 2e ready to )o where no woman has )one 2efore. Ta(r(s +oman Yo( e<pe t yo(r man to 2e =ind and patient and ma=e lo3e to yo( 2y the 2oo=. Li=e to 2e pleased 2y se<: 2(t don;t loo= for (n(s(al approa hes. ,(t yo( are a demandin) lo3er and yo( lea3e yo(r partner 2reathless. Yo( ha3e a need for oral )ratifi ation: 2oth )i3in) and re ei3in). ,est se< mates: Can er: Sa)ittari(s: S orpio: and Leo. most li=ely =in=: s( =in) on yo(r toes: one 2y one. Yo( also li=e 2itin).

Ta(r(s #an

@e is the ideal lo3er & sensiti3e and (nderstandin) of his partner;s feelin)s. @e prefers it slow and easy: he won;t 2e yo(r )(ide to the e<oti (n=nown: 2(t what he does: he does 2ea(tif(lly. This is the )(y to )o to for lon) and l(<(rio(s oral se<. StaminaA This man o(ld wear down a )la ier? @is ero)eno(s >one: )ently and slowly =iss and 2ite the 2a = of his ne =. Gemini +oman Often the a))ressor: yo( are ne3er em2arrassed 2y yo(r 2eha3ior 2e a(se yo( ne3er adhere to any standards e< ept yo(r own main re7(irement: a lo3er who =nows how to ta=e his time. Yo( are a one woman harem: 2(t a partner sho(ld 2e aware that in a relationship: the Gemini woman is loo=in) for a om2ination of the spirit(al and the physi al: the romanti and the pra ti al. Yo( want to tal= to the )(y after yo( t(m2le with him? ,est se< mates are Leo: S orpio: A7(ari(s: Li2ra: and Aries. Fa3orite )ad)et: the 3i2rator. Gemini #an @e li=es it with the li)hts on in front of the mirror. @e an wor= any partner into the mood 2e a(se he =nows e<a tly how to e3o=e the ri)ht responses. Oral se< isn;t his fa3orite pastime: 2(t he will ta=e his time with other preliminaries. Tends to 2e fast and f(rio(s: more on erned with satisfyin) himself than his partner: 2(t he is more ade7(ate in areas of lo3ema=in) that are often ne)le ted 2y other men. @e an tell a woman e<a tly what she wants to hear. @is ero)eno(s >one: mo3e yo(r lips and ton)(e li)htly (p his arm. Can er +oman

+ill ne3er ma=e the first mo3e: 2(t yo( an 2e a mar3elo(s lo3er for yo( are apa2le of intense sens(ality. Yo( will re ipro ate passion with a fer3or that will stir his heart and stim(late him to his 2est performan e. On yo(r own time: yo( ha3e a fondness for mast(r2ation. Yo(r fa3orite position: lyin) prone while yo(r man enters yo( from 2ehind. ,est se< mates: Ta(r(s: Leo: .ir)o: S orpio: and *is es. Yo( may 2e ome a sla3e to se<(al pleas(re? Can er #an @is most s(rprisin) te hni7(e: inter o(rse with no hands. @e has a need for onstant en o(ra)ement and if )otten: he will 2e a deli)htf(l swain. ,oth patient and a))ressi3e: he will often 2e)in somewhere other than the 2ed: li=es 2ein) in ommand: and is a master at man(al litoral manip(lation? Yo(;ll li=e the trip as it is as m( h tra3elin) to a pla e as it is arri3in). Leo +oman Slee=: las i3io(s: enti in) and la>y? +hate3er Leo wants: Leo )ets? !ntensely responsi3e and there are 2ed partners who ha3e s ars to pro3e it. Yo(r need to show off leads yo( to prefer the top where he an loo= (p and admire the 2ea(ty of yo(r 2ody. ,est se< mates: Aries: Li2ra: S orpio: Sa)ittari(s. Yo(r se<(al wardro2e: f(ll of wispy (t&o(t 2ras and panties?

Leo #an

Simply 2r(shes aside r(les and on3entions. One important r(le to remem2er a2o(t him: N"."R tease. @is end(ran e is remar=a2le and he has a )reat appetite for ma=in) lo3e. @e li=es women in the s(2missi3e position and oral se< is o= only when he is on the re ei3in) end. @e li=es a woman to show how m( h she is enBoyin) it. @is ero)eno(s >one: his 2a = is parti (larly 3(lnera2le. .ir)o +oman Yo( ha3e no ill(sions a2o(t se< and wish e3eryone wo(ld stop ma)nifyin) its importan e. *refer men who will wait for the relationship to de3elop to the point where se< is ine3ita2le. Yo( lo3e m(t(al mast(r2ation and enBoy a little p(nishment: and yo(r )ra e and modesty is a )reat t(rn on. Yo( 2e ome an artist at pleasin) yo(r lo3er. Fa3orite =in=: an;t tr(ly enBoy it (nless a third party is present. ,est se< mates: Gemini: Can er and A7(ari(s. .ir)o #an Too shy to ma=e an o3ert(re: 2(t when the moment arri3es: yo( had 2etter 2e prepared for him to 2rin) his paBamas: sha3in) e7(ipment and tooth2r(sh. @e li=es to tal= a2o(t how yo( li=e it and ha3in) tal=ed a2o(t it: he will =ey in on the ri)ht eroti response. 4on;t e<pe t ima)ination: 2(t he is a hard wor=er and is open to s())estion. @is se ret life: an 2e o2sessed with porno)raphy. "ro)eno(s >one: his 2(tto =s.

Li2ra +oman

4rama is the =ey word & yo( set the sta)e for se<. !ntensely feminine and an instin ti3e e<hi2itionist. Yo( feel yo(r 2ody was made to 2e seen and admired. Feel that sed( tion is an art: not an assa(lt. +hen approa hed the ri)ht way: yo( find it easy to say yes to almost anythin). -n(s(al ontrol of 3a)inal m(s les. ,est se< mates: Aries: Gemini: Leo: S orpio: Sa)ittari(s: and A7(ari(s. Li=e any position where yo(r 2(tto =s are e<posed. Li2ra #an Loo=s for the whole e<perien e: not B(st a t(m2le 2etween the sheets. @as a definite =in=y side: a 3oye(r and fond of the mena)e a trois. @e has the patien e needed to satisfy. @e li=es women who dress well and ha3e lon) hair. !f a woman;s lothes loo= as tho()h they are easily remo3ed: he finds her hard to i)nore. "ro)eno(s >one: 2a = and 2(tto =s: espe ially the feel of ere t nipples a)ainst either of them? S orpio +oman !n7(isiti3e: sear hin) and e<perimental. Cnows that eroti ism onsists of more than the physi al a t of lo3ema=in). +hile loo=in) li=e a perfe tly lady in p(2li : yo( dress and 2eha3e li=e a whore in the 2edroom. Control of the or)asm is 3ery important and will try anythin) to help yo(r man maintain his poten y. Yo( ne3er ta=e no for an answer and when interested in someone: yo( will p(rs(e him with determination and )(ile. ,est se< mates: Gemini: Can er: S orpio: *is es. *rops yo( lo3e: s ented 2ody oils: fla3ored l(2ri atin) )els and 3i2rators. S orpio #en

A l(stf(l: se<y animal. "nBoys 2itin) and s( =in) and is a master of oral se<. !nfli tin) pain t(rns him on so he may pin h at nipples or the insides of thi)hs. Li=es it in the water: 2(t his =in= is that he prefers wood ta2les and hard floors to satin and sil=. @is ero)eno(s >one is his )enitalia. Sa)ittari(s +oman Yo( li=e the o(tdoors & frea=in) o(t if yo( are tent: amper or on the 2ea h. Yo( enBoy se<: 2(t yo( don;t li=e to prolon) the preliminaries and want to start the main show as soon possi2le. Li=e to tease yo(r partner to the point of losin) ontrol. Yo( don;t mind if yo(r man omes too 7(i =ly & yo( are a )enero(s and a eptin) lo3er. ,est se< mates: Leo: Li2ra and A7(ari(s. Yo(r se<(al wardro2e will onsist of a essories & )lo3es and shoes? Sa)ittari(s #an Se< is an intense e<perien e with him & he seldom omes too 7(i =ly and he;ll 2e the first to try a new position. @e is the master of eroti massa)e & 2oth oral and man(al. @is ton)(e an 2e a wi =ed instr(ment and when om2ined with his lips: reates an e<plosi3e affe t? "ro)eno(s >ones: hips and thi)hs. And he li=es to loo= at a woman;s al3es and thi)hs and li=es to ha3e se< with a woman in sto =in)s.

Capri orn +oman

4on;t need m( h foreplay & yo( )o from >ero to +O+ in nothin) flat? Not interested in in e<oti 3ariation: only in stayin) power. Sin e yo( li=e to dominate: yo( li=e to 2e astride yo(r man: set a rhythm and please yo(rself. On e into the rhythm: lo3ema=in) 2e omes a wild ontest with or)asm as the pri>e and yo( an depend on )ettin) there more than on e. Also a s rat her and a s reamer. ,est se< mates: Ta(r(s: S orpio and *is es. Capri orn #an Se< e3o=es the 2est he an offer. @e is a planner and a s hemer. *refers a woman who =nows what he enBoys and he e<pe ts her to 2e willin) and ready whene3er he wants her. @as the stamina of a marathon r(nner. @ere is the man who will hold off (ntil yo( are ready to s ream? "ro)eno(s >one: a massa)e the starts at the lower 2a = and )ently stro=es (pward alon) the sides of his spine. A7(ari(s +oman A slow started: yo( ideali>e lo3e and en ompass it with tenderness. On e aro(sed tho()h: anythin) )oes? e<tremely ima)inati3e and li=e tryin) new thin)s. There is nothin) in any se< man(al that yo( won;t try. ,elief that anythin) that in reases the pleas(re for yo(r partner is worthwhile. ,est se< mates: Aries: Gemini: Li2ra: Sa)ittari(s and A7(ari(s. Fa3orite se< position: standin) (p: and in water. A7(ari(s #an Ne3er treats a woman li=e a se< o2Be t and prefers a 3ariety of foreplay 2efore )ettin) down to it. #ay ha3e 2e to re33ed (p: 2(t on e his en)ine is started: he is free and

in3enti3e with ama>in) persisten e. @e will always see yo( thro()h to lima<. A woman who =nows what she wants will 2e 3ery happy. @e (s(ally ens(res an or)asm twi e & on e orally and on e )enitally. "ro)eno(s >ones: )ently to( hin) the al3es and an=les will )et him )oin). ,e aref(l tho()h & a =in=y A7(ari(s an 2e a sadist who doesn;t li=e to 2e denied? *is es +oman Always ma=e the ri)ht mo3es: say the ri)ht thin)s and reate the ri)ht am2ian e. Yo( are se<(ally li2erated and enBoy a wide ran)e of eroti ism. !f his fantasies oin ide with yo(rs: the a tion an really )et torrid?. Yo( seldom say no to anythin) yo(r lo3er s())ests? Fa3orite pla e: in a water 2ed or hot t(2. ,est se< mates: Can er: S orpio: Capri orn: *is es. *is es #an Ta=es the lead in lo3ema=in) and impatient if he doesn;t )et a swift response. !ndifferent to se<(al restri tions: 2oth moral and le)al: prefers a partner with a tremendo(s se<(al ra3in). Li=es se< in a hair. @e li=es to 2e s(2missi3e. ,e omes an addi t to anythin) that will )i3e pleas(re and release. "ro)eno(s >one: massa)in) and aressin) his feet.

AN4 #OR" S"9 @OROSCO*"SS????????????

2y A(ntie *an*an Chain ,order Aries Aries L!." for head massa)es. ANY part of their head: Lips: "yelids: "yes: Ton)(e: yo( name it? Aries also li=e to f( = in p(2li pla es d(rin) 2(siness ho(rs. Yo( need to 2e open minded with an Aries. !f yo( donDt feel li=e 2ein) d( t taped to a wall and 2eaten with li3e ferrets: Tell Them. ,e warned? !F yo( donDt want to 2e =in=y: donDt 2e with an Aries. !f yo( say EnoF too often to them yo( may lose them as a lo3er fore3er. Aries idea of @ea3en is parti ipatin) in li3e se< shows for money. @a3in) their fa3orite h(man toy win first pla e in a pony 2oy/)irl ra e. F( =in) as an art form on display in a )allery. They se retly ra3e to 2e strippers or Annie Sprin=le. Aries L!." to 2e Bealo(s...they also li=e to oordinate other people f( =in). Se retly desire to 2e fl(ffers. Aries owned a 3iolet wand 2efore it was pop(lar. They are also sadists. The 2est )ift to )i3e an Aries is desi)ner olored nylon rope in their fa3orite olor. They li3e to tease and tort(re. @ey: some2odyDs )otta do it: ri)htA They li=e hair p(llin). ,eware of their DtoyD olle tions. 4onDt tease them...they will rape yo(. They lo3e pony 2oys and )irls...! annot emphasi>e this eno()h? They li=e it do))ie style espe ially if they are steerin). Gi3e an Aries %'' feet of rope and a $G' dollar flo))er and they will follow. As lon) as they )et to 2e the one holdin) the handle. Ta(r(s 4onDt tease them. !t will only piss them off. Ta(reans are realists. !f yo( say that yo( are horny prepare to 2e f( =ed. Ta(reans are hea3y ind(l)ers: tho()h. All forms of

ind(l)en e: se<&dr()s&wine&food...whate3er their 3i e may 2e they simply annot )et eno()h. They do not 2elie3e in moderation. They will f( = (ntil they are sore. Ta(r(s li=es to ha3e se< B(st for the sa=e of ha3in) se<. +hat they la = in ori)inality: they ma=e (p for in stamina and end(ran e. they may not 2e into 2onda)e: o=ayA ,(t they +!LL li = yo( (ntil yo( ha3e at least three or)asms or (ntil yo( pass o(t...whi he3er omes first. Ta(r(s (ses their ton)(e for "."RYthin) and ! mean that. They lo3e to li = people in whipped ream: al ohol: ho olate: flesh and andy. ,rin) it on? Ca(tion: They are loo=in) for a relationship so 2e =ind to them. They also ha3e a ,!G wet thin) for s ent. Sometimes they donDt want a lo3er to 2athe 2efore se<. Or yo( may find them sha))in in a )arden or a )reenho( smell the dirt. After all: they are "arth si)ns. Gemini "3er heard the sayin) H,een there. 4one thatAH Chan es are it ame from a Gemini. They are always han)in)...they are the eternal Chameleon. Yo( ne3er who yo( are f( =in) that day. They ha3e had se<. A lot of se<. *ro2a2ly 2e a(se they are in a onstant state of fl(<...always loo=in) for the new hi)h. The 2i))est t(rn on for a Gemini is: LOCAT!ON LOCAT!ON LOCAT!ON. @ere is B(st a smatterin) of pla es that ! =now Geminis ha3e f( =ed: !n the ele3ator of the ma(sole(m of Forest Lawn CemetaryId(rin) a f(neral. +ine ellars in ni)ht l(2s. .!* areas of theatres. *(2li *ar=s. The %Jth hole of a pri3ate )olf o(rse. !n the enter of a ra e tra = B(st as the fla) was )oin) (p. On 3ario(s )ym e7(ipment at n(mero(s health spas. A foot2all stadi(m d(rin) the S(per,owl. A ,al ony railin) at #ardis Gras in the Fren h 5(arter...B(st to name a few.

!f itDs shiny...they will want it. They are 2i) on drama so 2e prepared for them to set the mood for se< no matter where yo( mi)ht end (p. They +!LL ta=e the initiati3e. They li3e off their harm. !f they are male and )ay they will still 2e the )reatest f( = yo(r female friend has e3er had. Go fi)(re. They are also 3oye(rs: 2(t always willin) to lend a hand...or any other part of anatomy. !f they are depressed: s( = on their fin)ersIthat always seems to heer them (p. Their )oal is to f( = in the front row of the Os ars when the ameras pans on them so that they an wa3e. Can er This is the si)n that needs to 2e (ddled. They may 2elie3e that they were 2orn in the wron) period or ent(ry. They dwell in the past....i torian...Roman...#edie3al...yo( name it. They (s(ally will only f( = at ni)ht. Come to thin= of it they f( = 2etter at ni)ht anyway. #ay2e its 2e a(se they are r(led 2y the #oon. This is a si)n that is loo=in) for tr(e lo3e...! mean real tr(e deep lo3e. That Roman in) The Stone: +(therin) @ei)hts =ind of lo3e. They pro2a2ly ry at the end of any /ane A(sten fli =. They want to 2e swept off of their feet. They really do deser3e it: too. They are onstantly d(mped on 2y pre3io(s past f( =tard e< lo3ers that thin= they own them. Sometimes Can ers pi = the wron) )(y/)irl and )et 2eat (p or emotionally h(rt. +hyA They thin= its what they deser3e. +hi h is 2(llshit. They are wonderf(l people. They lo3e water sports K/a (>>is: pools: showers: sa(nas: 2atho(ses...L They want to 2e omforta2le while f( =in). Oh s(re the foreplay may ha3e had yo( 2ent o3er a 2arstool: 2(t when yo( )et home they want omfy o( hes: 2eds: fl(ffy pillows: anythin) soft and f(>>y that is not a pet. Can erians also ha3e a horri2le tenden y to mispla e their lothin). @i)hly e<hi2itionisti . They li3e for oral as lon) as it tastes )ood. Carma S(tra honey d(st is a )ood start. #ints...i e reamIanythin) with

s() 4onDt r(sh them they smolder. ,(t when yo( )et started: 2e ready for a lon) ni)ht. They li=e to play with i e (2es: too. Also nipples are a 2i) thin) for Cra2s...they all se retly wish to )et their nipples pier ed. Can 2e hi)hly s(2missi3e. #ast(r2ation is where they )et their 2on(s points at. ,e warned: They li=e Dem yo(n) yo( 2etter 2e ready to dress (p li=e an animation s hool 2oy/)irl with a whip to =eep Dem. Leo !f we o(ld p(t o(r p(ssy at na=ed and Beweled in r(2ies on a dais in a m(se(m: this wo(ld 2e their idea of hea3en. "3eryone admirin) them: @ell: yeah? E+orship meF is their motto. !f yo( f( = (p B(st on e with a Leo thatDs !T. 4onDt 2e e<pe tin) them to ta=e yo( 2a =. They are not willin) 3i tims: after all. They hose yo( and yo( s rewed (pA They an -N& hoose yo( B(st the same. They li3e for mMna)e a trois...or 7(aI.or in o. Anythin) in a )ro(p is o=ay as lon) as they are in the middle. Leos also li=e 2(22le 2aths. On e yo( start with a Leo do not thin= yo( an B(st t(rn their emotions on or off li=e a swit h.. They demand satisfa tion NO+. All the stress in the world ends (p in the Leo ne =. They need ne =r(2s. They feel li=e they ha3e the entire wei)ht of the world on their head. !f its =in=y: a Leo has pro2a2ly done it. Yo( =now #adonnaDs a Leo: ri)htA She masters the #adonna/+hore/Goddess thin) pretty well: h(hA ! wonder whyA Co(ld it 2e a(se she;s a LeoA Yep. .almont was pro2a2ly a Leo. They pro2a2ly ha3e the mo3ie at home. Get o(t yo(r f(rry )lo3es and fa(< min= whips for this =itten:.they lo3e soft flo))ers and there is a spe ifi spot on their 2a = ri)ht a2o3e their tail2one that is hea3en to them where: if to( hed ri)ht: will a t(ally ma=e them p(rr. Yo( thin= !Dm 2(llshittin) yo(A Try it: ! dare ya.

Leo li=es to 2e on top...thatDs a )i3en. They need ontrol. Their (nderwear is always interestin) to say the least. They li3e for 2o(doir photo)raphy. They lo3e to 2e photo)raphed. !f they an afford a n(de or semi n(de photo of them they do it now. Leos are 2orn and 2red to 2e porn stars...e3en if they a t pr(de a2o(t it they ha3e tho()ht a2o(t it. They (s(ally end (p in 3o ations where they an 2e ser3ed li=e a =in) or 7(een Ki.e. $1/N domina: mistresses: )i)olos: 2ar owners: promoters: r(nway models...L. #ay ha3e a fetish a2o(t de oratin) their )enitalia...not pier in)s: per se: 2(t other Beweled adornments definitely. R(2ies (s(ally are their lo3e. ! =new one Leo with a solid sil3er o = rin) em2edded with r(2ies. Lo3e to ha3e their hair 2r(shed and played with. Yo( had 2etter 2e 3o al in 2ed with them...they want to hear how well they are doin). !f a Leo has hosen yo( as a mate B(st a ept it and enBoy the ride. ,e prepared for anythin). They ha3e no pro2lem tyin) yo( down. They are the na()hty s hool tea her: the pirate aptain: the )ypsy =in) and Cleopatra all rolled into one. .ir)o This is the most onf(sed si)n on the planet. This si)n is pretty realisti : no frills. They lo3e to f( = in showers not 2e a(se itDs =in=y: 2(t 2e a(se of hy)eni reasons. They are 2i) into sanitary iss(es. "3ery .ir)o ! ha3e e3er met has iss(es...always )oin) 2a = to hy)iene. They ha3e to arran)e time in their 2(sy s hed(les to ha3e se<. ,(t when a reser3ation is made yo( had 2etter 2e there on time: if not a little early. +ith flowers. And lean. .ir)os want to ma=e their partner happy. ThatDs it. -S-ALLY. Yo( will always )et a frea=y .ir)o: 2(t not often. "3en so: they will try to )et yo( to (m. And if they anDt ma=e yo( (m: they will 2(y someone or somethin) that will. Yes yo( read that ri)ht. The si)n of the 3ir)in 2elie3es in prostit(tion.

#issionary is their 2i) thin). ! wish ! o(ld )i3e .ir)os more =in=: 2(t: thatDs a2o(t it. "< ept may2e try span=in) them sometime and see what will happen. They li3e to mast(r2ate...whether it;s yo( r(22in) them: them r(22in) yo(: them r(22in) a)ainst yo(r fo< f(r oat...whate3er? Some .ir)os want to 2e p(nished. They will do na()hty thin)s to 2e a()ht so they an 2e p(nished. They are perfe t for Aries who want to p(nish some2ody. *retend rape s enes also t(rn on .ir)os. As lon) as they =now they are se retly safe. !f yo( ha3e e3er seen the arni3al rape s ene in @enry O /(ne: this is a .ir)o wet dream. Also all .ir)os li=e to see amel toes...whatDs (p with thatA Sherlo = @olmes was pro2a2ly a .ir)o...or a repressed Gemini. Li2ra Let the )ames 2e)in? Li2ra will try anythin) on e. Twi e to ma=e s(re they li=ed it. Three times to 2e a2sol(tely s(re. 4o not to( h a Li2raDs head d(rin) oral se<...that may wor= with an Aries: 2(t not here. Li2ras lo3e )i3in) oral. They lo3e )ettin) it: too. ,(t donDt feel li=e they )et eno()h...too 2ad: 2e a(se they s(re as hell are )ettin) eno()h of e3erythin) else. They will 2(y toys to ma=e yo( (se it on them. Li2ras are mental reat(res that 2elie3e in li3in) and f(lfillin) fantasies that they ha3enDt done in real life...whi h is rare 2e a(se they ha3e done almost e3erythin). They ha3e no pro2lem sploshin). To them: sittin) in a pie o(ld 2e f(n. *ornA ,rin) it on? Se<: 3ideo and foodA Alri)ht? They are hea3ily e<hi2itionisti 2y a ident. They are a ident proneP they lose 2ras: (nderwear: ondoms. They also a identally end (p in 2ed with people. Ama>in) how that wor=s? They li=e to ross dress. ,oth se<es do this 7(ite well: a t(ally. #ale Li2rans are mista=en for women all the time: and female Li2ras are mista=en for men e3ery now and a)ain too. !t;s 2e a(se they are (nder the )oddess

Aphrodite. They are ne3er B(st ON" se<. They an always feel what the opposite se< feels. +hi h is why they are rarely lin)y: e< ept in rare ir (mstan es when they ha3e 2een led on. Then wat h the manip(lati3e side of the s ales swin). They lo3e to roleplay and play dress (p. They li=e to dress li=e hoo=ers or 5(een "li>a2eth Kthis is the men: tooL. +ho are they reallyA !t depends on what day of the wee= it is. They 2elie3e that life is too short to date ()ly people in more ways than one. So if yo( are 2ein) sha))ed 2y a Li2ra: there is a )ood reason. +hether yo( are attra ti3e physi ally: emotionally: mentally or ha3e a fantasti sense of h(mor: there is always a reason for a Li2ra to 2e f( =in) yo(. ,(t they hate 3(l)arity. They despise feelin) li=e they are on a waitin) list to )et yo(r attention. +orse yet: feelin) li=e they are yo(r )ro(pie. That wonDt last lon): then. They ha3e already fi)(red o(t how to destroy yo( they are 2idin) their time to see how lon) (ntil they throw yo( away. ,(t: if yo( )et past all that: e<pe t lon) l(<(rio(s ni)hts tal=in) and playin) Strip Tarot or Na=ed Chess. They are the Gra ef(l Sl(t...2(t not sl(tty and yet a ident prone. !f yo( are )oin) to f( = a Li2ra )et mirrors. Lots of them. They ha3e more 3anity iss(es than a Gemini. Nothin) is too =in=y for them. They are the eternal Co(rtesan or Con (2ine. They are se< therapists: porn writers who =nowsA S orpio @ere omes the masters and mistresses of F-CC? Sorry Leo: 2(t S orps AR" the leaders in the Cin= O Rama fa tor K@ey lions: yo( are the =in)s and 7(eens of e3erythin) "LS" so let it )o...L. S orpios =now how to sed( e. They =now what is =in=y. They are hi)hly manip(lati3e. They =now how to )et yo( to do what they want. They =now how to f( =. And they are ma=in) room for modifi ations. All they ha3e to do

is wal= into a room and loo= at yo( and yo( will 2e on yo(r 2a = ass(min) the position. One S orpio ! =new (sed to sha =le her lo3er to her dinin) room ta2le and ser3e food aro(nd his na=ed 2ody for dinner parties. She wo(ld p(t the dip ri)ht 2etween his le)s and tell e3eryone to try some. This is B(st an idea of S orpio =in=. She wo(ld p(nish him later if thin)s went awry. Anne Ri e Kd(rin) her ,ea(ty phaseL wants to 2e a S orpio. Leos and S orpios ma=e for a fa2(lo(s tryst...2(t the emotions are sta))erin). 4onDt dare try to ma=e a S orpio Bealo(s. They will d( t tape yo( to a hair and ma=e yo( wat h them f( = yo(r 2oss or yo(r sister/2rother or #other. @ell: thatDs their idea of a typi al normal Th(rsday ni)ht. They lo3e to (se )a) 2alls. They always ha3e arpet 2(rns on their =nees and 2a = from their onstant r(ttin) li=e a wild weasel in heat. They are also 3ery (nnin) and se reti3e. They lo3e pony )irls and ha3e a fetish for ridin) rops and 2ridles. #ost S orpios ha3e mastered the ,ina a ,lowBo2 for hei)htened and elon)ated pleas(re. ! hope yo( an )o the distan e and an ma=e them ome...otherwise )ods help Qya. Fa3orite Son): #aster and Ser3ant. #ost female S orpios ha3e a horri2le tenden y of 2ein) Al ohol Les2ians. Get them dr(n= eno()h they will =iss a )irl...or two....or three...or fi3e. One S orpio )irl ! =new )ot so toasty at a party on e she =issed e3eryone in the entire ho(se. There were at least si<ty people there? All their lothes are easy a ess and they an definately )et their foot o3er their head. One S orpio man ! =new o(ld 2low himself. A definite )ood time: 2(t 2eware their stin). Sa)ittari(s Ri)ht o(t the h(te ! am )oin) to tell yo( they lo3e to 2e sha3ed. Tr(e lo3e is 2ein) sha3ed. Sa)ittari(s lo3e is 2ein) sha3ed 2y someone they lo3e. And they lo3e to tra3el. They

are onstantly mo3in). They =eep mil= arton and ard2oard 2o< ompanies in 2(siness. They are always pa =in) and )oin) somewhere. They are the o(tdoorsy type. +hy f( = in a tent when yo( an 2e s(rro(nded 2y Se7(oias (nder a moonlit ni)ht and ha3e se<A #ost Sa)s flash 2ody parts and are loset n(dists. They will 2e the first to re)ister for n(de 3olley2all at the n(dist resort. 4onDt )et me wron): they ha3e a ton of pro3o ati3e lothin) at home: 2(t they li=e to 2e na=edIe3erywhere.. They donDt =now why it;s a)ainst the law to dri3e na=ed in a on3erti2le espe ially. !t B(st doesnDt seem ri)ht. 4ownri)ht Anti&Ameri an to them. They are also 2leedin) heart a(se fi)hters. They 2elie3e that se< is a 2iolo)i al f(n tion amon)st friends. +hy are so many people a)ainst itA A perfe t ni)ht for them is to: Tal=. F( =. Tal=. F( =. Go o(t and loo= at sea otters *i = some flowers. Tal=. F( =. La()h. @a3e a drin=. Tal=. F( =. 4inner. F( =. Sleep. !f Gemini and Sa) o(ld 2e wired for ele tri ity 2y how m( h they tal= we wo(ld ha3e all of .e)as lit (p (ntil $'6J. They (s(ally an 2e fo(nd to)ether: too. #ale Sa)s ha3e more fetishes than a female Sa). Foot fetishes...lin)erie... ross dressin). Female Sa)s are more nat(re lo3ers: do it in the 2(shes. Cin=yA +ho has time for =in=yA O=ay: they dress =in=y: and will play a )ame or two: 2(t se< is se<...a 2iolo)i al f(n tion for need in times of emotional release. They 2elie3e in doin) it and )ettin) it done 2efore the mo3ie starts. ,etter yet: f( = at the theatre so yo( donDt miss the pre3iews. They need le) r(2s and /a (>>is. This is 2e a(se their thi)hs and le)s are always a tin) (p. @ey: yo( werenDt omplainin) when they were holdin) yo( (p f( =in) in the loset at yo(r friends ho(sewarmin) party at two in the mornin): ri)htA They are st(rdy.

Capri orn /(st as ! was writin) this one: my Capri orn friend pro eeds to all me. Capri orns are psy hi 2y a ident. They ha3e no idea the fates smile on them from time to time. They B(st a ept it and mo3e on. Yo( an t(rn on a Cappie B(st 2y 2reathin) on them. They are stron) and responsi2le and ha3e di)nity. ,(t they are too easy to t(rn on sometimes. And wat h o(t when they are horny...whoe3er is in the room 2etter ha3e prote tion. They are nat(ral s reamers and lea3e 2ite mar=s. They li=e se< a lot as a fa3orite past time. -s(ally d(rin) ommer ial 2rea=s is perfe t. !ts nothin) for a Cappie to f( = se3en or ei)ht times d(rin) ommer ial 2rea=s in an ho(r lon) T... Show. They li=e to do it in the shower...on the f(rnit(re...on other peoples f(rnit(re...on other peoples 2eds... ars...tents...2oats. !f they are in the mood: it o(ld 2e at the *resident;s !na()(ration...)et ready for some noo=ie? They lo3e to 2ite. They lo3e whips: flo))ers and paddles. And =now how to (se them. They mi)ht seem at first si)ht of them rather old and insensiti3e. ,(t when they warm (pA There is no stoppin) them. They li=e to ha3e the 2a = of their =nees li =ed. They li3e for ton)(e massa)es. They thin= porno is B(st silly...who tho()ht that (pA ,(t they will wat h it to see if they are missin) anythin). Gi3e them dim li)htin): a roarin) firepla e and a ni e 2ottle of wine...yo( mi)ht as well re on ile yo(rself to the fa t that yo( 2etter lea3e the phones off for the entire wee=end and order food in. They li=e to play ) lon) as they are in har)e. This is a mis(nderstood si)n...they an 2e 3ery =in=y. As lon) as it is with people they lo3e. A7(ari(s #y fa3orite sl(ts are A7(ari(s. +hyA ,e a(se if yo( donDt e<pe t anythin) in ret(rn: yo( wonDt 2e disappointed.

So(nds easy: h(hA They will )et (nder yo(r s=in tho()h: so 2eware. !tDs easy to 2e h(rt 2y an A7(ari(s 2e a(se they donDt want yo( to =now what they are thin=in). !f they are silent: 2(t yo( are in the room with them: han es are they are in hea3y tho()ht. ,(t donDt worry: han es are they are thin=in) a2o(t yo( and fifteen other thin)s. +ater 2earers loo= at se< li=e it is a form of re ess. They an t(rn yo( on 2y simply wal=in) in the room. They are the Rain #an of the 8odia . They )i3e too m( h of themsel3es to others that donDt )i3e a shit: then )et shy to those that are a2o(t them. Go fi)(re. They li=e =in=y. They are easy )oin). To them: itDs a learnin) e<perien e. #ale A7(arians li=e to tease and li3e life in a fantasy world. Female A7(arians anDt mast(r2ate eno()h. #ales ne3er )et the han e to mast(r2ate 2e a(se e3ery2ody wants a pie e of them. They li=e their an=les ni22led. They lo3e 2a = massa)es. Their (ltimate ad3ent(re is the H2(t we mi)ht )et a()htH )ame. They will f( = where3er they r(n the ris= of 2ein) seen or fo(nd 2y another lo3er. 4onDt e<pe t faithf(lness from these reat(res...itDs B(st not in their 4NA. They are open minded to the point that anythin) shiny will derail their train of tho()ht. F( =in) while standin) or leanin) is a pl(s here. F( = with their mind and they will follow yo( anywhere. They enBoy 2ein) f( =ed in )ro(ps of three. Thin= 2ein) /a = Ni holson in 2ed with the three +it hes of "astwi =. This is a A7(arian dream. They need yo( to ma=e the first mo3e. Not to 2e dominated: 2(t to 2rin) them 2a = to earth now and a)ain for a little physi al f(n time. They )et lost in the lo(ds a lot. 4onDt derail from yo(r personal pleas(re o(rse: howe3er: otherwise yo( will 2e B(st tal=in) to them all ni)ht whi h an 2e stim(latin) B(st as well too. ,eware? They are the flirts and teases from @ell? Ne3er ta=e one on a trip to a @ome 4epot when yo( are 2oth horny. This an lead to nasty thin)s.

*is es Get o(t the 2oots: Stiletto heels: foot reams and panty ome da fishies? They are the leaders in foot fetish. #ast(r2ation in shoesA O=ay. Toe mast(r2ation...2rin) it on? They lo3e (sin) their feet. S( = on a *is eans toes and S"" what happens? F( = in the water and see them s7(irm. *is es ha3e pro2a2ly done it in a se< swin). Or at least onsidered how stron) the eilin) 2eams are on their ho(se to p(t one in. *is es men 2rea= f(rnit(re when they f( =...thin)s )et fl(n) e3erywhere. *is es an 2e t(rned on 2y the weirdest thin)s. Trains...water fo(ntains...B(mp rope...whate3er. They are the sirens allin) yo( to the 2ea h where yo( will end (p on yo(r 2a = on a towel with water all o3er yo( and not wantin) it to stop. ! ha3e heard it said that it;s the *is es that will ross the dar=er =in=y side at least on e B(st to say: HYep. 4id that. Not that )reat:H or H+hat do yo( #"AN yo( ne3erI H Sam from Se< and the City sho(ld 2e a *is es. These 2a2es are perfe tionists. Yo( will ha3e a perfe t or)asm with will they. !n fa t: they stri3e for perfe tion in e3erythin) they do. !tDs all in the details for them. There will not 2e one hair o(t of pla e with a *is es. All of their fetish Bewelry will mat h a spe ifi whip or dress or shoes. "3erythin) m(st mat h? ! ha3e one *is es friend that has nipple tassels that mat h for e3ery pair of (nderwear and whip that she owns? Yo( mi)ht thin= they are shy? @A? They are B(st plannin) somethin). ! had a *is es friend Ksame *is es friend with the mat hin) tassels 2y the wayL who was at a n(dist 2ea h in ,ra>il Kyo( will always find a *is es at a 2ea h...its in2red in themL. A middle a)ed man in his early G'Ds or so ame (p to her and immediately saw her 2ody and 2an)I)ot a hard on?

Not feelin) sho =ed in any way: shape or form: she wal=ed ri)ht (p to him and p(t her hand on his o = for a moment: then with her same hand too= her s(n)lasses off: loo=ed him ri)ht in the eye and said: H4ahlin): yo(r ere tion is S-*"R,?H and she wal=ed off ne3er to see him a)ain. Yo( ne3er an tell what the hell a *is es will do: 2(t ! )(arantee that it will 2e s(per2? S"CR"T: *is es women fall for a man that an wear a hi)h heel and )arter and loo= )ood.

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