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hyslcal Sclence

Carroll Plgh School

lnsLrucLor: Angle Lmerlck Lmall: aemerlck[ Webpage:

Course Descr|pt|on:

hyslcal Sclence ls Lhe sLudy of maLLer and energy. hyslcal sclence explores Lhe correlaLlon
beLween maLLer and energy Lhrough LexL, classroom dlscusslons, and laboraLory dlscoverles
and pro[ecLs. SLudenLs wlll develop sclenLlflc, Lechnologlcal and maLhemaLlcal llLeracy
Lhrough sclenLlflc LexL and lab experlences. SLudenLs wlll apply Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod ln
laboraLory exploraLlons and wlll acqulre a baslc foundaLlon ln physlcs and chemlsLry.

8|ended]I||pped Curr|cu|um:

1hls wlll be a blended currlculum, meanlng sLudenLs geL Lhe mosL meanlngful face-Lo-face
lnLeracLlon wlLh me along wlLh dlfferenLlaLed onllne lnsLrucLlon. 1he reason l choose Lo Lry
Lhls new way of Leachlng hyslcal Sclence ls l feel lL ls Lhe besL way Lo bulld conLenL
knowledge, develop 21sL cenLury skllls, meeLs each sLudenLs academlc needs and Lap lnLo
Lhelr personal lnLeresLs. LveryLhlng Lhe sLudenLs need onllne wlll be llnked Lhrough my
webslLe (llsLed above) and Schoology. 8ecause Lhls wlll be a blended class, homework wlll
be a comblnaLlon of paper-pencll and onllne asslgnmenLs.

1op|cs Covered (as t|me a||ows):

Lab SafeLy
ulglLal ClLlzenshlp
lorces & MoLlon
Chemlcal roperLles


1exLbook: PolL "#$%&#% "'%#()*+ ,-./$#01 "#$%&#% wlLh paper bookcover (opLlonal)
ens/enclls (penclls recommended for labs)
CalculaLor (Lhere ls a calculaLor app on Lhe chromebook)

Grad|ng (D|str|ct-w|de grad|ng sca|e):

ln Lhls sclence class, a sLandards-based gradlng approach wlll be used. ?ou may have heard
noLhlng abouL Lhls approach Lo gradlng or you may have heard all klnds of Lhlngs. 1he
reasons LhaL l declded Lo use Lhls approach lnclude Lhe followlng:
l wanL sLudenLs' sclence grades Lo reflecL whaL Lhey know and don'L know abouL sclence
l wanL Lo be able Lo Lell sLudenLs speclflcally whaL Lhey do and do noL undersLand abouL
l wanL Lo develop a culLure of rlsk-Laklng and embraclng mlsLakes as parL of Lhe learnlng
l wanL Lo empower sLudenLs Lo reflecL on Lhelr own learnlng and learn PCW Lo learn.
l wanL sLudenLs Lo be clear whaL conLenL Lhey are supposed Lo learn, and noL make
Lhem guess LhaL lnformaLlon from handouLs and acLlvlLles.

SLandards Scale (used for gradlng assessmenLs/LesLs):
10 know lL, Cwn lL, use lL
1he sLudenL conslsLenLly meeLs and aL Llmes exceeds Lhe sLandard as
descrlbed by Lhe expecLaLlons.
1he sLudenL exLends and applles key concepLs, processes, and skllls for grade
9 know lL & Cwn lL
1he sLudenL regularly meeLs Lhe sLandard, wlLh llmlLed errors.
All lnformaLlon ls accuraLe and makes connecLlons beLween sLudled
Can demonsLraLe full undersLandlng of Lhe sLandard.
SLudenL ls able Lo presenL Lhelr undersLandlng ln Lhelr own way.
8 AlmosL know lL
1he sLudenL occaslonally meeLs Lhe sLandard.
MosLly rlghL ldeas wlLh some wrong ones/mlsundersLandlngs.
AbouL and even mlx of memorlzed lnformaLlon and Lhelr own undersLandlng
ln Lhelr own words.
Cn My Way 1o knowlng
1he sLudenL occaslonally meeLs Lhe sLandard.
MosLly memorlzed lnformaLlon known.
no appllcaLlon of Lhe lnformaLlon belng Lurned lnLo Lhelr own undersLandlng
of Lhe sLandard.
6 SLarLlng 1o know lL
1he sLudenL ls noL meeLlng Lhe sLandard.
A loL of wrong ldeas wlLh a few rlghL ones.
MosL lnformaLlon doesn'L dlrecLly apply Lo Lhe sLandard C8 noL a loL of
evldence of undersLandlng.
no Lvldence of
no work on sLandard compleLed Lo [udge undersLandlng C8 lnsufflclenL
evldence of undersLandlng.
Work ls noL relaLed Lo Lhe sLandard ln any way.
AddlLlonal work musL be done and shared before Leacher can make a
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe sLudenL's progress.

ually Check for undersLandlng (used for dally work/pracLlce)
4 l undersLand lL. l could Leach Lhls Lo my parenLs.
3 l undersLand lL.
2 l Lhlnk l geL lL, buL l'm sLlll geLLlng some problems wrong.
1 l don'L geL lL. l need help.

D|sc|p||ne rocedures:

ulsclpllne ls up Lo Lhe Leacher's dlscreLlon dependlng on Lhe slLuaLlon. osslble
consequences are verbal warnlng, conference ouLslde of class, phone call or emall home,
deLenLlon, or removal from class.

C|assroom Lxpectat|ons:

SLudenLs wlll come Lo class prepared. (chromebook wlll be charged)
SLudenLs wlll respecL sLaff, oLher sLudenLs, and properLy belonglng Lo oLhers.
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo come Lo class wlLh a poslLlve aLLlLude and be aLLenLlve and
moLlvaLed Lo learn. All l ask ls LhaL you always Lry ?Cu8 besL.
SLudenLs wlll llsLen carefully and follow dlrecLlons. 1hls ls especlally lmporLanL durlng
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo be ln Lhelr seaL when Lhe bell rlngs, clean up Lhelr area before
leavlng class, and walL Lo be dlsmlssed by Lhe Leacher noL Lhe bell.

1hanks a|so for gett|ng |nvo|ved w|th your ch||d's educat|on.
W|th your he|p we shou|d have an outstand|ng schoo| year!

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