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Friends of Grenada Library, Archives and other Heritage Committee (Grenlib)

with the support of The Ministries of Education, Tourism & Culture (Grenada) and The Grenada National Library & Archives Committee. Under the distinguished patronage of The Governor General Dame Cecile LaGrenade Presents and requests support for :
1st Annual Diaspora Give-Back Fundraising Event * Featuring live in concert pianists *Eddie Bullen and son Quincy Bullen in a father & son dueling piano. * Exclusive book launch of The Governors StoryTHE AUTHORISED

* by Merle Collins (An historic celebration of the Commonwealths first

woman Governor) *

HE Jacinth Henry-Martin - Ambassador of St.Kitts. (Actor/Performer) is FREE

at the College Park, Ulrich Recital Hall. Admission

and Generous Donations are Appreciated. Come celebrate Grenadas 40th Independence .

* Join Grenlibs ofcial launch on Saturday 1st February 2014. 7pm - 11pm. Support Grenlibs fundraising effort to re-open Grenadas Public Library.
Come celebrate Grenadas 40th Independence Anniversary

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