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1. If the input signal is x(t)= sin200t and signal is sampled at Nyquist rate.

Can we recover the original signals from the samples. If No, give the reason. 2. Consider the analog signal x(t)= 3 cos 2000t + 5 sin 6000t + 10cos 12000t (a) What is the nyquist rate for the signal? (b) Assume if the signal are sampled at sampling rate Fs= 5000sample/sec. What is the discrete time system obtained after sampling? (c) What is the analog signal we can reconstruct from samples if we use ideal interpolation? 3. Find signal are periodic or not? (a) X(t) = 3 cos 200t (b) X(n)= 3 cos 200n (c) X(t)= 3 cos200t+ 2cos 200t (d) X(t)= cos(200t). cos (200t) (e) X(n)= 3 cos200n+ 2cos 200n (f) X(n)= cos(200n). cos (200n) (g) X(n)= ej(4n + /6) 4. What is the difference between discrete and digital signal? 5. A discrete time system can be (a) Static or dynamic (b) Linear or Non-Linear (c) Time Invariant or Time variant (d) causal or non causal (e) Stable or Unstable Examine the following system with respect to above properties I. Y(n)= cos[x(n)] II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Y(n) =

k =

x(k )

n +1

Y(n)= x(n) cos(w0n) Y(n) = x(n) Y(n)= x(-n) Y(n)= 3x(n)+4 Y(n) = x ( n )

VIII. Y(n)= x(2n) 6. Find even and odd part of signal

x ( n ) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

7. A digital communication link carries binary coded words representing samples of an input signal x(t) = 3 cos 600t + 2 cos 1800t The link is operated at 10000bits/sec and each input sample is quantized into 1024 different levels. (a) What is the sampling frequency and folding frequency? (b) What is the Nyquist rate for the signal x(t). (c) Write expression for discrete signal obtained. (d) What is the resolution? 8. Find the convolution of two signal x(n) = u(n) and h(n) = an u(n) 9. Find out that unit impulse signal is energy signal or a power signal? 10. X(n) = {2, 3, 5, 7}

Resolve the sequence into a sum of weighted impulse sequences?

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