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25 MAY 2013 (20 W!!" 12 T%!&!'T()*+ People Chapter 1 Special Ties 2 L!,!1 !!"#$ L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! Listen to dialogue. Read a newspaper Retell the story in Gi e i!portant article one*s own words details Ta"e part in discussions #y !a"ing suggestions$ agreeing and showing pre%erence Reply an e&!ail on a school pro'ect Scan %or details Spelling (denti%y !ain ideas (denti%y supporting details L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar Su#'ect er# agree!ent +d'ecti es to descri#e ,ualities -oca#ulary +ntony!s Sound Syste! Consonants .".$.r. )a"e predictions )a"e predictions on what the story is a#out Gra!!ar Con'unctions +d er#s :escri#e the physical setting o% the no el -oca#ulary Conte0tual clues Sound Syste! Consonants .d. A+3*,*3*!# 1. /0press one*s %eelings and e0periences 2. +s" %or and gi e ad ice 3. +nswer )C1 2. )atch words with !eanings 3. Circle the ad'ecti es 4. Co!plete a te0t 5. (denti%y !ain ideas 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 7rite an in%or!al letter 1. )atch e0pressions with pictures 2. +nswer )C1 3. Role&playing 2. Loo" %or !eaning in dictionary 4. :raw conclusion 5. (denti%y !ain ideas 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 7rite an article 1;. :ictation 11. <o el &Co!plete a diagra! .ta#le E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# (CT S"ills: dedicate a poe! Preparation %or the Real 7orld: show appreciation to %riends and %a!ily

Literature: The Railway Children 3

People 1 Chapter 2 Political 9igures 2

Respond to ,uestions appropriately #y stating$ re%uting and gi ing details

Listen to a #iography Gi e i!portant details Read an article. Scan %or details Spelling 9ollow se,uence o% ideas (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details 7rite an article #y e0panding notes and outlines 7rite down "ey ideas )a"e si!ple predictions and gi e reasons

Learning =ow to Learn S"ills: %ind in%or!ation on )alaysian leaders -alues and Citi>enship: learn !ore a#out the national sy!#ols o% )alaysia

3 Literature: The Railway Children

W!!" 2

T%!&!'T()*+ People Chapter 3 9a!ous Personalities


L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! Respond to Listen to a state!ents and docu!entary opinions #y Gi e i!portant details agreeing and disagreeing politely Read an article Scan %or details (denti%y i!portant details (denti%y !ain ideas (denti%y supporting details Su!!ari>e !ain ideas in articles read (denti%y cause and e%%ect 7rite a description o% a %a!ous personality PRE USBF 1 (30 JAN6 1 FEB$ Listen to a tal". :escri#e Gi e i!portant details. characters through Read an article %ro! what the writer the internet. says Spelling (denti%y i!portant details. Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally. (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details. 7rite a speech

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar 7h&,uestions Punctuation: capital letters$ co!!as and %ull stops -oca#ulary Pre%i0es ?inter*& and ?pre&? Thesaurus s"ills: introduction to thesaurus Sound Syste! Long and short owels .@. and .e.$ . AB. and .C.

A+3*,*3*!# 1. )atch e0pressions with pictures 2. True . %alse state!ents 3. Role&playing 2. +nswer )C1 3. )atch and e0pand sentence parts 4. 9ill in the #lan"s 5. (denti%y !ain ideas and supporting details 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 7rite an article 1;. Co!plete a chart 11.<o el& 1ui>

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# (CT S"ills: (nternet search Learning =ow to Learn S"ills: %ind in%or!ation on i!portant personalities

:escri#e the social setting o% the no el

3 4& 5 Social (ssues Chapter 2 Challenges 9aced #y Doung People 2 1 Re,uest assistance and e0press support %or others Gra!!ar Prepositions o% place and position Prepositions o% ti!e Prepositions o% direction -oca#ulary Ene word %or a group o% words. Sound Syste! Consonant clusters .str.$ .s!. 1. /0press personal ideas and opinions 2. Co!plete a diagra! 3. Listen and co!plete a chart 2. /0press ideas on rights and responsi#ilities 3. +nswer )C1 4. )atch words with !eaning 5. (denti%y !ain ideas 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 7rite a speech 1;.<o el& :escri#e characters Preparation %or the Real 7orld: handle con%licts in %riendships

Literature: The Railway Children 3

W!!" 6& 8

T%!&!'T()*+ Social (ssues Chapter 3 Ti!e )anage!ent


L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! Listen to a Read an article. con ersation. Scan %or details Gi e i!portant :ictation details (denti%y i!portant details. Ta"e part in discussions #y agreeing$ disagreeing$ gi ing opinions and de%ending one*s point o% iew 7rite a letter with guidance (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details :escri#e characters through what they say or do.

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar The si!ple present tense %or instructions. Positi e and negati e state!ents -oca#ulary Synony!s Sound Syste! Long and short owels . uB. and ..

A+3*,*3*!# 1. Co!plete a ta#le 2. Present personal iews 3. True.9alse state!ents 2. (denti%y !ain ideas 3. 7rite a su!!ary 4. (denti%y the point o% iew 5. Construct sentences 6. +nswer )C1 8. 7rite a letter 1;. <o el& :escri#e characters

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# (CT S"ills: (nternet search

Literature: The Railway Children

10 11 &12

Social (ssues Chapter 4 Teenagers and Careers

Listen to a con ersation. Gi e i!portant details Gi e i!portant details Respond to co!!ents and ,uestions orally Participate in discussion #y agreeing$ disagreeing politely and gi ing opinions

USBF 1 ( 5 7 MARCH$ Read an article on 'o# descriptions Scan %or details Spelling (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details :escri#e characters through what other characters say

Gra!!ar The si!ple present tense %or ha#itual actions Present continuous tense -oca#ulary Su%%i0es: ?Fion*$ ?Fation* Sound Syste! :ipthongs .ei. $.ui.

Literature: The Railway Children

7rite a %or!al letters #y e0panding notes and outlines :raw conclusions

1. Group discussion 2. 7rite a dialogue using persuasi e language 3. (denti%y !ain ideas 2. 7rite a su!!ary 3. 7rite a %or!al letter: 'o# application 4. Co!plete a te0t 5. Construct sentences 6. <o el& :escri#e characters

(CT S"ills: (nternet search Preparation %or the Real 7orld: career options

W!!" 13& 12

T%!&!'T()*+ =ealth Chapter 5 )irror$ )irror


L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! Participate in Listen to a tal" )a"e predictions con ersation #y Gi e i!portant details as to what !ight gi ing support and Read an article happen ne0t. e0pressing Scan %or details appreciation :ictation (denti%y i!portant ideas. Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally. (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details 7rite a speech #y e0panding on notes and outlines (ntroduction to ele!ents o% plot. Reciting poe! with %eeling and correct pronunciation$ intonation$ stress and rhyth! Gnderstanding literal and %igurati e !eaning. /0plaining the con%ict in the story Reciting poe! with %eeling and correct pronunciation$ intonation$ stress and rhyth! Tal"ing a#out the!e and !essages

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar Personal pronouns Possessi e pronouns -oca#ulary Hase words :ictionary s"ills: identi%y #ase words Sound Syste! Long and short owels . I$. J: .

A+3*,*3*!# 1. )atch speech #u##les to pictures 2. List na!es o% diseases 3. +nswer )C1 2. (denti%y !ain ideas 3. 7rite a su!!ary 4. Clo>e passage 5. Co!plete sentences 6. 7rite a speech 8. Se,uence e ents 1;. Reciting poe!

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# Knowledge +c,uisition: ta"e a %ood ,ui> Thin"ing S"ills: denti%ying causes

2 Literature: The Railway Children 3 Poe!& 9ighter*s Lines 13& 14 =ealth Chapter 6 Ta"e a Hrea" Literature: The Railway Children Poe!& Leisure 3 1 Participate in a con ersation #y e0pressing concern %or others Participate in a con ersation

Listen to a tal". Gi e i!portant details. Read an story. :ictation (denti%y i!portant ideas. Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally. (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details. 7rite a speech #y e0panding on notes and outlines

Gra!!ar The si!ple past tense. Preposition ?o%* -oca#ulary Pre%i0es ?un&*$ ?dis&*$*i!&?$*non&? Sound Syste! Consanant clusters .gr.$.gl.

1. /0press own e0periences 2. True.9alse state!ents 3. +nswer )C1 2. State !eaning o% words 3. 7rite a tal" #ased on notes gi en 4. Co!plete a te0t 5. (denti%y !ain ideas 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. Tal" a#out alue and !essage %ro! the poe!.

Thin"ing S"ills: creati e thin"ing

W!!" 15

T%!&!'T()*+ Social (ssues Chapter 8 He 9it$ He =ealthy


L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! /0press support %or Listen to a sport news. others Gi e i!portant details. Read a !aga>ine article 7rite a letter to a Scan %or details pen&pal o erseas on sport and e0ercise (denti%y i!portant ideas. Retell the (denti%y !ain ideas. se,uence o% e ents (denti%y supporting in the no el details. :raw conclusions.

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar Counta#le and uncounta#le nouns. )odal er#s ?can* ?!ust* ?!ay*$ ?!ight* -oca#ulary Su%%i0es &ness*$*&ly*

A+3*,*3*!# 1. /0press one*s pre%erences 2. Plan an outing 3. Listen to and ta"e notes 2. :raw a chart or graph 3. +nswer )C1 4. (denti%y !ain ideas 5. 7rite a su!!ary 6. 7rite a report 8. <o el& Se,uence the e ents 1. Co!plete a te0t 2. +nswer )C1 3. )atch words with !eaning 2. (denti%y and se,uence !ain e ents 3. 9ind e idence to support state!ents 4. 7rite an article 5. Construct sentences 6. :istinguish #etween si!ple$ co!pound and co!ple0 sentences

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# Preparation %or the Real 7orld: gather in%or!ation on sport and e0ercise (CT S"ills: e& 'ournal

Literature: The Railway Children 16 /n iron!ent Chapter 1; Keep )alaysia Heauti%ul

1 +s" %or assistance and respond politely

Listen to a radio progra!!e Gi e i!portant details. Read an article Scan %or details (denti%y i!portant ideas. Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally. (denti%y !ain ideas. (denti%y supporting details. 7rite an article #y applying process writing s"ills

+ct out scenes %ro! the no el.

Gra!!ar :e!onstrati e pronouns Co!pound sentences -oca#ulary Si!iles

)ultiple (ntelligences: !a"e a cra%t %ro! recycled ite!s Thin"ing S"ills: (denti%ying True.9alse state!ents

Literature: The Railway Children

Co!pose and dra!ati>e a dialogue relating to a scene

18& 2;

MI8 YEAR E9AMINATION 2013 (13 17 MAY 2013$

TERM 2: 10 JUNE 15 NO:; 2013 (22 WEEKS$ W!!" T%!&!'T()*+ L!,!L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! 21 =ealth 1 Listen to a dialogue. Participate in Gi e i!portant details. Chapter 11 con ersation #y Read an speech. 9or a Hetter see"ing clari%ication Scan %or details To!orrow and responding Spelling appropriately 2 (denti%y i!portant ideas Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally. (denti%y !ain ideas Literature: (denti%y supporting The Railway details Children :raw conclusions Relate alues in 3 7rite a si!ple report the no el to one*s #ased on itinerary gi en li%e 22 /n iron!ent Chapter 12 <atural :isasters 1 +s" %or assistance and e0press gratitude Listen to a radio progra!!e Gi e i!portant details Read a newspaper report Scan %or details Spelling (denti%y i!portant ideas Respond to co!!ent and ,uestions orally (denti%y !ain ideas (denti%y supporting details :raw conclusions 7rite a recount Gi e one*s opinion o% the the!e o% the no el

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar The 9uture Tense Lusing the present continuous tense L using ?going to* L using ?will* -oca#ulary Su%%i0: ?Fless*

A+3*,*3*!# 1. )atch answer to ,uestions 2. True.9alse state!ents 3. +nswer )C1 2. State !eaning o% words.phrases 3. (denti%y point o% iew 4. (denti%y cause and e%%ect 5.(denti%y !ain ideas 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 7rite a speech 1;. Construct sentences 2<; /0press one*s %eeling$ opinions and thoughts a#out world peace 2. Co!plete sentences 3. +nswer )C1 2. (denti%y "ey words 3. 7rite a pu#lic !essage 4. 9ind !eaning o% words in dictionary 5. (denti%y !ain ideas and supporting details 5. 7rite a su!!ary 6. Construct sentences 8. 7rite a recount

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# (CT S"ills: (nternet search Learning =ow to Learn S"ills: create a %act %ile

Gra!!ar Si!ple present: tense %or %acts and uni ersal truths +rticles: ?a*$ ?an*$ ?the* -oca#ulary Consonants clusters MpronounsN

(CT S"ills: (nternet search Preparation %or the Real 7orld: %ind in%or!ation on natural disasters

W!!" 23

T%!&!'T()*+ Science and Technology Chapter 13 Transportation


L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! /n,uire a#out the ser ice o%%ered I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! Listen to a tal" Gi e i!portant details Read an e0tract %ro! an encyclopedia Scan %or details Spelling (denti%y i!portant ideas (denti%y !ain ideas (denti%y supporting details )a"e si!ple predictions :raw conclusions 7rite a recount #y e0panding on the notes gi en Listen to a tal". Gi e i!portant details. Read a article %ro! the (nternet. Scan %or details Gi e i!portant details (denti%y !ain ideas (denti%y supporting details (denti%y "ey ideas Retell a situation %ro! a di%%erent point o% iew A!#3%!3*+ U#! Retell the se,uence o% e ents in one*s own words

L.012.1! C(03!03 Gra!!ar Co!parison o% ad'ecti es: regular and irregular %or!s -oca#ulary Phrasal er#s

A+3*,*3*!# 1. Group discussion 2. Co!plete sentences 3. +nswer )C1 2. 9ind e idence to support state!ents 3. )atch words with !eaning 4. (denti%y !ain points using headings 5. (denti%y supporting details 6. 7rite a su!!ary 8. 9ill in #lan"s 1;. 7rite a recount 1. Group discussion 2. Suggest ways to sol e the pro#le! 3. Listen and arrange ideas in se,uence 2. +nswer )C1 3. )atch words with !eaning 4. (denti%y rele ant point 5. Co!plete a te0t 6. <o el& Epen& ended ,uestions

E52+.3*(0.E&)%.#!# )ultiple (ntelligences: design a poster Thin"ing S"ills: (n%erring Gathering (n%or!ation

)a"e en,uiries on an ad ertise!ent

3 Literature: The Railway Children


Science and Technology Chapter 12 Oewels o% the Seas

Literature: The Railway Children

Participate in discussion #y suggesting$ agreeing$ disagreeing and de%ending one*s point o% iew

:iscuss !oral alues in the story.

Gra!!ar Se,uence connectors Punctuation: Le0cla!ation !ar" Lapostrophe -oca#ulary 1uanti%iers

9utures Studies: pro'ect wor" )ultiple (ntelligences: design a town Thin"ing S"ills: co!paring and contrasting

:raw conclusions Su!!ari>e !ain ideas in a no el 7rite a #oo" re iew

Gi e one*s opinion o% the the!e o% the no el

W!!" 25 2<627 2> 2=6 32 33 3?635 3< 6 37 3>6?2



L!./0*01 O23+(&!# ' C2//*+2-2& S)!+*4*+.3*(0# I03!/)!/#(0.- U#! I04(/&.3*(0.- U#! A!#3%!3*+ U#! PRE PMR TRIAL ( = 11 JULY 2013$ STRATEGIC RE:ISION

L.012.1! C(03!03




Prepared #y:


Chec"ed #y: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Puan Oulaila #t. Dahya

-eri%ied #y: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Puan +dila #t +h!ad

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