English Scheme of Work Year 3 2012

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SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK ' ( THEMES Worl* of Self U"IT ' + M, &a-ouri.e Ho//, 0 LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o in5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 4 Perform a -arie., of func.ions in a social con.e6. such as e6changing gree.ings1 making in.ro*uc.ions1 in-i.ing 2eo2le1 e.c4 +(470 )4 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 94 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 :4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 74 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 ;4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 <4 Punc.ua.e meaningfull,4+)4:0 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( All le-el Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el All le-el SPECI&ICATI$"S '4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 (4 4' !es2on*ing .o Wh 5ues.ions4 (474) E62ress goo* 8ishes4 4'4' Look a. le..ers an* sa, alou* .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 4'4( !ea* alou* 8or*s 8i.h .he le..ers lis.e* in 4'4' a/o-e4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 bl, br 4'4) Com2are 8or*s for similar an* *ifferen. soun*s4 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4 4' Com2le.e missing le..ers in 8or*s4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4:4' Use capital letters4 "$TES Pu2ils lis.en .o .eacher an* sa, 8or*s1 2hrases or sen.ences4 Pu2ils sing an* en=o, .he songs or rh,mes4 Pu2ils rea* 8or* car*s sho8n .o .hem4 #e.s 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. .he 8or*s or 2ic.ures4 Pu2ils ma.ch 8or*s or sen.ences 8i.h 2ic.ures4 >rill 2u2ils on sugges.e* sen.ence 2a..erns4 #e.s 2u2ils .o ans8er ?Wh@ 5ues.ions4 #rammar3 Personal Pronouns In.erroga.i-e Pronouns4 Soun* S,s.em3 Ini.ial Blen*s A br, bl Moral %alues3 Time managemen. Poli.eness

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK 9 : 7 Worl* of Kno8le*ge U"IT ( + M, Animal &rien*s 0 THEMES Worl* of &amil, LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Lis.en .o an* follo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions an* *irec.ions accura.el,4+'4)0 4 Lis.en .o an* en=o, s.ories1 fa/les an* o.her .ales of imagina.ion an* fan.as, an* 2re*ic. ou.comes1 an* *ra8 conclusions a. a le-el sui.e* .o .he 2u2il@s a/ili.,4+'470 )4 Ask 5ues.ions 2oli.el, .o o/.ain informa.ion an* clarifica.ion4+(4(0 94 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o en5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 :4 Tell s.ories /ase* on 2ic.ures an* o.her s.imuli1 an* reci.e 2oems4 +(4)0 74 Talk a/ou. .he 2eo2le1 2laces an* moral -alues of .he s.ories hear*1 rea* an* -ie8e* in sim2le language4+(490 ;4 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 <4 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 'B4 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el All le-el All le-el Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( SPECI&ICATI$"S '4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 '4)4' Lis.en .o an* learn .he -oca/ular, of ins.ruc.ions .o *o or make some.hing an* *irec.ions4 '4)4( Lis.en .o an* follo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions .o *o some.hing or make some.hing4 '474 Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* tell what the people and animals did in .he s.or,4 '474) Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* retell .he s.or,4 (4(4' Ask sim2le Wh 5ues.ions4 (4 4' !es2on*ing .o Wh 5ues.ions4 (4)4( Com2le.e 2ar.s of a s.or, hear* or rea* /efore4 (4)4) Retell s.ories rea* /efore4 (494' #i-e *e.ails a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals of a s.or, hear* or rea*4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 cl , cr 4'4) Com2are 8or*s for similar an* *ifferen. soun*s4 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4:4' !ea* an* la/el 2ar.s4 4:4( !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o ca.egories4 4<4( !ea* an* gi-e *e.ails a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals in .he s.or,4 "$TES

Pu2ils lis.en .o .eacher an* sa, 8or*s1 2hrases or sen.ences4 Pu2ils sing an* en=o, .he songs or rh,mes4 Pu2ils rea* 8or* car*s sho8n .o .hem4 #e.s 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. .he 8or*s or 2ic.ures4 Pu2ils ma.ch 8or*s or sen.ences 8i.h 2ic.ures4 >rill 2u2ils on sugges.e* sen.ence 2a..erns4 #e.s 2u2ils .o ans8er ?Wh@ 5ues.ions4 Pu2ils reci.e a 2oem an* rea* rh,mes4 #e. 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. 2laces an* o/=ec.s in .he home4 &ollo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions .o make a *oll@s house4

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES ''4 !ea* an* en=o, sim2le 2oems an* s.ories an* res2on* .o .hem /, .alking a/ou. 2eo2le1 an* moral -alues in .he s.or,C2oems1 an* rela.e i. .o one@s life4+ 4<0 '(4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 ' 4 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 ')4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 '94 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences 8i.h gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( SPECI&ICATI$"S )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4( La/el 2ar.s4 )4 4' Com2le.e missing le..ers in 8or*s4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4( &orm sim2le sen.ences /, ma.ching sen.ence 2ar.s4 "$TES

Ask an* ans8er sim2le 5ues.ions4 #ui*e 2u2ils .o 8ri.e sim2le sen.ences4 #rammar3 Ar.icles A a, an, the Personal Pronouns - I, You, They, We, He, She, It Soun* S,s.em3 Ini.ial Blen*s A cl , cr Moral -alues3 Cleanliness Safe., usage of elec.rical i.ems4

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK ; < 'B U"IT + S.or, Lan* 0 '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Lis.en .o an* re2ea. accura.el, .he correc. 2ronuncia.ion of 8or*s1 an* .he correc. in.ona.ion an* 8or* s.ress of 2hrases1 e62ressions an* sen.ences4+'4(0 4 Ac5uire -oca/ular, an* un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s an* 2hrases in con.e6.4+'4 0 )4 Lis.en .o an* en=o, s.ories1 fa/les an* o.her .ales of imagina.ion an* fan.as, an* 2re*ic. ou.comes1 an* *ra8 conclusions a. a le-el sui.e* .o .he 2u2il@s a/ili.,4+'470 94 S2eak clearl, /, 2ronouncing 8or*s accura.el,4+(4'0 :4 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o in5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 74 Talk a/ou. .he 2eo2le1 2laces an* moral -alues of .he s.ories hear*1 rea* an* -ie8e* in sim2le language4+(490 ;4 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 <4 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' All le-el Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ( SPECI&ICATI$"S '4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4(4( Lis.en .o an* re2ea. correc.l, 2hrases an* e62ressions4 '4 4( Lis.en .o an* un*ers.an* car*inal num/ers4 Scope: 21 - 25 '4 4) Lis.en .o an* un*ers.an* car*inal num/ers3 Scope: 26 - ! '4 49 Lis.en .o an* un*ers.an* or*inal num/ers3 Scope: "ourth #$th% - tenth #1!th% '474' Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* res2on* nonA-er/all, an* -er/all,4 '474( Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* recall .he names of 2eo2le an* animals in .he s.or,4 '474 Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* tell what the people and animals did in .he s.or,4 (4'4' Pronounce 8or*s 8i.h .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s (4 4( #i-e re2lies 2er.aining .o num/ers4 Scope: 21 - 25& (4 4 #i-e re2lies 2er.aining .o num/ers Scope: 26 - !& (4 4) #i-e re2lies 2er.aining .o um/ers4 Scope: "ourth #$th% - tenth #1!th% (494' #i-e *e.ails a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals of a s.or, hear* or rea*4 "$TES

Le-el (

(494( Talk a/ou. .he ac.ions of .he 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or, hear* or rea*4

Pu2ils lis.en .o .eacher an* sa, 8or*s1 2hrases or sen.ences4 Pu2ils sing an* en=o, .he songs or rh,mes4 Pu2ils rea* 8or* car*s sho8n .o .hem4 #e.s 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. .he 8or*s or 2ic.ures4 !eci.e 2oems1 chan.s an* rh,mes4 Use 8or*s .o sho8 .he or*er of .hings4 Pu2ils ma.ch 8or*s or sen.ences 8i.h 2ic.ures4 >rill 2u2ils on sugges.e* sen.ence 2a..erns4 !ea* a s.or, an* ans8er sim2le 5ues.ions4 Pu2ils reci.e a 2oem an* rea* rh,mes4 #e. 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. num/ers in calen*ar4 Ask an* ans8er

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES 'B4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 ''4 !ea* alou* e62ressi-el, an* fluen.l, 2ronouncing 8or*s correc.l, an* o/ser-ing correc. s.ress an* in.ona.ion an* sen.ence rh,.hm4+ 4)0 '(4 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 ' 4 !ea* an* en=o, sim2le 2oems an* s.ories an* res2on* .o .hem /, .alking a/ou. 2eo2le1 an* moral -alues in .he s.or,C2oems1 an* rela.e i. .o one@s life4+ 4<0 ')4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 '94 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 ':4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 '74 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ';4 S2ell correc.l, an* .ake *ic.a.ion4 +)490 '<4 Punc.ua.e meaningfull,4+)4:0 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el SPECI&ICATI$"S 4'4' Look a. le..ers an* sa, alou* .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 4'4( !ea* alou* 8or*s 8i.h .he le..ers lis.e* in 4'4' a/o-e4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 "l , "r an' (l , (r 4'4) Com2are 8or*s for similar an* *ifferen. soun*s4 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4 !ecognise an* rea* alou* car*inal num/ers (' A (9 in numeral an* 8or* forms4 4(4: !ea* an* learn or*inal num/ers3 Scope: "ourth #$th% - tenth #1!th%& 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4)4' !ea* alou* 8or*s an* 2hrases 2ronouncing .hem correc.l,4 4)4( !ea* alou* correc.l, no.ices1 announcemen.s1 messages1 le..ers1 s.ories an* fa/les4 4:4( !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o ca.egories4 4:4 !ecognise an* make 8or*s from o.her 8or*s4 4<4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2oems1 s.ories an* fa/les4 4<4( !ea* an* gi-e *e.ails a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals in .he s.or,4 4<4 !ea* an* .alk a/ou. .he ac.ions of 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or, hear* or rea*4 "$TES sim2le 5ues.ions4 #ui*e 2u2ils .o 8ri.e sim2le sen.ences4 Sa, 8or*s /eginning 8i.h ?fl@1 ?fr@ an* ?gl@1 ?gr@ Wri.e num/ers ('A B in 8or*s4 #rammar3 >emons.ra.i-e A*=ec.i-es - This , That, These, Those Personal Pronouns - I, You, They, We, He, She, It Soun* S,s.em3 Ini.ial Blen*s - "l, "r, (l, (r Moral -alues3 &rien*l,

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el Le-el ' All le-el SPECI&ICATI$"S )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )494' S2ell seen 8or*s4 )4:4' Use capital letters4 "$TES

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK '' '( ' U"IT ) +Wha.@s in .he House0 '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Ac5uire -oca/ular, an* un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s an* 2hrases in con.e6.4+'4 0 4 Lis.en .o an* follo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions an* *irec.ions accura.el,4+'4)0 )4 S2eak clearl, /, 2ronouncing 8or*s accura.el,4+(4'0 94 Ask 5ues.ions 2oli.el, .o o/.ain informa.ion an* clarifica.ion4+(4(0 :4 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o in5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 74 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 ;4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 <4 !ea* alou* e62ressi-el, an* fluen.l, 2ronouncing 8or*s correc.l, an* o/ser-ing correc. s.ress an* in.ona.ion an* sen.ence rh,.hm4+ 4)0 'B4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* .he meanings of 8or*s /, guessing .heir meaning .hrough .he use of con.e6.ual clues4+ 490 THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( All le-el All le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( All le-el Le-el '

'4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4 4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4)4 lis.en .o an* follo8 sim2le *irec.ions4 (4'4' Pronounce 8or*s 8i.h .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s (4'4) Ask 5ues.ions 8i.h .he correc. in.ona.ion4 (4(4' Ask sim2le Wh 5ues.ions4 (4 4' !es2on*ing .o Wh 5ues.ions4 4'4' Look a. le..ers an* sa, alou* .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 ?pl),)pr) an' *st), *s+) 4 4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs4 4)4' !ea* alou* 8or*s an* 2hrases 2ronouncing .hem correc.l,4 494' Un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s /, looking a. 2ic.ure clues4 4:4( !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o ca.egories4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4

Pu2ils reci.e a 2oem an* rea* alou* ton(uet,isters& Prac.icing con-ersa.ion an* *o roleA2la,4 #e. 2u2ils .o ask an* ans8er sim2le 5ues.ions4 Wri.e sim2le 5ues.ions Use *-y), *your), *his), *her), *our), an* *their) Use *s .o sho8 o8nershi24 !ea*1 un*ers.an* an* .alk a/ou. .he s.ories an* a no.ice4 Wri.e sim2le s.ories Sa, 8or*s /eginning 8i.h *pl), *pr) an' *st), *s+) &ollo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions .o make /ookmarks4

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES ''4 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 '(4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 ' 4 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 ')4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 '94 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ':4 Punc.ua.e meaningfull,4+)4:0 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el All le-el

)4 4' Com2le.e missing le..ers in 8or*s4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )4:4 Use .uestion -ar+&

#rammar3 Personal Pronouns - -y, your, his, her, our, their Possessi-e "ouns - *s Soun* S,s.em3 Ini.ial /len*s A pl, pr, an' st, s+ Moral %alues3 Hel2ful

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK ') '9 ': U"IT 9 + Places in M, "eigh/ourhoo*0 '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Ac5uire -oca/ular, an* un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s an* 2hrases in con.e6.4+'4 0 4 Lis.en .o an* en=o, s.ories1 fa/les an* o.her .ales of imagina.ion an* fan.as, an* 2re*ic. ou.comes1 an* *ra8 conclusions a. a le-el sui.e* .o .he 2u2il@s a/ili.,4+'470 )4 S2eak clearl, /, 2ronouncing 8or*s accura.el,4+(4'0 94 Talk a/ou. .he 2eo2le1 2laces an* moral -alues of .he s.ories hear*1 rea* an* -ie8e* in sim2le language4+(490 :4 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 74 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 ;4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 <4 !ea* alou* e62ressi-el, an* fluen.l, 2ronouncing 8or*s correc.l, an* o/ser-ing correc. s.ress an* in.ona.ion an* sen.ence rh,.hm4+ 4)0 Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( '4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +*0 final /len*s4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4 4' Lis.en .o an* un*ers.an* ke, 8or*s in s.ories hear*4 '474' Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* res2on* nonA-er/all, an* -er/all,4 '474 Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* tell what the people and animals did in .he s.or,4 '474) Lis.en .o sim2le s.ories an* fa/les an* retell .he s.or,4 (4'4' Pronounce 8or*s 8i.h .he follo8ing soun*s3 +*0 final /len*s (494( Talk a/ou. .he ac.ions of .he 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or, hear* or rea*4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 ?s+) an' *st)& 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs4 4)4( !ea* alou* correc.l, no.ices1 announcemen.s1 messages1 le..ers1 s.ories an* fa/les4 THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 Talk a/ou. ho8 2eo2le .ra-el4 Ask an* ans8er sim2le 5ues.ions using ?Wh@4 Wri.e missing 8or*s in *escri2.ions Wri.e shor. an* sim2le sen.ences 8i.h correc. 2unc.ua.ions4 Wri.e com2oun* sen.ences4 !ea* a s.or, Talk a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or,4 #i-e correc. ans8er for .he ri**les4 Sing a song LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

#rammar3 Con=unc.ions A ?an'), *but) an* *or) A*=ec.i-e of Duali., C An.on,m A lon(, s-all, short, "ast, slo,

SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES 'B4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* .he meanings of 8or*s /, guessing .heir meaning .hrough .he use of con.e6.ual clues4+ 490 ''4 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 '(4 !ea* an* en=o, sim2le 2oems an* s.ories an* res2on* .o .hem /, .alking a/ou. 2eo2le1 an* moral -alues in .he s.or,C2oems1 an* rela.e i. .o one@s life4+ 4<0 ' 4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 ')4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 '94 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ':4 #i-e accura.e informa.ion 8hen 8ri.ing messages1 ins.ruc.ions1 sim2le re2or.s1 an* 8hen filling ou. forms4+)470 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el

494' Un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s /, looking a. 2ic.ure clues4 4:4( !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o ca.egories4 4<4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2oems1 s.ories an* fa/les4 4<4 !ea* an* .alk a/ou. .he ac.ions of 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or, hear* or rea*4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )474' Wri.e sim2le shor. messages1 ins.ruc.ions1 *irec.ions 8i.h gui*ance4 )474( Wri.e sim2le *escri2.ions 8i.h gui*ance4 )474 Wri.e shor. messages1 ins.ruc.ions1 *irec.ions an* *escri2.ions 8i.h li..le or no gui*ance4

Soun* S,s.em3 &inal /len*s A *s+) an* *st) Moral %alues3 !oa* Safe.,


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK '7 '; '< U"IT : + Mo-ing Aroun* 0 '4 S2eak clearl, /, 2ronouncing 8or*s accura.el,4+(4'0 (4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 4 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 )4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 94 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 :4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 74 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ;4 #i-e accura.e informa.ion 8hen 8ri.ing messages1 ins.ruc.ions1 sim2le re2or.s1 an* 8hen filling ou. forms4+)470 Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ( (4'4' Pronounce 8or*s 8i.h .he follo8ing soun*s3 +c0 ini.ial /len*s 4 4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4:4) Pick ou. 8or*s .ha. sho8 com2arison4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4 )4 4' Com2le.e missing le..ers in 8or*s4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4' &orm sim2le sen.ences an* 5ues.ions /, arranging 8or*s4 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )474( Wri.e sim2le *escri2.ions 8i.h gui*ance4 #e. 2u2ils .o .alk a/ou. 2eo2le1 animals an* o/=ec.s sho8n .o .hem4 Ask an* ans8er sim2le 5ues.ions4 !ea* a s.or, an* .alk a/ou. .he 2eo2le an* animals in .he s.or,4 Wri.e shor. an* sim2le sen.ences4 Sa, 8or*s /eginning 8i.h *sh) an* *ch)4 Colour .he o/=ec.s sho8n in .he 2ic.ures4 Prac.ise .he con-ersa.ions4 #rammar3 A*=ec.i-e of 5uali., A blue, yello,, re', stron(, +in', youn(, roun', s.uare A*=4 of com2arison A tall, taller, tallest Soun* S,s.em3 Ini.ial /len*s THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK (B (' U"IT 7 +A*-en.ure Lan* 0 THEMES a/le .o3 Worl* of Kno8le*ge '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Ac5uire -oca/ular, an* un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s an* 2hrases in con.e6.4+'4 0 4 S2eak clearl, /, 2ronouncing 8or*s accura.el,4+(4'0 )4 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o in5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 94 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 :4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 74 !ea* an* un*ers.an* .he meanings of 8or*s /, guessing .heir meaning .hrough .he use of con.e6.ual clues4+ 490 ;4 !ea* an* en=o, sim2le 2oems an* s.ories an* res2on* .o .hem /, .alking a/ou. 2eo2le1 an* moral -alues in .he s.or,C2oems1 an* rela.e i. .o one@s life4+ 4<0 <4 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4 4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 (4'4' Pronounce 8or*s 8i.h .he follo8ing soun*s3 +*0 final /len*s (4 4' !es2on*ing .o Wh 5ues.ions4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 *sh) an* *ch) 4'4) Com2are 8or*s for similar an* *ifferen. soun*s4 4 4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 494' Un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s /, looking a. 2ic.ure clues4 4<4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2oems1 s.ories an* fa/les4 4<4 !ea* an* .alk a/ou. .he ac.ions of 2eo2le an* animals in a s.or, hear* or rea*4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4)4' &orm sim2le sen.ences an* 5ues.ions /, arranging 8or*s4 LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES A *sh) an' *ch) Moral -alues3 !es2ec. o.hers

'B4 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA

Talk a/ou. 2u2ils@ 2as.imes an* 8ha. .he, like .o *o on 8eeken*s4 Use 2osi.i-e an* nega.i-e s.a.emen.s4 Use 2osi.i-e 5ues.ions an* res2onses4 Use .he Sim2le Pas. Tense 8hen 8ri.e .he sen.ences4 Ask an* ans8er *Wh) 5ues.ions4 Ask an* ans8er Posi.i-e Dues.ions 8i.h Posi.i-e or "ega.i-e !es2onses4 Arrange 8or*s .o form sen.ences4 Com2le.e a sim2le 2aragra2h 8i.h correc. 8or*s4 Carr, ou. .he #uessing #ame4 #rammar3 Sim2le Pas. Tense


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 ''4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 '(4 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ' 4 Punc.ua.e meaningfull,4+)4:0 LE%EL Le-el ( Le-el All le-el All le-el SPECI&ICATI$"S )4)4( &orm sim2le sen.ences /, ma.ching sen.ence 2ar.s4 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )4:4' Use capital letters& )4:4( Use "ull stop a. .he en* of a sen.ence4 "$TES A +ept, ran, "e', playe', sho,e' Posi.i-e an* "ega.i-e S.a.emen.s4 Posi.i-e Dues.ions an* !es2onses4

Soun* S,s.em3 &inal Blen*s A *sh) an* *ch) Moral %alues3 Time managemen. #oo* Ha/i.s

B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK (( ( () U"IT ; + &rom Plan.s .o us 0 THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Ac5uire -oca/ular, an* un*ers.an* .he meaning of 8or*s an* 2hrases in con.e6.4+'4 0 4 #i-e rele-an. informa.ion 2oli.el, in res2onse .o in5uiries ma*e4 +(4 0 )4 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 94 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 :4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le fac.ual .e6.s for main i*eas1 su22or.ing *e.ails1 se5uence1 an* cause an* effec.4+ 470 74 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 ;4 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 <4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 'B4 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el (

'4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +a0 shor. an* long -o8el soun*s4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 '4 4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 (4 4' !es2on*ing .o Wh 5ues.ions4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4 4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs4 474( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le fac.ual .e6.s /, i*en.if,ing *e.ails4 474 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le fac.ual .e6.s /, i*en.if,ing main i*eas4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4' &orm sim2le sen.ences an* 5ues.ions /, arranging 8or*s4 )4)4( &orm sim2le sen.ences /, ma.ching sen.ence 2ar.s4

!ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences an* .e6.s4 #i-e an* 8ri.e ins.ruc.ions .o 2lace4 Wri.e shor. an* sim2le sen.ences4 Prac.ise .he con-ersa.ions4 Make sen.ences using su/s.i.u.ion .a/le4 &ollo8 sim2le ins.ruc.ions on ho8 .o 2lan. flo8ers4 Carr, ou. !i**le #ames4 Ask an* ans8er EWh@ 5ues.ions4

''4 S2ell correc.l, an* .ake *ic.a.ion4

#rammar3 Su/=ec. %er/ Agreemen. A is, are Sim2le Presen. Tense +Singular an* Plural "ouns0


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES +)490 '(4 Punc.ua.e meaningfull,4+)4:0 LE%EL Le-el (C All le-els All le-els SPECI&ICATI$"S )494( Take *ic.a.ion of seen sen.ences4 )4:4' Use capital letters& )4:4( Use "ull stop a. .he en* of a sen.ence4 "$TES Soun* S,s.em3 Long %o8el soun*s A ?oo@1 ?ea@1 ?ee@ Shor. %o8el soun* A ?oo@ an* ?i@ Moral -alues3 !es2ec. .he el*ers Lo-e .he en-ironmen.

B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK (9 (: U"IT < + AmaFing Plan.s 0 THEMES Worl* of Kno8le*ge LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES '4 Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 (4 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 4 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 )4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 94 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le fac.ual .e6.s for main i*eas1 su22or.ing *e.ails1 se5uence1 an* cause an* effec.4+ 470 :4 Com2le.e .e6.s 8i.h .he missing 8or*1 2hrase or sen.ence4+)4 0 74 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 ;4 S2ell correc.l, an* .ake *ic.a.ion4 +)490 LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES

Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ( Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el '

'4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +/0 *i2h.hongs4 '4'4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 4'4( !ea* alou* 8or*s 8i.h .he le..ers lis.e* in 4'4' a/o-e4 4'4 !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o 8or* families3 *ou) an' *o,) 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs4 474( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le fac.ual .e6.s /, i*en.if,ing *e.ails4 )4 4( Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h gui*ance of 8or*s or 2ic.ures04 )4 4 Com2le.e missing 8or*s in sim2le .e6.s +8i.h li..le or no gui*ance04 )4)4' &orm sim2le sen.ences an* 5ues.ions /, arranging 8or*s4 )4)4( &orm sim2le sen.ences /, ma.ching sen.ence 2ar.s4 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )494' S2ell seen 8or*s4

Talk a/ou. /uil*ings an* 2laces4 #i-e *irec.ions .o 2laces using roa*A ma2s4 Use 2re2osi.ions of loca.ion an* *irec.ion4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le .e6.s or le..ers4 Wri.e shor. sen.ences an* 2aragra2hs4 Wri.e ans8ers .o ?Wh@ 5ues.ions4

B, .he en* of .he lesson1 2u2ils shoul* /e a/le .o3

#rammar3 Pre2osi.ions of Loca.ions A opposite, on the ri(ht, in "ront o" etc& Pre2osi.ions of >irec.ions A turn ri(ht, (o strai(ht etc&


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK (7 (; B U"IT 'B +Along Time Ago 0 THEMES '4 Worl* of Kno8le*ge (4 4 )4 94 LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES Lis.en .o an* *iscrimina.e similar an* *ifferen. soun*s of .he English language4+'4'0 Ac5uire 8or* recogni.ion an* 8or* a..ack skills .o recognise 8or*s on sigh.4+ 4'0 Ac5uire ke, 8or*s a. -arious s.ages of *e-elo2men.4+ 4(0 !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases1 sen.ences1 2aragra2hs1 an* 8hole .e6.s4+ 4 0 !ea* alou* e62ressi-el, an* fluen.l, 2ronouncing 8or*s correc.l, an* o/ser-ing correc. s.ress an* in.ona.ion an* sen.ence rh,.hm4+ 4)0 Ac5uire a 8i*e range of -oca/ular,4+ 4:0 Wri.e a. 8or*1 2hrase1 sen.ence an* 2aragra2h le-el in clear1 legi/le 2rin. an* cursi-e 8ri.ing4 +)4'0 Ma.ch 8or*s .o linear an* nonA linear re2resen.a.ion A 8or* .o 8or*1 8or* .o 2hrase1 8or* .o 2ic.ure1 s,m/ol4+)4(0 Cons.ruc. sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences /, gui*ance an* in*e2en*en.l,4+)4)0 #i-e accura.e informa.ion 8hen 8ri.ing messages1 ins.ruc.ions1 sim2le re2or.s1 an* 8hen filling ou. forms4+)470 LE%EL Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el Le-el ' Le-el ( Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el ' Le-el Le-el ( SPECI&ICATI$"S '4'4' Lis.en .o an* re2ea.3 +g0 silen. le..ers '4( Lis.en .o an* i*en.if, *ifferen. .,2es of le..er soun*s4 '4'4 Lis.en an* ma.ch .he meaning of 8or*s .o 2ic.ures an* .he s2oken 8or*4 4'4( !ea* alou* 8or*s 8i.h .he le..ers lis.e* in 4'4' a/o-e4 4'4) Com2are 8or*s for similar an* *ifferen. soun*s4 4(4' !ecognise an* rea* ou. 8hole 8or*s4 4(4( !ea* an* learn .he meaning of ke, 8or*s for each .o2ic .augh.4 4 4' !ea* an* un*ers.an* 2hrases4 4 4( !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le sen.ences4 4 4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le 2aragra2hs 4)4' !ea* alou* 8or*s an* 2hrases 2ronouncing .hem correc.l,4 4:4( !ea* an* grou2 8or*s accor*ing .o ca.egories4 )4'4' Wri.e 8or*s1 2hrases an* sen.ences in clear1 legi/le 2rin.3 small an* ca2i.al le..ers4 )4(4' Ma.ch 2hrases .o 2ic.ures4 )4)4' &orm sim2le sen.ences an* 5ues.ions /, arranging 8or*s4 )4)4 Cons.ruc. sim2le sen.ences in*e2en*en.l,4 )474( Wri.e sim2le *escri2.ions 8i.h gui*ance4 "$TES Soun* S,s.em3 >i2h.hongs A *ou) an* *o,) Moral %alues3 !oa* Safe., Kin* an* hel2ful Talk a/ou. animals !ea* an* en=o, sim2le s.ories4 Use .he Sim2le Presen. Tense Use .he Sim2le Pas. Tense Punc.ua.e meaningfull, Sa, 8or*s /eginning 8i.h silen. le..ers *+@ an* *h) Sing a song Wri.e sim2le an* com2oun* sen.ences 8i.h or 8i.hou. gui*ance4 !ea* an* un*ers.an* sim2le .e6.s or signs4 Com2le.e .e6.s /, re2lacing 2ic.ures 8i.h 8or*s4 #rammar3 Sim2le Presen. Tense

:4 74


<4 'B4


SK BUKIT CHEMPAKA Scheme of Work English Language Year

WEEK THEMES LEA!"I"# $UTC$MES LE%EL SPECI&ICATI$"S "$TES Sim2le Pas. Tense Soun* S,s.em3 Silen. Le..ers A ?k@ an* ?h@ Moral %alues3 Lo-e an* Care .he animals4


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