Aud Itions: Extras

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National Theatre - Opera

Announces the Auditions for

For the new opera production

Leoš Janáček : KÁŤA KABANOVA

Premiere 26. 6. 2010 at the National Theatre in Prague

directo r: Robert Wi lson

The auditions will take place with the assistant director
On September 12, 2009
At 3: 00 p. m.
In th e Re hearsal Ro om no. 440 in the
Natio nal Theat re Administrati on Bui lding
(Ostrov ní 1, 112 30 Praha 1)

We ar e looki ng for 15 – 20 indi vid uals who ha ve thea tr e

experien ce , a nd a good know ledge of the En gl is h language .
App li ca nts sho ul d also be physi ca lly ag ile and have a go od
me mory of mov emen t .

The successful individuals will be needed for the first workshop of the
new production (from Nov. 20 – Dec. 9, 2009) and also for the
lighting and stage rehearsals from June 1 to 26 , 20 09.

Please send your resumes and photos (including a full-body photo) to or by post to:
Don Nixon, Národní divadlo – produkce opery, Ostrovní 1, 112 30 Praha 1.

For mor e inf orm at io n, cont act Don Nixon at 731 634 803 or
224 901 270.

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