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SQQS2013 Applied Statistics Individual Assignment 2 Due Date: 27 October 2012 (Sunday), before 5pm.

Late Assignment will not be entertained. 1. A test is made of versus . A sample of size 35 is drawn, and the sample mean is 58. It is given that the standard deviation is 25. a. Test the hypotheses and write down your conclusion at . (5 marks) Solution:

Failed to reject The population mean is equal to 50. b. What type of error could possibly occur? (1 mark) Solution: Type II error.


An accounting firm tested two spreadsheet applications, Application A and Application B, to determine whether there is a difference between them in the mean speed with which a standard accounting problem can be solved. The mean times needed to solve the problem by using Application A and Application B in 12 trials is 40 seconds and 46 seconds respectively. The sample standard deviation of times needed for Application A and Application B is 5.92 and 8.45 seconds respectively. Assuming that the time needed to solve the standard problem is approximately normal distributed with different variance, is there enough evidence to say that Application A is more efficient than Application B in solving the standard accounting problem at 5% significant level? (6 marks) Solution: ( )

Reject Application A is more efficient than Application B.

lyf & hpy Oct13


SQQS2013 Applied Statistics A new postsurgical treatment was compared with a standard treatment. Seven objects received the new treatment, while seven others received the standard treatment. The recovery times, in days, are recorded and analyzed as shown in OUTPUT 1. OUTPUT 1
Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means Sig. (2tailed) 12 .006 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper -18.107 -3.893

F Recovering_time Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed 2.367



Mean Std. Error Difference Difference -11.000 3.262

.150 -3.372








a. Determine the point estimate of the mean differences between two treatments. (1 mark) Solution: b. Can you conclude that the new treatment is effective in reducing the recovering time at 5% significance level? Let denoted as mean recovering time for new treatment while denoted as mean recovering time for standard treatment. (8 marks) Solution:

Failed to reject The both variances are the same.

Reject It can conclude that the new treatment is effective in reducing the recovering time.

lyf & hpy Oct13


SQQS2013 Applied Statistics Two extrusion machines that manufacture steel rods are being compared. In a sample of 600 rods taken from machine A, 582 met specifications regarding length and diameter. In a sample of 1000 rods taken from machine B, 960 met the specifications. Machine A is more expensive to run, so it is decided that machine B will be used unless it can be convincingly shown that machine A produces larger proportion of rods meeting specifications. Perform a hypothesis test at to determine which machine to use. State your conclusion. (10 marks) Solution:

( ( )

) ( )

Failed to reject Machine B should be used since machine A not produces larger proportion of rods meeting specifications. To test the effect of a physical-fitness course on ones physical ability, the number of situps that a person could do in 1 minute, both before and after the course, was recorded. Ten randomly selected participants scores are recorded and analyzed as shown in OUTPUT 2. OUTPUT 2
Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval Std. of the Difference Std. Error Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper -7.000 5.793 1.832 -11.144 -2.856


Pair 1 Before - After

t -3.821

df 9

Sig. (2tailed) .004

a. Can you conclude that a significant amount of improvement took place? Use 5% significance level and assume normality on the differences. (4 marks) Solution:

Reject It can be concluded that there is a significant amount of improvement took place. b. Based on answer in (a), what type of error could be occurred? (1 mark) Solution: Type I error c. Will you change your conclusion in (a) if the level of significance reduces to 1%? (1 mark) Solution: No lyf & hpy Oct13 3

SQQS2013 Applied Statistics 6. A machine that fills beverage cans is supposed to put 12 ounces of beverage in each can. A simple random sample of eight cans are selected and measured. The results of analysis are shown in OUTPUT 3 and OUTPUT 4. OUTPUT 3
One-Sample Test Test Value = 0 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper 7 .000 12.02500 11.9642 12.0858


t 467.819

One-Sample Test Test Value = 12 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper 7 .363 .02500 -.0358 .0858


t .973

Based on suitable output, perform a hypothesis test to determine whether the mean volume differs from 12 ounces at 5% significance level. (5 marks) Solution: OUTPUT 4 is the suitable output.

Failed to reject The mean volume is not differs from 12 ounces. As an aid for improving students study habits, nine students were randomly selected to attend a seminar on the importance of education in life. The following table shows the number of hours each student studied per week before and after the seminar. At 10% significance level, did attending the seminar increase more than 2 hours in number of hours the students studied per week? Before After 9 9 12 17 6 9 15 20 3 2 18 21 10 15 13 22 7 6 (8 marks) Solution: d = after before


Failed to reject Attending the seminar did not increase more than 2 hours in number of hours the student studied per week. lyf & hpy Oct13 4

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