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Brotherhood Positions Spring 14

President David Murphy-Longhini

Presidential Assistant Presidential Assistant Parliamentarian Anthony Louis Parliamentarian Chapter By-Laws Nick Schrager Chapter By-Laws Compliance Director Nicholas Schrager Committee Member Antonio Figueiredo Committee Member Anthony Louis Committee Member Melissa Samuels Committee Member

Vice President of Operations Courtney Ball

Marketing Director John Kappel Marketing Chair Christine Ah-Kang Social Media Chair Mercede Chen Social Media Chair Kelly Fang Photographer Melissa Samuels Webmaster Chris Chan Webmaster Nancy Wu Webmaster Vitchel Toussaint Social Director Aeriq Turman Social Chair Taimai Athletic Chair Retreat Chair Stephanie Tung Retreat Chair Grace Li Banquet Chair Delphine Iroakazi Banquet Chair Rebecca Tong Professional Director Antonio Figueiredo Professional Director Juraj Damjanic Internal Service Director Stephen Hamilton External Service Director David Huang

Vice President of Membership Maggie Lam

Academic Chair (Pledges) Academic Chair (Brotherhood) Gary Lin Innovation Director Tony Rozario Innovation Chair John Chiavaro Innovation Chair Caitlin Lindenhovius Membership Director Jason Lee Membership Director Nicholas Schrager Membership Chair Ruth Lee Membership Chair John Kappel Membership Chair Delphine Iroakazi NIB Educator Nicholas Schrager NIB Educator Anthony Slutskaya

Vice President of Alumni/ External Relations Rob Angus

Alumni Coordinator External Coordinator Courtney Ball External Coordinator Lisa Li Historian Melissa Samuels

Treasurer Andrew Kim

Fundraising Director Emily Liu Corporate Sponsor Anthony Louis Corporate Sponsor Treasurers Assistant Dom Ng Payment Coordinator Johnson Lin Chief Auditor Charles Wang

Master of Rituals Nick Robin

Minion Samantha Bennett Chief Warden Priya Pai

Executive Administrator Dan Chen

Assistant Executive Administrator Kelly Fang

Pledge Master William Edgecomb III

Pledge Master Committee Pledge Master Committee

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