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Who wins in 2014

Kailash Ch sabat---7207884783---Lets do Accountable and responsible politics

We all know how important 2014 year is for India. Hon.Naveen Babu.completed his20 yrs in politics.He is trained by Atalji and did his politics in the name of shri Biju pattanaik. The poor people of Odisha boarded his appealing boat. Biju babu was a brave and rare son of India and helped Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru,our 1st PM.But Naveen babu only providing rice at lower cost at the condition of rice provision until he wins.What about homes for poor.A home costs Rs 45.00 lacs.Shall the poor be deprieved of.

Narendra modi is taking credit for development of Gujarat and labourers of odisha in Gujarat.If the central Govt does not help Odisha for industry set up why not naveen ji strikes like Anna Hazare. At least the reality of politicians shall come out before the people of odisha.
Killing of people is a normal affair in the state.I suggested yoga be declared the state art for wellbeing and a basic right for everybody and Govt. has been ignoring since last 15 years. When I saw Naveen babu in our village Nandika ,long hairs were grown on Hon CMs head.Now after 15 yrs he got smarter.But people of odisha became fool and are neglected.

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Either in Puri,Berhampur,Cuttack or BBSR no significant development is observed.and more of lawlessness is discernible.We need Small industries Marketing of those products Cheap or free skilled education for a number of people Assistance to poor for business Tax concessions for industry Loans for big industries. Railway lines and trains So odisha Govt can go for a strike by against central so the people know the fact. In hotel industry in odisha things are in deterioration.Mighty is right is the rule.Who solves this? All these Hon Naveen babu has to clarify to the people of the state. Orissa is a bet for Rahul Gandhi.Bcz AP,TN,Karnatake,UP ,Maharasthra shall give Rahul strength else he goes only with 100 MPS.
All these concludes that Naveen sir may say good bye to orisa in 2014 and may get support from centre third front for a while in 2014. Today shri Sidharth Mahapatra(present MP) and Sri Devi babu ,minister were inaugurating some water project in Gopalpur. But is it fair for a sitting MP to visit his constituency in years.Who looks after Berhampur in between? I observed the fishermen of puri are threatening to kill the travellers.When Naveen babu knows

this? An article by kailash Page 2 of 2

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