Job Characteristic Model

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Hackman & Oldhams Job Characteristics Model

Core Dimensions Skill Variety Task Identity Task Signif. Psychological States
Meaningfulness of Work



Responsibility for outcomes


Knowledge of Results

High intrinsic motivation High job perormance High job satisfaction Low absentee ism & turnover

Moderating Variables for the Job Characteristics Model

Growth need strength
job is a vehicle for personal growth, sense of achievement, avenue for feeling success

Knowledge and skills Satisfaction with extrinsic aspects of work

Motivating Potential Score

Skill Variety +Task Identity+Task Significance 3




Implementing Concepts for the Job Characteristics Model

Combine tasks: Effects skill variety, task identity, & task significance Group tasks into natural work units: Effects task significance and task identity Give workers contact with customers: Effects skill variety, autonomy, feedback Vertically load jobs: Effects autonomy Open feedback channels: Effects feedback

Designing Jobs for Teams

Team has to be an identifiable group, doing a specified piece of work, and be self-managing Key behaviors: Ask for ideas, give suggestions,. listen to others, share information, help others Managers role: Make alterations needed for effective group performance, consult

Goals That Motivate

Specific Goals Difficult Goals Goal Acceptance Goal Feedback

Why Goals Motivate

Mobilize energy in relation to goal Focus attention towards goals attainment Encourages setting of action plans or strategies for goal attainment Encourages persistence until goal is attained

Enhancing Goal Acceptance

Participation Rewards Supportiveness

Incentives for Individuals

For Executives
Compensation tied to achieving strategic goals

For Lower Level Employees

Tied to performance: bonuses, commissions, piecework

Incentives for Groups

Team incentives Profit sharing Gain sharing Stock options

Where Pay Fails to Motivate

Bonuses or merit pay is too small Non-existent link between pay and performance Performance appraisal is done poorly Effect of unions Adaptation problems

Effective Reward Systems

Set high goals for performance Develop accurate ways to measure performance Train supervisors in performance appraisal Link pay to performance Make increases noticeable and meaningful

Backwards & Forwards

Summing up: Examined how Hackmans & Oldhams Job characteristics Model can be used to redesign jobs to engage motivation; studied how and why goals setting works & looked at ways to use pay as a motivator Next time we begin our study of groups in the organization looking at how they function and the role of cohesiveness

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