Imvu Caroline

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Caroline Jackson 5945 Dowry Drive Wedgefield S.C 29 !8 "8#$% 98$&2!

#2 'rofile (ery en)h*sias)ic and dedica)ed worker. +c,*ired many office skills d*ring my )ime a) -am.erg /o. Cor0s Cen)er. 1ore eager )o learn and )ry new )asks.

2d*ca)ion 3igh School Di0loma /ames 1adison 3igh School

4ffice +dminis)ra)ion Career 5raining


260erience 4ffice +dminis)ra)ion 5rainee -am.erg /o. Cor0s Cen)er 2# 2& Com0le)ed

Served as 5rade 'residen) 8 cond*c)ed mee)ing8 )rained o)her s)*den) em0loyees in )he -*siness Cen)er8 organi9ed and main)ained office inven)ory8 0erformed clerical )asks for s)aff mem.ers on cen)er and com0le)ed co*rsework in :n)erne) Core and Com0*)ing ;*ndamen)als ":C$% and 1icrosof) a00lica)ions incl*ding Word8 'ower'oin)8 4*)look and 26cel.

Skills ;iling Da)a 2n)ry Word 'ower'oin) 26cel :nven)ory S)rong 4ral and Wri))en Comm*nica)ion ;orma))ing and Doc*men) <sing a Co0ier8 Scanner8 and ;a6 1achine Com0osing =e))ers Com0osing 2mails Com0osing 1emos

>eferences Wanda Wiggins8Work -ase =earning8 Coordina)or 9 /o. Cor0s +ven*e -am.erg8 SC 29##$ "8#$% 245& !4 ?

2velyn Dowling 8+cademic :ns)r*c)or 9 /o.cor0s +ven*e -am.erg8 SC 29##$ "8#$% 245&!$ ! @ladys 'i0kin8 3igh School Di0loma :ns)r*c)or 9 /o. Cor0s +ven*e -am.erg8 SC 29##$ "8#$% 245&!9 # '

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