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Home Study Class Survey

Class/workshop: _______________________________________________ Thank you for participating in our home study class. We appreciate your time and patronage! To help us continue to offer quality courses and workshops, please spend a few minutes to complete the sur ey. !our comments and feed"ack are much appreciated. Thank !ou!

GotYourBack Section #5 "eing the highest and 1 "eing the lowest$

%ow would you rate the customer ser ice pro ided when signing up for the class&________ %ow accurate was the we"site in descri"ing the class& _________ Would you take another home study class at 'ot!our(ack&_________ GotYourBack feedback or suggestions to improve the space )please use the back for more space

Class/Workshop Section (5 "eing the highest and 1 "eing the lowest$

*n the scale of +), how would you rate the class o erall& _________ %ow would you rate the materials& _________ %ow would you rate the class content& _______ %ow would you rate the price point of the class& ___________ Class !orkshop feedback suggestions #you can use the "ack if you need more room$. !hat other classes "ould you like to see offered at GotYourBack# Ho" did you hear about this class at GotYourBack# !ould you recommend GotYourBack$s Home Study Continuing %ducation to a friend and "hat "ould you say#

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