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Jeanne Zimmerman Name____________________________ Close Reading Activity Questions

Sorry Pilgrims, Christmas shopping season just started a day earlier

Directions: Please answer these questions using complete sentences (Hint: that means that you should use part of the question in your answer). 1. According to the caption under the picture, which store decided to open on Thanksgiving night last year?

2. Who isnt happy about stores opening on Thanksgiving Day (section 1)?

3. According to section 2, which store will open for the very first time on Thanksgiving Day this year?

4. Why have retailors chosen to open even earlier this year (section 2)?

5. Section 3 states that shoppers have not asked for stores to be open earlier, so why do retailors do it?

6. List some of the alternative activities mentioned in section 20 that take people away from the Thanksgiving table.

7. Is the Christmas shopping season starting too early? Explain.

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