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Mathematics Monthly Test ( April 2007) Paper 2 Time : 40 minutes This question paper consists of 20 questions.

Answer all questions. rite your answers clearly in the spaces pro!i"e" in the question paper. #how your wor$in%. &t may help you to %et mar$s. '. rite 4( ''' in wor"s. )' mar$*


hat fraction of the +ia%ram ' is sha"e", )' mar$*

+ia%ram '


.oun" off 72 /0- to the nearest thousan". )' mar$*



4 in the simplest form. )' mar$* 10


-2 /0' 3 2/ '22 4

)' mar$*


-2( 1 '( 4

)2 mar$s*


3 1 5 4 10 5

)2 mar$s*


+i!i"e '/ 642 7y 2. )2 mar$s*


8in" the "ifference 7etween

5 2 an" . 6 3

)2 mar$s*


20 000 3 '( 7-2 5 - 62( 4

)2 mar$s*


42 -4-

42 4-2 +ia%ram 2

4- -/2

4- 2/2

+ia%ram 2 shows 4 num7er car"s. 8in" the "ifference 7etween the lar%est an" the smallest num7er in the "ia%ram. )2 mar$s*


9etty 7ou%ht one whole pan"an ca$e. #he ate fraction of the ca$e is left, )2 mar$s*

1 of the ca$e. 8



A lorry can transport ( 2/0 7a%s of san" a "ay. :ow many 7a%s of san" can the lorry transport in '- "ays, )2 mar$s*


There are ( 200 tins of sar"ine in a supermar$et. They are pac$e" equally into -( 7o1es. :ow many tins of sar"ine are there in each 7o1, )2 mar$s*


<uice >ran%e Apple ?rape

=um7er of 7ottles - 240 ( 2(0 2 '/(

Ta7le ' Ta7le ' shows the num7er of 7ottles of fruit ;uice sol" in a restaurant. :ow many 7ottles of fruit ;uice are sol" in total, )- mar$s*


A factory pro"uces 7 6// 7ars of chocolates. Amon% them@ ' -27 were sol". Then the factory pro"uce" 42/ more 7ars of chocolates. :ow many 7ars of chocolates "oe" the factory ha!e now, )- mar$s*


=urul use"

ma$e ca$es. :ow much flour "i" she use alto%ether, )- mar$s*

1 1 $% of flour to ma$e some coo$ies an" another $% to 4 4


An"erline the correct answers.

4 is ( less@ %reater ) than 5 1 7) is ( less@ %reater ) than 6


2 )' mar$* 5 1 )' mar$* 3


There are 22 760 fiction 7oo$s an" '0 (00 nonBfiction 7oo$s in a li7rary. / 642 7oo$s are on loan. :ow many 7oo$s are left in the li7rary, )- mar$s*

'/. Class =um7er of pupils A -6 Ta7le 2 The incomplete Ta7le 2 shows the num7er of pupils in - classes. Class + has / pupils more than class A. 8inf the total num7er of pupils in the four classes. )- mar$s* 9 4C 4/ +

1 2

2 5

1 10

+ia%ram +ia%ram - shows three proper fractions. hat is the "ifference 7etween the lar%est an" the smallest fraction in the "ia%ram, )- mar$s*

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