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Circle the correct answer. 1. Six thousand and fifty-eight written in numerals is A. 658 B. 6058 C. 6508 2. he !

la"e #alue of $ in 68$1 is A. tens B. ones C. hundreds %. &hi"h of the following is a fra"tion' A. 25 B. ( C. % $ $. A )asin "ontains 15 litres of water. *oslan uses 8 litres of water to wash his motor "y"le. +ow many litres of water is left' A. , B. 1% C. 18 5. 2 years - .........months. A. 20 B. 2$ C. 22 6. his is a ............ A. !entagon B. o"tagon C. hexagon

,. % meter -........."m A. %00 B. %0 C. %50 8. &hi"h of the following "on#ersions is "orre"t' A . */ %6.,0 - %600 sen 0 ,0 sen B. */ $2.60 - $20 sen 0 600 sen C. */ 5,.80 - 5,0 sen 0 80 sen (. he )as1et)all !layers train for 2 hours. +ow long is their training 2n minutes' A. 120 B. 180 C. %6 10. 205% 0 ,26 A. 2,5( B. 2,6( C. 2,,( 11. 2, hour 3 ( - ........ hours A. % B. $ C. 5 12. A4i4 is (5"m tall and Ba1ar is 8%"m tall. &hat is their total height' A. 168"m B. 1,5"m C. 1,8"m

1%. Suria )uys 5 glasses . he mass of ea"h glass is 22(g.&hat is the total mass of the glasses she )uys' A.11$5 B.1$60 C.1$(5 1$. ,60 mililiter 5 2$5 mililiter - ....... mililiter A. 505 B. 515 C. 525 15.A "al"ulator "ost */2%.Ci1gu +amid )ought $ "al"ulators. &hat was the total of the "ost' A.*/ 82 B.*/ 8$ C.*/ (2 16. he mass of 8 )0ttles of mineral water is 16 1g.&hat is the /ass of a )ottle mineral water' A. 11g B. 21g C. %1g 1,.

he s6uare has ..... lines of symmetry' A. 1 B. 2 C. %

18. A lorry was loaded with %600 fruits. ,15 at them were !ears7 1,22 a!!les and the rest is !inea!!les. +ow many !inea!!les were there' A. 2885 B. 18,8 C. 116% 1(. he mass of 8 "orre"tion !ens is 280 g. &hat is the mass of a "orre"tion !en' A. %5 B. $0 C. $5 20.*amli went to his grandfathers house and stayed there for 2 days. +ow many hours did he stay there' A . $8 B . %6 C . 12

S.8. 9asir *a:a

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