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Larson Name____________________________________________per______________

READING DIRECTIONS CLOSELY 1. 2. 3. 4. Read steps 1-12 of your PATCHWORK PILLOW DIRECTIONS Read the BOLD statements below. Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement. Find evidence to support your statement by rereading the directions. 5. Find the step # and quote the exact statement to support your idea. 6. You may change your mind if you find supporting evidence. Patches should be pinned right sides together. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

Your seam allowance should be 4/8 wide. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

Seam allowances should be opened with the iron so they spread out. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

When putting the front of the pillow together, you should start with the middle block and pin all of the others around it. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

READING DIRECTIONS CLOSELY (part 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. Read steps 13-21 of your PATCHWORK PILLOW DIRECTIONS Read the BOLD statements below. Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement. Find evidence to support your statement by rereading the directions. 5. Find the step # and quote the exact statement to support your idea. 6. You may change your mind if you find supporting evidence. You need to pin pattern pillow. AGREE Evidence Step #_________says

L to the plain fabric to make the back of the

DISAGREE Evidence Step #_________says

You should mark a 6 opening where the pillow will be left open for stuffing. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

Trim all 4 corners. Be sure to cut through the stitches.

AGREE Evidence Step #_________says

DISAGREE Evidence Step #_________says

Your pillow should be turned in to the teacher after you turn it right side out and finish stuffing it. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

Hand stitch the opening using the slipstitch. AGREE DISAGREE Evidence Evidence Step #_________says Step #_________says

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