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// Kanto

[Charmander] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Blaze and Solar Power 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Flare Blitz Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Charmander] [OT: Sam 05919]

Mild nature. | Blaze and Solar Power 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31| 31* Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Flare Blitz, Dragon Pulse Availability: Bred on request. Males only. *IVs vary. No perfect ones available. Let me know which stat you want missing.

[Squirtle] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Torrent 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Egg moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Water Spout, Fake Out Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Kangaskhan] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Scrappy and Early Bird 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

[Horsea] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Swift Swim and Sniper 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

[Scyther] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Technician and Swarm 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

// Johto

[Totodile] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Torrent

31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Pichu] [OT: Sam 05919]

Varying natures. | Lightning Rod and Static 31 | 31 | x | 31 | x | 31 Egg moves: Wish, Present, Charge, Volt Tackle Availability: Bred on request. Natures are random because I can't use an Everstone while breeding these.

[Skarmory] [OT: Sam 05919]

Impish nature. | Sturdy and Keen Eye 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Brave Bird, Whirlwind Availability: Bred on request.

[Houndour] [OT: Sam 05919]

Naive nature. | Flash Fire and Early Bird 31 | 31 | x | 31 | x | 31* Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Nasty Plot, Thunder Fang, Destiny Bond Availability: Bred on request. *Will be missing either Def or SpDef, not both.

[Miltank] [OT: Sam 05919]

Careful nature. | Thick Fat and Scrappy 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Seismic Toss, Belch, Reversal, Hammer Arm Availability: Bred on request.

// Hoenn

[Treecko] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Unburden and Overgrow 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Leech Seed, Synthesis, Leaf Storm, Crunch Availability: Bred on request.

[Torchic] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Speed Boost and Blaze 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Baton Pass, Night Slash Availability: Bred on request.

[Electrike] [OT: Sam 05919]

Timid nature. | Lightningrod and Static* 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

[Absol] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Pressure, Super Luck, and Justified 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Megahorn, Zen Headbutt Availability: Bred on request.

[Bagon] [OT: Sam 05919]

Naive nature. | Rock Head and Sheer Force 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 Egg moves: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump Availability: 0 | 0

[Bagon] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Clear Body 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31

// Sinnoh

[Turtwig] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Shell Armor or Overgrow 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Sand Tomb, Body Slam, Superpower, Seed Bomb Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Chimchar] [OT: Sam 05919]

Jolly nature. | Iron Fist or Blaze 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Thunder Punch, Encore, Fake Out, Quick Guard Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Buneary] [OT: Sam 05919]

Jolly nature. | Klutz 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Switcheroo, Fire Punch Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Rotom] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Levitate 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31

// Unova

[Venipede] [OT: Sam 05919]

Jolly nature. | Speed Boost and Poison Point 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31 | 31 Egg moves: Rock Climb, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Pin Missile Availability: Bred on request.

[Archen] [OT: Sam 05919]

Naive nature. | Defeatist 31 | 31 | x | 31 | x | 31* Egg moves: Dragon Pulse, Earth Power Availability: Bred on request. Males only. *Will be missing either Def or SpDef, not both.

[Deino] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Hustle 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Egg moves: Dark Pulse Availability: Bred on request.

// Kalos

[Furfrou] [OT: Sam 05919]

Impish nature. | Fur Coat 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

[Skrelp] [OT: Sam 05919]

Calm nature. | Poison Touch and Poison Point 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Egg moves: Toxic Spikes Availability: Bred on request.

[Tyrunt] [OT: Sam 05919]

Adamant nature. | Strong Jaw 31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31 Egg moves: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragon Dance Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Amaura] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Refrigerate 31 | x | 31 | 31| 31| 31 Egg moves: Mirror Coat Availability: Bred on request. Males only.

[Noibat] [OT: Sam 05919]

Modest nature. | Frisk and Infiltrator 31 | x | 31 | 31 | 31| 31 Availability: Bred on request.

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