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The Feldman Method of Art Criticism Describe Analyze

Step 1: Description Describe what you see in the art work Describe e!actly what you see" in enough detail that your audience could #isualize the artwork from your words Do not use $udgments or opinions %ere are a few things to consider when writing your D&'C(I)TI*+, 'ize 'hape Te!ture Color Angles )erspecti#e -ight 'ource Media Form 'pace Artist" Title" Date Step 2: Analysis &!amine the relationships between the &lements of Art by citing the )rinciples of Design The )rinciples of Design Contrast (epetition .nity Mo#ement /alance &mphasis

Interpret Judge

Balance /alance is the e0uilibrium of #arious elements in the work of art Emphasis &mphasis is gi#en to a center of interest" which might be the largest" brightest" or lightest sub$ect Repetition (epetition is the use of line" color" or a motif in more than one place in the composition Movement Mo#ement can be the illusion of motion in the artwork" or the path the #iewer takes starting with the emphasis Contrast Contrast shows the difference between the &lements of Art 1-ine" Color" 'hape" 2alue" Form" 'pace and Te!ture3 Unity .nity is the harmony between all of the #isual elements in a composition Questions to ask yoursel !hen completin" an A#A$%S&S:

%ow does the artist #isually organize the composition4 5hat is in the foreground" middleground" background4 %ow has the picture been arranged4 5hat colors are used and how ha#e they been arranged4 5hat shapes are there and how ha#e they been arranged4 Are there any leading lines and if so" where is your eye lead" Is there any use of contrast4 If so where4 Is there any use of pattern4 If so where4 Is there a sense of space or perspecti#e4 Are there any special techni0ues employed by the artist4 'tep 6, Interpretation 5hat do you belie#e was the goal of the artist4 5hat message is he7she trying to make4 5hat was the artist8s intention4 Is there a mood or feeling being con#eyed4 .se research" Description and Analysis to support your opinions Step ': (u)"ment 5hat Aesthetic Classification does the artwork illustrate4 'upport your decision with Description" Analysis and Interpretation )erceptual (endered from Direct *bser#ation

&!pressi#e Capturing a mood or feeling" sharing a story or idea

Formal Focus is on the organization of the &lements of Art

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