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Zahirovic 1 Almedina Zahirovic John Carlisle HUMA1100 January 1, 2014 Personal Reflection As a high school student taking this

generalized Humanities course, has helped me experience things I probably would have never experienced. I consider myself an open-minded person now. This course has vigorously worked my mind into viewing differentiating ideas and prospects. I am a very religious person, both of my parents have worked my mind into believing whatever goes against my religion is wrong. I have been secluded from the realistic way of other peoples lives, until I took this course. When I first attempted to read the accounts of peoples experiences in the Humanities book I was surprised with the cruel reality of life, which my parents have shielded me from for so long. Taking this course I have a realistic view of the world now, the different prospects that make up a person through religion, identity, love and death. The different accounts have brought me to a realization that everyone believes in different things no one experiences the same things. People love, grieve and have different faiths and that truly makes up their own identity. I have truly learned my identity and what I perceive myself as. I have come to respect other peoples beliefs. I have come to a secluded maturity as a high school student; I look at the world more philosophically now. I have gathered much information to further understand people and why we respond to things differently. My personal best guess is; we do what we do because of the things

Zahirovic 2 we are exposed to during childhood and the experiences we face in our lives, this causes us to build enough information to conclude identities.

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