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Calculation of Hidden Power

By Danny Pham and Jenny Xiong

Lets say we have a Pikachu with a set of these IVs (see my paper on Individual Values): HP: 30 Attack: 31 Defense: 31 Speed: 31 Special Attack: 30 Special Defense: 31 To calculate type of the move, we must use the very confusing formula: [(a+2b+4c+8d+16e+32f)*15]/63 Looks confusing, right? First of all, lets get down to what those variables mean. a= Hit Points b= Attack c= Defense d= Speed e= Special Attack f= Special Defense Wait, hold your horses, you cant solve quite yet. First, you must hear this part. If the number is odd, it is equal to 1, it is 0 otherwise. Take HP for an example. It is an even number, so it equals 0. The new stats look like this: HP: 0 Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Speed: 1 Special Attack: 0

Special Defense: 1 Crazy, huh? So now we input these numbers into our confusing formula. We get this: [(0+2+4+8+0+32)*15]/63 Now, we simplify, like in math class. Which we get: 10.95238095238095 Well, now we round. But wait! YOU MUST ALWAYS ROUND DOWN!! So instead of rounding to 11, you round to 10. Now, what does this ten mean? Why, I thought you would never ask. Here it is: 0 Fighting 1 2 Flying Poison So, if we get ten, just look at the table. 10= Grass, so our Pikachu has a Grass type Hidden Power. Now its time to calculate the power of our Pikachus Hidden Power. Power has a similar formula: [[(u+2v+4w+8x+16y+32z)*40]/63]+30 Once again, u, v, w, x, y, and z are, HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense, respectively. This time though, instead of odd numbers and even numbers, it is WAY more confusing. Divide each number by 4, but dont divide all the way, just until you have a remainder. If the remainder is 2 or 3, than it equals 1. Otherwise, it is 0. Then, you input the numbers into the formula above. You get: (63*40)/63, which is easily 40. You then add 30, as seen above and you get... 70, which is the highest you can get, by the way. Now you know how to calculate Hidden Power! Results: Type: Grass Power: 70

3 Ground 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water

10 Grass 11 Electric 12 Psychic 13 Ice

Credit to Bulbapedia.

14 Dragon 15 Dark

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