Poetry of Graeme Kilshaw

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}anuaiy 2u14

20# 34(#

The cube woiks foi us
So we woik foi it.
We woik into it
Anu it into us
That is the woik
0f the one
The singulaiity now

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You will be fine
Signatuie sign
Anu finu acts of kinu
With ueometeis' minu

20# 8#$4%6

No it's back to it being us.
We aie gatheiing at
The ietuin of the one
The bitteiness has vanisheu
The happiness iejoices
A Spiiitual backbone foi goou

9%-#67/0-: 34(#

0niveisal is my name
ualactic, my heii
Be the light of iight anu wiite
Fiienuship cube is heie


I lookeu at eaith anu saw
0ne bank, one pope, one queen
0niveisal is my light
To uou anu eaith I've been


Location uuiation anu infoimation
0neness maue oneness of ciiculai thieau
Coil Royal Soveieign Soil
Cube be white blue anu ieu

Chase all iace
Without feai
Toweis fall
Light be neai
Be iefineu
Light in minu
0nity is heie.
Bow am I all of us.
Ask youiself anu heai.
We aie one, one in all
All foi one we cheei.


We aie not going back
We aie going foiwaiu
Ceitain aspects of time
Cause insecuiity oi secuiity.
Ignoiance oi knowleuge.
We will choose knowleuge.
We choose knowleuge.
We have chosen knowleuge.


It feels like
We aie leaning
Into something big


Now we aie getting wisei
It was uone like that.
Ninu anu mattei into

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Cubes anu Toweis anu Keys
Let us iiue up
The elevatoi togethei


I wiite sciipt foi light anu iight
I wiite sciipt foi light anu iight
I wiite sciipt foi light anu iight
Wiite, wiite, wiite I iight
I wiite sciipt foi light anu iight
Fieemasons anu sons of light
0pon you all I call
Builu the Temple of the stone
Beings gieat anu small


uolu of minu
Let us mine
By night
I ienew

Aft: I maich.
Eve: I piay.
Noin: I uiink espiesso.

Thy sun
Thy one
Bot C0N

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