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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Julie and Adam Class: MEP2 Week: 9 Dates: 02.01.14-03.01.14

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review There is no circle time classes this week due to ew !ears holida".

Days of the week/Review Activity Time

Vocabulary: Days of the week: #unda"$ Monda"$ Tuesda"$ %ednesda"$ Thursda"$ &rida"$ #aturda" Sentence structure s!: '!esterda" was() 'Toda" is() 'Tomorrow will *e() To learn the da"s o+ the week$ students are ,oin, to learn a chant which -la"s to the tune o+ The Addams &amil". %e will also watch a short .ideo which shows a train ,oin, on an ad.enture to +ind the da"s o+ the week. /+ there is time le+t$ we are ,oin, to re.iew all the 0hristmas .oca*ular" that we learnt and sim-le re.iew o+ the sentence structures '/ like() and '/ don1t like()

Review This week we will *e doin, 2ust a ,eneral re.iew o+ all the 3 letter word +amilies we ha.e done so +ar.

"ew letters#soun$s#vocabulary! This week we will *e doin, re.iew due to the new "ear1s holida".

Writing %ractice %e will not *e doin, an" writin, -ractice this week.

Sight Wor$s %e will *e doin, a re.iew on the +irst set o+ si,ht words this week. he$ she$ "ou$ run$ am$ in$ it and is

%arent &ollow '( # 'seful Websites # )omework: %e ho-e "ou and child en2o" the ew !ear1s holida" and we look +orward to seein, "our child *ack in class in 2014. 343

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