Process Paper

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Process Paper: The topic I chose came to me through a random thought I had one day during gym class.

I was explaining about my current topic of choice, Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, to a friend and he asked about the importance that topic has to the country. That got me to think whether or not I would like to stick to that topic, poll taxes is just not that interesting and talked about. This gave me more reasons to stick to the topic to inform others until I thought about buses and civil rights. I chose my topic knowing the topic will interest me and help me learn about this time of history more than I already do. First I went online and searched for books at libraries and found 6 books at the public library which I requested. Then, I went online to search for documents for Jo Ann Robinson and Rosa Parks. With those documents I was also able to find interviews including Jo Ann Robinson and Rosa Parks. On the internet, I was able to find many great secondary sources the go into detail. I selected the website category for my topic since it will help me organize my thoughts better than my first choice of a paper. The website is also good for the visuals that I have found in my research. The biggest reason I chose to do a website is that I like to design on the computer, and creating a website to present this topic became an obvious choice for me. My topic relates to this years theme, rights and responsibilities in history, in several ways. When Rosa Parks and Jo Ann Robinson sat in the bus, they knew that it was their right to be able to sit where they wanted after paying the same bus fare as everyone else. Parks and Robinson took the responsibility to fight for that right. In history, the actions Parks and Robinson sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which effected the Civil Rights Movement and the system of the United States.

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