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DRAF DSP Bahasa Inggeris SK Tahun 4 06 Mac 2013

Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan

Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah satu usaha berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani. Usaha ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab, berketrampilan dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara."

A M!
"he #nglish $anguage %urriculum &or Primary !chools aims to e'uip pupils with basic language skills to enable them to communicate e&&ectively in a variety o& conte(ts that)s appropriate to the pupils) level o& development.

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+y the end o& .ear /, pupils should be able to0 i. ii. iii. iv. v. communicate with peers and adults con&idently and appropriately in &ormal and in&ormal situations1 read and comprehend a range o& #nglish te(ts &or in&ormation and enjoyment1 write a range o& te(ts using appropriate language, style and &orm through a variety o& media1 appreciate and demonstrate understanding o& #nglish language literary or creative works &or enjoyment1 and use correct and appropriate rules o& grammar in speech and writing.


2now basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2now and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written.

2now, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners. 3emonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge o& listening, speaking, reading and writing &or various purposes using admirable manners. Appreciate literary works by per&orming and presenting ideas using e(emplary manners.

BAND 1 Tahu

PERNYATAAN STANDARD B1 2now basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

DESKRIPTOR B1 DL1 ( 1 1 1 ! !ay aloud words with correct pronunciation. B1 DL1 E1


Able to say aloud and pronounce words with the correct word stress.

B1 DB1 ( 2 2 1 ! 4ead and recogni5e words and apply word attack skills.

B1 DB1 E1 Able to identi&y and group0 7a8 homographs 7b8 homophones

B1 DT1 (3 1 1! 6rite in neat legible print with correct spelling.

B1 DT1 E1 Able to write0 7a8 phrases 7b8 sentences 7c8 numerals in word &orm B1 DT2 E1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately0 7a8 7b8 7c8 7d8 7e8 common nouns singular nouns plural nouns countable nouns uncountable nouns

B1 DT2 (4 1 1! Use nouns correctly and appropriately.

BAND 2 Tahu "a# $aha%

PERNYATAAN STANDARD B2 2now and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written.

DESKRIPTOR B2 DL1 ( 1 1 3 !& (5 1 1! & (5 1 2! !ay aloud poems, tongue twisters or sing songs with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. B2 DL1 E1


Able to do any o& the &ollowing0 7a8 recite poems 7b8 tongue twisters 7c8 sing songs B2 DB1 E1 Able to0 7a8 locate words 7b8 meaning o& base words B2 DT1 E1 Able to write0 7a8 words 7b8 phrases 7c8 numerals in word &orm B2 DT2 E1 Able to complete sentences using0 7a8 possessive pronouns 7b8 interrogative pronouns

B2 DB1 ( 2 2 4 ! Apply dictionary skills.

B2 DT1 (3 1 2 ! 6rite in neat cursive writing with correct spelling.

B2 DT2 (4 1 2! Use pronouns correctly and appropriately.

BAND 3 Tahu& $aha% "a# B'()h Bua*

PERNYATAAN STANDARD B3 2now, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

DESKRIPTOR B3 DL1 ( 1 2 1 ! Participate in daily conversations. B3 DL1 E1


Able to participate in the &ollowing conversation0 7a8 7b8 7c8 7d8 e(tend an invitation accept an invitation decline an invitation e(press sympathy

B3 DB1 (2 2 2! 4ead and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non9linear te(ts.

B3 DB1 E1 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences0 7a8 linear te(ts 7b8 non9linear te(ts by answering simple close ended 'uestions.

B3 DT1 E1 B3 DT1 (3 2 1! "rans&er in&ormation in linear and non9linear te(ts with guidance. Able to trans&er in&ormation to complete0 7a8 linear te(ts 7b8 non9linear te(ts

B3 DT2 (4 1 3! Use verbs correctly and appropriately.

B3 DT2 E1 Able to complete sentences using the correct verbs0 7a8 7b8 7c8 7d8 irregulars verbs verbs that do not change &orm present continuous tense past continuous tense

BAND 4 Tahu& $aha% "a# B'()h Bua* D)#+a# B),a"a-

PERNYATAAN STANDARD B4 Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners.

DESKRIPTOR B4 DL1 (1 2 2!& (1 2 3! $isten to, &ollow and give instructions and directions. B4 DL1 E1


Able to listen to, &ollow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood.

B4 DL2 (5 3 1! Plan, produce and display creative works with guidance.

B4 DL2 E1 Able to produce creative works.

B4 DB1 E1 B4 DB1 ( 2 2 3 a! 4ead and demonstrate understanding o& te(ts by se'uencing with guidance. Able to read and se'uence te(ts.

B4 DB2 ( 5 2 1 ! 4espond to literary te(ts.

B4 DB2 E1 Able to respond to literary te(ts0 7a8 characters 7b8 place and time 7c8 values

B4 DT1 ( 3 3 1 ! %reate simple te(ts using a variety o& media with guidance.

B4 DT1 E1 Able to create simple te(ts0 7a8 non9linear 7b8 linear B4 DT2 E1 Able to complete sentences using the correct conjunctions0 7a8 because 7b8 so B4 DT3 E1 Able to use correctly0 7a8 7b8 7c8 7d8 7e8 7&8 above below beside ne(t to between near

B4 DT2 (4 1 4! Use conjunction correctly and appropriately.

B4 DT3 (4 1 5! Use prepositions correctly and appropriately.





5 Tahu& $aha% "a# B'()h Bua* D)#+a# B),a"aT),.u/0

B5 3emonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge o& listening, speaking, reading and writing &or various purposes using admirable manners.

B5 DL1 (1 2 4! Participate in guided conversations with peers.

B5 DL1 E1 Able to participate in guided role play with peers.

B5 DL2 (1 3 1! $isten to and demonstrate understanding o& oral te(ts with guidance.

B5 DL2 E1 Able to do the &ollowing0 7a8 ask and answer 'uestions 7b8 se'uence 7c8 predict outcomes B5 DB1 E1 Able to read te(ts and predict the outcomes based on the te(ts.

B5 DB1 (2 2 3 -! 4ead and demonstrate understanding o& te(ts by predicting with guidance.

B5 DT1 ( 3 2 2 ! 6rite &or in&ormation with guidance.

B5 DT1 E1 Able to write the &ollowing0 7a8 labels 7b8 notices 7c8 messages


B5 DT2 ( 3 2 3 ! Punctuate correctly.

B5 DT2 E1 Able to use correctly0 7a8 apostrophe 7b8 speech markers

B5 DT3 (4 1 6! Use adjectives correctly and appropriately.

B5 DT3 E1 Able to use adjectives in sentence &orm0 7a8 comparative 7b8 superlative B5 DT4 E1 Able to complete sentences using0 7a8 the 7b8 5ero article 798

B5 DT4 (4 1 1! Use articles correctly and appropriately.


PERNYATAAN STANDARD 6 Tahu& $aha% "a# B'()h Bua* D)#+a# B),a"aM0*ha(0 B6 Appreciating literary works by per&orming and presenting ideas using e(emplary manners.

DESKRIPTOR B6 DL1 (1 1 2!& (1 1 4! $isten to and talk about related stories : topics with guidance. B6 DL1 E1


Able to talk about related stories : topics with guidance.

B6 DL2 (5 3 2! Plan, prepare and participate in a per&ormance with guidance.

B6 DL2 E1 Able to plan, prepare and participate in a group per&ormance based on any o& the literary works0 7a8 graphic novels 7b8 poems 7c8 short stories

B6 DB1 ( 2 3 1 ! 4ead &or in&ormation and enjoyment with guidance.

B6 DB1 E1 Able to read &or in&ormation and enjoyment by answering open ended 'uestions0 7a8 &iction 7b8 non &iction

B6 DT1 ( 3 2 4 ! !pell words by applying spelling rules.

B6 DT1 E1 Able to spell words and take dictation.


B6 DT2 (4 1 2! Use adverbs correctly and appropriately.

B6 DT2 E1 Able to write adverbs correctly and appropriately0 7a8 manner 7b8 time 7c8 place B6 DT3 E1 Able to &orm interrogative sentences.

B6 DT3 (4 2 1! %onstruct interrogative sentences.


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