Dream Bars Peanut Butter

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PEANUT BUTTER DREAM BARS (I cant remember where I got this recipe, but I know Ive never made

it. May 28- 20 0! "ombine# 2 cup uncooked $uick oats cup white %&our ' cup who&e wheat %&our cup chopped peanuts (I put them in the b&ender! cup packed dark brown sugar teaspoon baking soda ( teaspoon sa&t

Me&t# ' cup butter and ' cup margarine )dd me&ted butter to dry ingredients and mi* we&&. +eserve ' cup o% the crumb mi*. ,ress remaining crumb mi* into the bottom o% a greased -. * 0. pan /ake at 01- degrees %or 2 min. (dont overcook! "ombine# can ( 2 o3! sweetened condensed mi&k and ' cup crunchy peanut butter. Mi* unti& we&&-b&ended. "are%u&&y spread mi&k mi*ture over the partia&&y-baked crust to within '. o% the edge. "ombine# reserved crumb mi* cup choc chips

4prink&e crumb mi* even&y over the mi&k mi*ture5 gent&y press in. "ontinue baking %or 20 6 22 min. (dont overcook!. 7et coo& about 0 min.5 s&ice whi&e sti&& warm. 8hese %ree3e we&&.

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