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CHOCOLATE BEAUTY ICING (Mom) This is definitely Moms recipe.

She used it for years, but I never heard her call it Chocolate Beauty Icing. hen I as!ed her for the recipe, she added the "ord beauty# for some reason. It "as, indeed beautiful "hen Mom iced her chiffon ca!e "ith it. She "as al"ays very proud of this icing. I used it as "ell, but found it a lot of "or! and my results "ere never as $beautiful as hers, so I gave it up after a"hile. The "or! comes from beating it over ice cubes. It doesnt al"ays beat up the "ay it should. The conclusion I have come to over the years %vouchsafed by &ue', is that Mom evaluated (uality "ith (uantity of labour. That is) if there "ere many steps and operations involved in a ba!ing or coo!ing effort, the result "ould be e*cellent. If it "as rather simple, the result could only be mediocre. Therefore, she added many steps and (ualifications %if you turn the temperature do"n + degrees for the first ,- minutes and then lo"er it and move the pan to the lo"er rac! for a further .- minutes, /.'to her favourite recipes. This is her recipe and the result "as al"ays successful#for her, so I guess she !ne" "hat she "as doing0 1 cups icing sugar (sifted) teaspoon salt 1 egg cup milk 4 tablespoons soft butter 6 tablespoons cocoa 1 teaspoon vanilla Place all ingredients in a bowl in t e order listed Beat for one minute! Place bowl in a pan of ice water and beat for " to 1# minutes of until of spreading consistency! $ill and frost c iffon cake layers

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