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GHENGIS KAHN This recipe came home with me from Botswana.

I got it from Jane McDonald, a British volunteer and excellent cook. Botswana is a cattle-raising countr . !ealth is measured " num"er of cattle owned. #attle is grass fed at the cattle posts. The "eef is ver tender and tast . $ocal people cook it in large, "lack cast-iron pots over a wood or charcoal fire. Jane and I made this one evening when she visited me. !e served it over rice. Jane gave me a hint a"out cooking rice- a hint I%ve used ever since. &he said the wa to measure the amount of water re'uired is to dip one%s finger in the water and (ust touch the rice. The water should reach (ust up to the arc of one%s cuticle. Then the rice should "e "rought to a "oil and the heat turned down to simmer for )* minutes. The rice should "e done and "e fluff . 1 lb beef or mutton cut into pieces 4 carrots thinly sliced 2 stalks of celery cup Soya sauce 2 large sliced onions 2 green peppers cup Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Brown beef in skillet Add and stir fry the remaining ingredients only until !egetables are tender" but not o!er done Add sauces and seeds

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