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MERINGUE There are no directions to this recipe, so I guess you just beat it and pile it on the pie.

2 egg whites sprinkled with a pinch of salt 2 tablespoons cold water teaspoons corn starch teaspoon baking powder The Foolproof Meringue is from Aunt Helen, Mom s younger sister. Aunt Helen !as a great coo" among a family of great coo"s. #nli"e her sisters, ho!e$er, she !or"ed in some of the top hotels in %algary and !as therefore pri$y to coo"ing and ser$ing meals in &high style . 'he described to me once ho! particular they !ere at one of these dining rooms and ho! she had been in charge of the presentation of formal meals. It seems her eldest daughter, (ac"ie, has inherited her mother s e)pertise. *e don t really "no! her family, as they li$e in %algary. FOOLPROOF MERINGUE In a small pot, mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 tablespoons cold water and add cup boiling water. Cook 2 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. eat ! egg whites not too stiff and beat in " tablespoons sugar, 1#$ teaspoon cream of tartar and 1#$ teaspoon salt. eat sugar in well. Add cornstarch mixture all at once and beat in well. ake at !%& for 1% minutes.

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