The Monkeys and The Cap Seller (Tugas Milik Ronal Xi Ips 1)

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The Monkeys and The Cap Seller Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle.

He was very tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the monkeys is wearing a cap of on its head. They had evidently done it to imitate him He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he begun to make gesture, the monkeys also imitated him. At last he found a clever idea. " Monkeys are a great imitator," he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. And as he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw the caps down on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away. The generic structure of above narrative story is: Orientation: The cap seller as the participant (main character), once time as time setting, and in the jungle as place setting. We note from discussion that the elements of orientation is shortly answering who, when and where of the story. Complication: The cap seller wants the monkeys to bring back his caps but the monkeys do not return them. Of course this makes the cap seller face a problem. Complication in a narrative text is not always in single problem. That is we know a major conflict and minor conflict. Resolution: The cap seller gets the monkey to bring back the cap by acting of throwing his own cap. The monkeys imitate what he has done so the problem is is solved. This story has happy ending as the cap seller has his caps returned.

Monkeys dan The Cap Penjual Sekali, seorang penjual topi sedang melewati hutan. Dia sangat lelah dan perlu istirahat. Kemudian, ia berhenti dan membentangkan kain di bawah pohon. Dia menaruh tasnya penuh topi di dekatnya dan berbaring dengan topinya di kepalanya. Penjual topi memiliki suara tidur selama satu jam. Ketika ia bangun, hal pertama yang ia lakukan adalah untuk melihat ke dalam tasnya. Dia terkejut ketika ia menemukan semua topi nya tidak ada di sana. Ketika ia mendongak langit, dia sangat terkejut melihat monyet duduk di cabang-cabang pohon, setiap monyet memakai topi di atas kepalanya. Mereka rupanya melakukannya untuk menirunya Dia memutuskan untuk mendapatkan topi kembali dengan membuat permintaan rendah hati monyet. Sebagai imbalannya, monyet hanya membuat wajah dia. Ketika ia mulai membuat gerakan, monyet juga menirunya. Akhirnya ia menemukan ide yang cerdas. "Monyet adalah peniru ulung," pikirnya. Jadi ia melepas topinya sendiri dan melemparkannya ke tanah. Dan seperti yang telah diharapkan, semua monyet melepas topi dan melemparkan topi di atas tanah. Dengan cepat, ia berdiri dan mengumpulkan topi, menempatkan mereka kembali ke dalam tasnya dan pergi.

Struktur generik cerita narasi di atas adalah: Orientasi: Penjual cap sebagai peserta (tokoh utama), sekali waktu sebagai pengaturan waktu, dan di hutan sebagai tempat pengaturan. Kami mencatat dari diskusi bahwa unsur-unsur orientasi segera menjawab siapa, kapan dan di mana cerita. Komplikasi: Penjual topi menginginkan monyet untuk membawa kembali topi, tapi monyet tidak mengembalikannya. Tentu saja hal ini membuat penjual topi menghadapi masalah. Komplikasi dalam sebuah teks narasi tidak selalu dalam masalah tunggal. Itulah kita tahu konflik besar dan konflik kecil. Resolusi: Penjual topi mendapatkan monyet untuk membawa kembali tutup dengan bertindak melemparkan topinya sendiri. Monyet-monyet meniru apa yang telah dilakukan sehingga masalah tersebut terpecahkan. Cerita ini memiliki happy ending sebagai penjual topi memiliki caps-nya kembali.

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