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CIEH Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)


The CIEH has worked with LLUK, and gained their endorsement for a new qualification the Level ! "ward in #re$aring to Teach in the Lifelong Learning %ector &#TLL%'(

This qualification will hel$ candidates to gain a threshold licence to $ractise as a trainer(

"longside the launch of the CIEH #TLL% qualification the CIEH are launching the new Level ! "ward in Teaching %kills and #ractice &T%#' qualification, which will re$lace the $o$ular CIEH #rofessional Trainer Certificate &#TC'(

The training $rogramme for the CIEH Level ! #TLL% includes the CIEH Level ! "ward in Training %kills and #ractice &T%#'( It is designed to )e delivered in !* hours of teaching time, not including )reaks, and revision and $ractice sessions, with an additional !* hours for assimilation, consolidation and assignment $lanning, develo$ment and su)mission( Outline $rogramme

Understand +our own role, res$onsi)ilities and )oundaries of role in relation to teaching Understand a$$ro$riate teaching and learning a$$roaches within a s$ecialist area ,emonstrate +our session $lanning skills micro teaching session $lan, deliver, o)serve and evaluate a

Understand how to deliver inclusive sessions that motivate learners Understand the use of different assessment methods Understand and anal+se the need for accurate record kee$ing and $rocedures that can )e ado$ted including internal and e-ternal assessment information(

.ualification information
Course duration "ssessment Ofqual accredited #rerequisite %uggested $rogression

/ five da+ $rogramme / one $ractical and two written assignments / 0es / 1one Level 2 "ward in #re$aring to Teach in the Lifelong Learning / %ector or Level !32 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning %ector &CTLL%'

e-amination fee(

I15 2*,***3

which includes course fee, notes, &"$$lica)le onl+ in India'

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