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Knowledge of Legal Terminology

A crime () is an offense against the public at large.

Laws that impose a penalty or punishment for a wrong against society are called Penal Laws.

Crimes are divided into three principle groups: Treason, Felonies and Misdemeanors.
- -
Treason : () was divided into high treason (acts against the King) and Petit Treason (acts against
ones maser or lord) ()
( )
Felonies are a major crime.
Misdemeanor is a less serious crime then a felony.

Disturbing the place and petty larceny are examples of Misdemeanor.

Accomplices is anyone who take part with other in the commission of a crime.

Principle in the second Degree is one who did not commit the act, but was actually or constructively present,
aiding and abetting another in the commission of a felony.

Accessories before the fact : is one who procures, counsels, or commands other to commit a felony, but who is
not present when the felony is committed.

Accessories after the Fact : is one who receive, relieves comfort, or assists other with knowledge that the other
person has committed a felony.

Larceny : is wrongful taking carrying away of personal property of another with the intent to steal.

A Wrongful taking: mean that a trespass to some one elses possession of
goods(articles of personal property)
: ( )
Asportations is act that involves a removal of the property from the place it formerly occupied.

Degree of Larceny by statute ( a law passed by a legislature), Larceny is divided two degree :
o Petit Larceny (Petit= small ) ( )
o Grand Larceny ( ) ( 250$ .
Larceny by false pretenses is the act of knowingly and deliberately obtaining the property of other by false
pretenses with intent to defraud.

By SAM Sacha

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Bribery is illegal to give money or other items to public official to sway their official activity.

Extortion is action public officials to demand payment from other for doing official acts.

Robbery : is defined as the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal property of another
from the others person or personal custody, and against the others will by force and violence.


Taking from the personal or person Custody

Taking against the Others Will

Force and Violence

Penalty for Robbery

is greater than that for larceny

Mayhem was violently depriving others of the use of such as may render them less able in fighting
either to defend themselves or to annoy their adversary.


is an attempt to commit a battery.

Battery is the unpermitted, physical contact with another person in an angry, revengeful, rude,
insolent, or reckless manner.

Rape : was defined as the unlawful, forcible, carnal knowledge by a man of a woman,
against her will, or without her consent.

The essential elements of the crime follow :


Carnal knowledge mean the slightest penetration of the sexual organ of the woman by the
sexual of the man.

Force by the man had to be such as would overcome physical resistance by the
woman, and the woman had to resist to prove that force occurred, and that she did not consent to the act.

Non-consent by the woman

Statutory Rape : is sexual intercourse with a child under the age

set by the particular state statute regardless of whether the child consent or not.

By SAM Sacha

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Self- defense

is an excuse for the use of force in resisting attack, especially for killing an

Exclusions under Common Law

Proximate Cause

Felonious Homicide is homicide done with the intent to commit a felony.

Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human begin by another

with malice aforethought.

Malice is evil intent
Degree of Murder
First-Degree Murder
Second-Degree Murder In some states, murder that is not found to be in the first degree is
degree is murder in the second degree

Manslaughter Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of one human

being by another without malice aforethought.

Voluntary Manslaughter. Voluntary Manslaughter occurs when an intention to kill exists but through the violene
of Sudden passion, occasioned by some great provocation.

Involuntary Manslaughter. Involuntary Manslaughter is the unintentional killing of another while in the
commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony, or in the commission of a wanton or reckless act.

By SAM Sacha

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