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RESEARCH INTERESTS AND SPECIALISMS Ecocriticism Literary theory and narratology Twentieth and twenty-first century British literature, including non-fiction Literature and photography The fiction of John Burnside EDUCATION 2008 2012 PhD in contemporary British literature. Department of English, Radboud University Nijmegen. Ecocriticism and the Contemporary British Novel.
Supervisors: Prof dr Odin Dekkers; Dr Greg Garrard (Bath Spa University, UK) Examination committee: Prof dr Sofie Levie (Radboud University Nijmegen), Prof dr Dominic Head (University of Nottingham), Dr Maarten Depourcq (Radboud University Nijmegen).

2001 2005

MA English Language and Culture. Leiden University. Specialization: 19th and 20th-century British and American literature.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2013 present 2013 2012 present 2009 present 2007 2009 2005 2008 Lecturer. Department of English, University of Amsterdam.
(0.45 fte)

Lecturer. Department of English, HAN University of Applied Sciences. (0.6 fte, replacement due to maternity leave) Lecturer. PGCE English HAN University of Applied Sciences.
(0.2 fte)

Lecturer. Department of English, Radboud University Nijmegen.

(0.2 fte)

Lecturer. Department of English, Leiden University.

(0.2 fte)

Lecturer. InHolland University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam.

(0.8 fte)



(* denotes invited publications)

Monograph projects (in planning) 2012

More than Green: Contemporary Fiction and its Challenges to Ecocriticism. Target publisher: University of Virginia Press Ecocriticism and the Contemporary British Novel. Dissertation Radboud University Nijmegen.

Peer-reviewed journal articles (under review) Man is the story-telling animal: Narratives of Place in Graham Swifts Waterland and the Future of Ecocriticism. Under review with Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment. 24 pp. (forthcoming) 2010 Solitaries, Outcasts and Doubles: the Fictional Oeuvre of John Burnside. English Studies. 22 pp. Redrawing the Boundaries of Ecocritical Practice. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 17.4: 76568. Ecocriticism and English Studies: an Introduction (with Margurite Corporaal). English Studies 91.7: 709-12.


Journal articles (not peer-reviewed) (forthcoming) * Ecocriticism in the Twenty-First Century: New Nature Writing and Contemporary Natural Landscapes. Alluvium special issue on ecocriticism. 2013 * Wastelands, Shrubs, and Parks: Ecocriticism and the Challenge of the Urban. Frame 26.2: 7-22.

Chapters in edited collections (forthcoming) * Anything that mattered couldnt be talked about in words: Language and Photography in John Burnsides Fiction. Collection of articles on John Burnside. Eds. Julika Griem and Helga Schwalm. 18 pp. (forthcoming) * The Contemporary English Novel and Its Challenges to Ecocriticism. The Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism. Ed. Greg Garrard. 24 pp. (estimated publication date: 1 Nov 2013) * Literatuur, Plaats en Plaatsverbondenheid: Graham Swifts Waterland. Filosofische Beschouwingen over Plaats. Verbondenheid met natuur en landschap. Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij. 148-61.


Reviews (forthcoming)

EnvironMentality, Roman Bartosch. Green Letters.

CURRICULUM VITAE ASTRID BRACKE (forthcoming) 2012 2012

Feminist Ecocriticism, Douglas A. Vakoch. English Studies. Book review: Axel Goodbody and Kate Rigby, Ecocritical Theory. New European Approaches. Ecozon@. 3.2: 197-201. Book review: Timothy Clark, The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment. Ecozon@ 3.1: 127-30.

Edited publications 2013 2010 Awards 2012 Guest editor. Image & Narrative. Guest editor special Issue on Ecocriticism. English Studies 91.7.

PhD award for completion before the end of contract. Graduate School for the Humanities, Radboud University Nijmegen.

Funding Internal funding bids 2010 2012 6700 for conference organization and international research visits. External funding bids 2013 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (under review) 2013 Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Veni. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Success rate: 11%. Academic organisation and research environment 2013 Editorial board member. Postgraduate English. 10/2013 2012 present 10/2012 Research visit. Ecocriticism and nature writing. University of Idaho. Founding board member. Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture and the Environment. Primary organizer international conference Worth a Thousand Words: At the Intersections of Literature and the Visual Arts. 24 26 October 2012. Radboud University Nijmegen. Research visit UK literature and photography (University of Durham; University of East London; Birbeck University of London) Assistant European Society for Periodical Research. Primary organizer international conference New Grounds: Ecocriticism, Globalization and Cultural Memory. 13 15 January 2010. Radboud University Nijmegen.


2010 present 01/2010


2009 present 2009 2011

Member interdisciplinary Visions of Nature research group. Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen. Member of postgraduate committee. Netherlands Graduate School for Literary Studies. Organizational and administrative tasks. Research assistant Devil Theatre: Demonic Possession and Exorcism in English Renaissance Drama, 1558 1642 by Dr JanFrans van Dijkhuizen. Department of English, Leiden University.


Talks and guest lectures 10/2013 Ecocriticism and contemporary British literature. English Department lunch meeting. University of Idaho, Moscow ID. 05/2012 Cloud Atlas, Apocalypse and Ecocriticism. English Department. Radboud University Nijmegen. 10/2011 Ecocriticism. Cultural Studies Department. Radboud University Nijmegen. 12/2008 Ecocriticism and Cultural Memory. Cultural Studies Department. Radboud University Nijmegen.

Selected conference papers

(*denotes invited papers)

06/2014 08/2013 06/2013 11/2012 09/2011 09/2010 06/2009 07/2008 06/2007 09/2006 06/2006

The Making of a Genre: A Network Approach to New Nature Writing. What Happens Now. 14 17 July 2014. University of Lincoln, UK. The New British Nature Writing: Forms, Themes and Ecocritical Approaches. ASLE-UKI Conference 2013. University of Sussex. The Unseen Photograph in Contemporary British Fiction. International Conference on Narrative 2013. Manchester Metropolitan University. * Ecocriticism and the Contemporary British Novel. BASCE meeting. Radboud University Nijmegen. * Language was too difficult: the Limits of Language and NonLinguistic Forms of Expression in Burnsides Fiction. John Burnside Colloquium. Technische Universitt Darmstadt. Imagining Disaster: the Success and Failure of Apocalyptic Narratives. ASLE-UK/EASLCE Conference. Bath University. Ecocriticism and Cultural Memory. ASLE 2009 Conference. University of Victoria, Canada. Images of Post-Apocalyptic Nature in David Mitchells Cloud Atlas. ASLE-UK 2008 Conference. University of Edinburgh. Escape or Warning? Environmental Concerns in Contemporary British Fiction. ASLE 2007 Conference. Wofford College, Spartanburg SC. The too-much loved earth: Human-Nonhuman Relations in A.S. Byatts Fiction. ASLE-UK Conference. University of Lincoln. Rooted to the Middle of the Earth: Crossing the HumanNonhuman Boundary in Virginia Woolfs Novels. 16th Annual

CURRICULUM VITAE ASTRID BRACKE International Conference on Virginia Woolf. University of Birmingham. ACADEMIC TEACHING Teacher training 2009 2012 2005 2008 Courses taught Department of English, University of Amsterdam (2013 present) Critical Approaches to Literature and Culture (MA); Globalization and Narrative (MA); Urban Fictions: Imagining the City in British Novels of the 21st century (BA 3, module convenor); English Research Seminar (BA 3); Modernism and Postmodernism (BA2); Literature 1 and Academic Writing (BA1); BA and MA thesis supervision. Department of English, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen (2013) Young Adult Fiction (BA 2); Australian Literature (BA 1); American Culture (BA 1); Language Skills (BA 1); English Vocabulary (BA 1); Grammar (BA1); BA thesis supervision. PGCE English. HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen (2012 present)
(average student evaluation mark: 3.35 on 4-point scale)

HE Teaching Qualification (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs) Radboud University Nijmegen. Workshops on tutorship, supervision and course design InHolland University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam.

17th and 18th-century British literature (MA; module convenor); 19th and 20th-century British literature (MA; module convenor); The English Novel (MA; module convenor).

Department of English, Radboud University Nijmegen (2009 present)

(average student evaluation mark: 4.6 on 5-point scale)

English Studies Now (BA3; module convenor); Empire & Beyond: Postcolonial Literatures in English (BA 2/3; module co-convenor); Wuthering Heights (BA 2/3; module convenor); Introduction to Literary Studies (BA1; module coconvenor); British Modernist Fiction (BA2/3; module convenor);

CURRICULUM VITAE ASTRID BRACKE 18th and 17th-century British Literature in Context (BA2; module convenor); Postcolonialism and Empire (MA); MA thesis supervision; Tutor year 1.

Department of English, Leiden University (2007 2009)

(average student evaluation mark: 4.3 on 5-point scale)

Contemporary Literatures in English (BA3; module convenor); Contemporary British Literature (BA3; module convenor); British Literature 1660 1785 (BA1); Basic Academic Skills (BA1); Second reader MA theses.

InHolland University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam (2005 2008) Grammar and Writing (BA1-4; module convenor); Business English (BA1-4; module convenor); Legal English (BA2-4; module convenor); Cross Cultural Management (BA2-4; module convenor); Tutor year 1-3; Project and internship supervision.

SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION 2013 present 2012 present 2012 2011 2011 present 2011 present 2005 2006 Chair curriculum committee. HAN University of Applied Sciences. Staff member curriculum committee. HAN University of Applied Sciences. Contributor student recruitment activities (lectures, open days). Department of English, Radboud University Nijmegen. Advisor Taylor & Francis on the acquisition of Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. Advisor on American and British fiction. Dutch Foundation for Literature. Convenor Best Practices sessions on teaching. Department of English, Radboud University Nijmegen. Coordinator student recruitment activities (open days, campus visits, workshops). InHolland University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam.

Professional Memberships Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture and the Environment.

CURRICULUM VITAE ASTRID BRACKE European Association for the Study of Art, Culture and the Environment. Society for Novel Studies. International Society for the Study of Narrative.

REFERENCES Prof. dr Odin Dekkers Current supervisor Professor of English Literature and Director of Education Radboud University Nijmegen Dr Rudolph Glitz Current supervisor Interim chair of English literature University of Amsterdam Dr Greg Garrard External PhD supervisor Sustainability Professor, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies University of British Columbia

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