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Present Continuous FORM

[am/is/are + present participle] Examples: You are watching TV. Are you watching TV? You are not watching TV.

USE 1 Now

Use the Present ontinuous !ith "ormal Ver#s to express the i$ea that somethin% is happenin% no!& at this 'ery moment. (t can also #e use$ to sho! that somethin% is not happenin% no!. Examples: You are learning En%lish no!. You are not swimming no!. Are you sleeping? ( am sitting. ( am not standing. (s he sitting or standing? They are reading their #oo)s. They are not watching tele'ision. *hat are you doing? *hy aren't you doing your home!or)?

USE 2 onger !ctions in Progress Now

(n En%lish& +no!+ can mean: this secon$& to$ay& this month& this year& this century& an$ so on. ,ometimes& !e use the Present ontinuous to say that !e are in the process o- $oin% a lon%er action !hich is in pro%ress. ho!e'er& !e mi%ht not #e $oin% it at this exact secon$. Examples: /All o- these sentences can #e sai$ !hile eatin% $inner in a restaurant.0

( am stud"ing to #ecome a $octor. ( am not stud"ing to #ecome a $entist. ( am reading the #oo) Tom Sawyer. ( am not reading any #oo)s ri%ht no!. Are you wor#ing on any special pro1ects at !or)? Aren2t you teaching at the uni'ersity no!?

USE $ Near Future

,ometimes& spea)ers use the Present ontinuous to in$icate that somethin% !ill or !ill not happen in the near -uture. Examples: ( am meeting some -rien$s a-ter !or). ( am not going to the party toni%ht. (s he %isiting his parents next !ee)en$? (sn2t he coming !ith us toni%ht?

USE & Repetition and 'rritation with (!lwa"s(

The Present ontinuous !ith !or$s such as +al!ays+ or +constantly+ expresses the i$ea that somethin% irritatin% or shoc)in% o-ten happens. "otice that the meanin% is li)e ,imple Present& #ut !ith ne%ati'e emotion. 3emem#er to put the !or$s +al!ays+ or +constantly+ #et!een +#e+ an$ +'er#+in%.+ Examples: ,he is alwa"s coming to class late. 4e is constantl" tal#ing. ( !ish he !oul$ shut up. ( $on2t li)e them #ecause they are alwa"s complaining.

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