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Comenius project meeting SKILLS FOR LIFE, SKILLS FOR FUTURE Loimaan lukio upper secondary sc ool !

uistokatu "# Loimaa, Finland

Oct #t $ "%t , %&"' !rogram( Sunday, Octo)er #t Arrival of the participants from Hungary, Spain, Poland and Slovakia *onday, Octo)er +t
-Meeting all participants at school in the morning

-some instructions and a tour of the school -visitors present themselves -lunch at school -presentations made by the students on buildings,places/ sites of special significance, being part of the National Heritage in the partner countries
Tuesday, Octo)er ,t -meeting at school in the morning

-bus to urku -guided visits to urku !astle and !athedral -lunch in to"n and time for shopping -Mega#one - la#er adventure
-ednesday, Octo)er .t -lessons at school "ith the host students, teachers$ meeting

-lunch at school -Presentations% Hospitality rules in your countries & manners of conduct "hich are close to 'usiness (ti)uette -visit to Pemamek *"elding automation company+ in ,oimaa -evening program together "ith the students% bo"ling and sauna

Thursday, October 10th

-meeting at school -presentations made by students% ,and survey & analy#ing and presenting the types of lodgings, houses people inhabit-lunch at school -bus to Sarka museum *Agricultural museum of .inland+, guided tour of the museum, and a craft "orkshop & making a "ooden souvenir -afternoon at school% baking / games together

Friday, Octo)er ""t

/meeting at school

-bus to ammela, Nature !entre of H/me -afternoon% get-together at school *bring a taste of your country and prepare a short $program$ -basketball match *Nilan 'isons from ,oimaa are the .innish champions from last spring and this is the beginning of the ne" season0+

Saturday, Octo)er "%t 1eparture

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