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ProQuest/EBSCOhost Assignment English 102 25 points Look up the topic you re! "or your APA pro#ect$ %&rro!

it o!n &s &ppropri&te$ 'o to ProQuest( using either the ))CC Cl&rkston Li*r&ry !e*site or http+//pro,uest$umi$com/p, !e* -usern&me+ s 2!m2*.k!/ p&ss!or + !elcome0$ O1 go to EBSCOhost( using our !e*site or http+//se&rch$e*scohost$com/ usern&me+ !!cc/ p&ss!or + e*sco0$ Select &n &rticle th&t interests you &n re& it$ On &n in e2 c&r ( put the *i*liogr&phic in"orm&tion &long the top+ &uthor( title o" &rticle( title o" #ourn&l/ne!sp&per/m&g&3ine( &te o" &rticle( p&ge-s0 o" &rticle$ Put this in APA format for a print article (there is no need to indicate ProQuest or EBSCOhost if the article originally appeared in print). See p&ges 40 -"or &n &rticle0 &n 4. -"or & ne!sp&per0 in your APA *ooklet$ 5hen *rie"ly summ&ri3e !h&t the &rticle !&s &*out$ 6&ke sure you put your n&me some!here on the c&r -*&ck is O70$

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